The ABC Homeopathy Forum
dr kadwa pls help - lpr & ibs
I am 20 yr old, male.I have two main problems - IBS(from past two years) and LPR(Laryngopharyngeal Reflux)(from past one year).
My symptoms are as follows-
LPR - feeling of mucus in throat especially at early morning and night along with pain, frequent need to clear the throat, sore throat, pain aggravates on speaking for long time, feeling of acid reflux accompanied rarely by heartburns, abdominal constrictions on both sides below the ribs
IBS - anxiety, very loose stools, flatulence , inflammation feeling in rectum after passing stool, mild irritation in anal region especially on the day when very loose stool is passed, sometimes abdominal cramps in the morning, however no frequent urge to go to toilet
Other symptoms includes headache(almost everyday), feeling sleepy all day, very uncomfortable sleep at night due to dreams, feeling very tired on waking up in morning.
I did a bit of research on homeo remedies for my problem and found some very appropriate for my symptoms-
IBS - Nux Vomica
Anxiety - Arsenicum Album/Kali Phos
Other symptoms - Alfalfa Tonic
I have earlier taken Nux Vomica(30c and 200c) many times for my IBS problems but the problem is that it gives relief till I am taking the medicine and the symptoms come back on stopping the doses.
I have also taken Kali Phos 6x bio-chemic pellets for about 15 days about 6 months ago but it didn't gave any releif.
Please advice me remedies for both of my problems - LPR & IBS.
askss on 2010-08-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Phosphorus 200c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and see how that affects you in the next 15 days.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dr kadwa, I need to confirm one thing.
I have taken nux vomica 200c two days ago only one dose(4 drops in 20ml water) at night only. Can I start taking phosphorous from tomorrow??
Pls rply and thanks for your advice.
I have taken nux vomica 200c two days ago only one dose(4 drops in 20ml water) at night only. Can I start taking phosphorous from tomorrow??
Pls rply and thanks for your advice.
askss last decade
It is better to have a gap of some more days before taking Phos.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dr. kadwa
I took Phosphorus 200c on 10th of this month as per your advice and 15 days have been completed.
The remedy had an magical effect on me. Immediately from the next day of taking doses my stool became normal however with some constipation, anxiety levels reduced, acid reflux reduced, no pain in throat, no morning cramps, no frequent headaches.
But after 4-5 days of taking remedy I catched a viral flu which disturbed my throat and body very badly.
My current status is- stool became loose again from past 2-3 days, no throat pain related to LPR however there is cough & mucus associated with the flu, anxiety levels moderate, no heartburns. Specially after flu I have low energy levels, weakness & low appetite.
Should I take another dose of Phos200 or some other remedy??
Pls reply Dr. kadwa.
I took Phosphorus 200c on 10th of this month as per your advice and 15 days have been completed.
The remedy had an magical effect on me. Immediately from the next day of taking doses my stool became normal however with some constipation, anxiety levels reduced, acid reflux reduced, no pain in throat, no morning cramps, no frequent headaches.
But after 4-5 days of taking remedy I catched a viral flu which disturbed my throat and body very badly.
My current status is- stool became loose again from past 2-3 days, no throat pain related to LPR however there is cough & mucus associated with the flu, anxiety levels moderate, no heartburns. Specially after flu I have low energy levels, weakness & low appetite.
Should I take another dose of Phos200 or some other remedy??
Pls reply Dr. kadwa.
askss last decade
Please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for few days..
natrum sulph 6x
kali mur 6x
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x
kali mur 6x
kali phos 6x
♡ kadwa last decade
Dr. Kadwa
I have taken Nat Sulph 6X, Kali Mur 6X, Kali Phos 6X as per your advice and it has been 7th day of taking these pellets.
The earlier symptoms of throat pain with mucus have disappeared, but the problem of loose stool with constipation increased day by day. From past two days I am again feeling irritation and inflammation around anal region probably due to mucus discharge from rectum - a common symptom of IBS. Anxiety levels are as it is. No frequent headaches. No abdominal cramps. No heartburn.
Also my weight is only 54 with height 5'10'. So, I want to take Alfalfa(if you advice) for gaining weight as I am having hard time gaining weight mostly due to fast rate of metabolism and also due to frequent illness. I have tendency to loose some weight even if I get a viral fever for 4-5 days. My thyroid tests - TSH,FT3,FT4 are otherwise normal. Please specify the correct potency and dosage of alfalfa for me.
So, Please advice further remedy course and also specify if I can take alfalfa along with it.
Please reply Dr. Kadwa. Thanks in advance.
I have taken Nat Sulph 6X, Kali Mur 6X, Kali Phos 6X as per your advice and it has been 7th day of taking these pellets.
The earlier symptoms of throat pain with mucus have disappeared, but the problem of loose stool with constipation increased day by day. From past two days I am again feeling irritation and inflammation around anal region probably due to mucus discharge from rectum - a common symptom of IBS. Anxiety levels are as it is. No frequent headaches. No abdominal cramps. No heartburn.
Also my weight is only 54 with height 5'10'. So, I want to take Alfalfa(if you advice) for gaining weight as I am having hard time gaining weight mostly due to fast rate of metabolism and also due to frequent illness. I have tendency to loose some weight even if I get a viral fever for 4-5 days. My thyroid tests - TSH,FT3,FT4 are otherwise normal. Please specify the correct potency and dosage of alfalfa for me.
So, Please advice further remedy course and also specify if I can take alfalfa along with it.
Please reply Dr. Kadwa. Thanks in advance.
askss last decade
Please take a single dose of Phosphorus 200c for only one day (not daily) and see how that affects you in the next 15 days. No alfalfa.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hello Dr. Kadwa
I took a single dose of Phosphorous 200C as you advised and this is the 6th day of taking the remedy.
You advised me to see the effect in 15 days but I have to write this because this time the remedy did not affected the way it had earlier. The only effect I have noticed is that the stool is not that loose as it was earlier but along with some constipation. Throat pain emerged again.
So, I am giving you a more detailed description of my current symptoms-
1. Pain in throat- noticed while empty stomach or after few hours of eating something, usually noticed at early morning, noon, around 3-4 pm, sometimes at night. Sensation of mucus is now felt only sometimes especially in morning not always. Sometimes feeling of acid reflux in oesophagus is also noticed.
2. IBS - loose stools(currently stool is somewhat better after taking phosphorus), some constipation, burning sensation in anal region only on passing loose stool otherwise no sensation is felt, feeling of inflammation starts few minutes after passing stool and continues for about 10-15 minutes, sensations worse after bathing, irritation in anal region felt on sitting on the day of passing loose stool always in morning, sometimes in afternoon and rarely at night, stool sensitive to anxiety and not much to diet.
3. Anxiety- worse from disappointment, tension, sadness, grief, issues of personal life, shock from an unexpected thing, getting worried about small things, tensed about own health and family's health. A very strange feeling of unusual consciousness gets which alters my walking style or makes me nervous thinking people are watching me on walking alone amidst public like crossing a busy road, walking on a busy street,in a canteen, in malls, auditoriums etc however no such feeling is observed on walking along with someone. Often gets hand tremor on getting anxious and body tremor with increased heart rate when too much anxious.
4. Sleep- get sleep easily but often disturbed multiple times at night due to vivid dreams and wake up for few seconds or minutes but next morning could not remember what the dream was, in morning a feeling of tiredness remains as if I have not slept or more precisely I feel as if body rested but mind was busy whole night.
5. Mind - A great lack of concentration on studying which developed along with IBS-anxiety disorder, also memorization power considerably reduced.
6. Other problems includes headaches after driving, underweight due to high rate of metabolism.
General nature - introvert, emotional but does not show up, hides feelings, rather pessimist, worried, philosophical, very possessive about some matters, helpful, gets angry and disturbed easily but does not show up, hesitant, analytical, decisive, strongly feels isolated and neglected, eager to start new things but very lazy to continue or finish them.
General physique - Tall, slim, round face, fair complexion.
Likes - eat only selected foods, craves spicy foods, craves sweet foods, cold drinks, likes winter season, thunderstorms.
Dislikes - Warm drinks(tea etc.), salty foods, summer season
Fears- Fear of insects or I must say phobia of insects especially flying insects, lizards, grasshoppers and locusts. Fear of sleeping alone, some fear of ghosts.
I hope all these details will help in analyzing the problem more effectively and selecting the remedy more confidently. Please ask if any other details are required.
Please reply Dr. Kadwa. Thanks in advance.
I took a single dose of Phosphorous 200C as you advised and this is the 6th day of taking the remedy.
You advised me to see the effect in 15 days but I have to write this because this time the remedy did not affected the way it had earlier. The only effect I have noticed is that the stool is not that loose as it was earlier but along with some constipation. Throat pain emerged again.
So, I am giving you a more detailed description of my current symptoms-
1. Pain in throat- noticed while empty stomach or after few hours of eating something, usually noticed at early morning, noon, around 3-4 pm, sometimes at night. Sensation of mucus is now felt only sometimes especially in morning not always. Sometimes feeling of acid reflux in oesophagus is also noticed.
2. IBS - loose stools(currently stool is somewhat better after taking phosphorus), some constipation, burning sensation in anal region only on passing loose stool otherwise no sensation is felt, feeling of inflammation starts few minutes after passing stool and continues for about 10-15 minutes, sensations worse after bathing, irritation in anal region felt on sitting on the day of passing loose stool always in morning, sometimes in afternoon and rarely at night, stool sensitive to anxiety and not much to diet.
3. Anxiety- worse from disappointment, tension, sadness, grief, issues of personal life, shock from an unexpected thing, getting worried about small things, tensed about own health and family's health. A very strange feeling of unusual consciousness gets which alters my walking style or makes me nervous thinking people are watching me on walking alone amidst public like crossing a busy road, walking on a busy street,in a canteen, in malls, auditoriums etc however no such feeling is observed on walking along with someone. Often gets hand tremor on getting anxious and body tremor with increased heart rate when too much anxious.
4. Sleep- get sleep easily but often disturbed multiple times at night due to vivid dreams and wake up for few seconds or minutes but next morning could not remember what the dream was, in morning a feeling of tiredness remains as if I have not slept or more precisely I feel as if body rested but mind was busy whole night.
5. Mind - A great lack of concentration on studying which developed along with IBS-anxiety disorder, also memorization power considerably reduced.
6. Other problems includes headaches after driving, underweight due to high rate of metabolism.
General nature - introvert, emotional but does not show up, hides feelings, rather pessimist, worried, philosophical, very possessive about some matters, helpful, gets angry and disturbed easily but does not show up, hesitant, analytical, decisive, strongly feels isolated and neglected, eager to start new things but very lazy to continue or finish them.
General physique - Tall, slim, round face, fair complexion.
Likes - eat only selected foods, craves spicy foods, craves sweet foods, cold drinks, likes winter season, thunderstorms.
Dislikes - Warm drinks(tea etc.), salty foods, summer season
Fears- Fear of insects or I must say phobia of insects especially flying insects, lizards, grasshoppers and locusts. Fear of sleeping alone, some fear of ghosts.
I hope all these details will help in analyzing the problem more effectively and selecting the remedy more confidently. Please ask if any other details are required.
Please reply Dr. Kadwa. Thanks in advance.
askss last decade
Few more additions to general nature - easily irritable, reserved, attentive to minutest of details, precise.
askss last decade
Please take a single dose of Arsenicum Album 200c for only one day (not daily) and see how that affects you in the next 15 days.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hello Dr.Kadwa
I took single dose of ArsAlb200c as you advised and today is the 15th day after taking the remedy.
The response in 15 days is as follows-
Day 1 - 3 : Normal stool, No throat pain
Day 4: Loose stool, pain in throat for whole day
Day 5 - 7 : Normal stool, Frequent pain in throat
Day 8 - 15: Alternating nature of stool sometimes very loose , sometimes normal along with some constipation, throat pain felt either in morning,afternoon or night almost everyday.
One thing that I must tell you is that this remedy had the best effect on my anxiety problems than any other remedy I have taken till date. However the effect decreased as the days passed. Another thing is that the burning and inflammation sensation around anal region probably from mucus discharge that was felt earlier after passing loose stool did not occured in this period. Although some irritation was felt on the days of passing very loose stools.
What I think is that a single dose might not have been sufficient for my ailments.
Anyways please advice further remedy course.
Please reply Dr. Kadwa
I took single dose of ArsAlb200c as you advised and today is the 15th day after taking the remedy.
The response in 15 days is as follows-
Day 1 - 3 : Normal stool, No throat pain
Day 4: Loose stool, pain in throat for whole day
Day 5 - 7 : Normal stool, Frequent pain in throat
Day 8 - 15: Alternating nature of stool sometimes very loose , sometimes normal along with some constipation, throat pain felt either in morning,afternoon or night almost everyday.
One thing that I must tell you is that this remedy had the best effect on my anxiety problems than any other remedy I have taken till date. However the effect decreased as the days passed. Another thing is that the burning and inflammation sensation around anal region probably from mucus discharge that was felt earlier after passing loose stool did not occured in this period. Although some irritation was felt on the days of passing very loose stools.
What I think is that a single dose might not have been sufficient for my ailments.
Anyways please advice further remedy course.
Please reply Dr. Kadwa
askss last decade
Please make a note as to how the two remedies ie Phos 200 and Ars Alb 200 affected you. You may take a single dose of the indicated remedy on the basis of prevailing symptoms. It is advisable not to take another remedy for 15 days after taking the indicated remedy.
Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Kapalbhati Pranayam and Anulom Vilom Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.
Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Kapalbhati Pranayam and Anulom Vilom Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dr. kadwa
Phosphorus had a great effect on my stool when 3 doses were taken for one day. But when single dose was taken no such effect was observed.
Ars Alb had a great effect on my anxiety as well as the irritation after passing loose stool when single dose was taken for one day.
Both the remedies had equal effect on my throat pain-lpr problem.
Can I take both the remedies together? Like on Day 1 I take phos 200c 3 doses and on Day 2 I take Ars alb 200c single dose then see response for 15 days???
Please advice.
Phosphorus had a great effect on my stool when 3 doses were taken for one day. But when single dose was taken no such effect was observed.
Ars Alb had a great effect on my anxiety as well as the irritation after passing loose stool when single dose was taken for one day.
Both the remedies had equal effect on my throat pain-lpr problem.
Can I take both the remedies together? Like on Day 1 I take phos 200c 3 doses and on Day 2 I take Ars alb 200c single dose then see response for 15 days???
Please advice.
askss last decade
day 1 morning
phos 200
day 1 evening
phos 200
day 2 morning
phos 200
day 3 to day 6
day 7 morning
Ars 200
day 7 evening
ars 200
day 8 morning
ars 200
day 9 to day 15
report after 15 days.
phos 200
day 1 evening
phos 200
day 2 morning
phos 200
day 3 to day 6
day 7 morning
Ars 200
day 7 evening
ars 200
day 8 morning
ars 200
day 9 to day 15
report after 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hello Dr Kadwa! Happy New Year!
I have almost same problems as the above guy have. age 38 years, hight 175 cms, weitht 70kg... color fair... stool loose n oily, stool become normal if I travel a lot but in that case I feel something oily is passing through urine. like sweets. also suffering from vitiligo's few spots and taking ASF 4x german medicine thrice daily.
I have almost same problems as the above guy have. age 38 years, hight 175 cms, weitht 70kg... color fair... stool loose n oily, stool become normal if I travel a lot but in that case I feel something oily is passing through urine. like sweets. also suffering from vitiligo's few spots and taking ASF 4x german medicine thrice daily.
surender last decade
Hello dr I have same problem since one yearnow my panic attaks are in control but there is a fog in front of my eyes when I see long and suddenly short and some kind of disturbence in mind And also my ibs problem is not completely removed I feel again some disturbence in atomic and gastic problem came back please advise me some reamedy thanks
Rahi12 last decade
Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
♡ kadwa last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.