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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Feeling like Eye Flu

Today morning, I feeling my right eye as suffering from eye flu. It is slightly red, slightly wet, but not running. Some irritation feeling. Few days back one member in my family suffered from left eye swelling, redness & irritation, but in my swelling in negligible.

Please advise some homeopathic remedy to avoid this
  Spicey on 2010-08-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
No one replied, but last night it is confirmed as eye sore(conjective), that is commonly called as eye flu.

Some acne like feeling on the inner side of upper and lower lid of right eye. Eye is red with slight swelling.

Presently I am using Belladona 30 thrice a day, and Ferrum Phos. 6X and Kali Mur. 6X four times a day.

please put your suggestions if you have some idea about this, for fast relief.
Spicey last decade
please use euphrasia 30 thrice a day after that take belladona 200 and pulsatilla 200 it is a proven formula
njain456 last decade
Thank you Mr. Jain for your suggestions, but you have not mentioned for how many days Euphrasia 30 is to be used.

However my case has passed 1 month & it has cured 3 weeks past. So would like to discuss with you if you like.

Actually I read in a book that Treatment should be started with Merc. Cor. 6X or 30 twice a day for one day, followed by another suitable remedy. So, I used Merc Cor 30 Thrice for One day followed by Argentum Nit 30 Thrice a day for Three days only, and I recoved within a week. Same treatment used for wife,& she's also well. But it did not effective for 7 months baby. Then we consult Eye specialist, using allopathy. eye cured, but today morning eye was stuck with lacrymation . Also her Coryza is not well for last 1 and half week. Thick discharge from the nose, restlessness, difficulty in breathing in bed, chest also blocked. Gelsimum 30 used but no effect, now Ars Alb 30 & Bryonia 30 are in use.

Please suggest appropriate remedy.

Thank you
Spicey last decade

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