The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Arnica --- What other Homeopaths have recorded
Members of the ABC are aware that I have had a very close relationship with Arnica which I have prescribed to many patients for ailments for which Arnica was not the remedy that any classically trained homeopath would prescribe. In my case I have never been a student in any Homeopathic college and the knowledge that I have gleaned is the result of self study of this Science since 1968 when as a skeptic I was cured of a chronic ailment by a homeopath. This evoked my interest and I decided to investigate and study this Science that seemed to be so very irrational in its concept as it used a method of dilution of a remedy which would normally result in its being rendered ineffective but which on the contrary rendered them more powerful in their effect on the patient. This was of course due to the Potentization of the remedy which was added to by Succussion of the remedy by shaking the bottle containing the Wet dose which I prescribe exclusively.I would like to record the comments of other Homeopaths who have used Arnica in the manner that I have prescribed in the Wet dose on this thread as I feel that this information deserves wider exposure to members of the ABC who may find it of interest.
I would like to add that I have taken a dose of Arnica 30c in the Wet dose nightly (or more often depending on need) since 1996 and can certify without hesitation that it has helped me in a manner that other drugs or Homeo remedies cannot equate as my BP is
♥ Joe De Livera on 2010-11-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I recently had a stent inserted in my heart immediately after a
heart attack.
I am on conventional medicines fot blood thinning-Asprin and Plavix.Ace inhibitor and beta blockers for BP.
I wish to know if taking Arnica 30C will be beneficial to me ?
Should I take Arnica in Conjunction with the above medicines?
I do take Createagus regularly as a heart tonic.pls advise
heart attack.
I am on conventional medicines fot blood thinning-Asprin and Plavix.Ace inhibitor and beta blockers for BP.
I wish to know if taking Arnica 30C will be beneficial to me ?
Should I take Arnica in Conjunction with the above medicines?
I do take Createagus regularly as a heart tonic.pls advise
Harjit last decade
To Harjit,
Thank you for resurrecting a thread which I made on November 1 2010, a little over a year ago. I must admit that it took me a while to figure out what CAD stood for and when I read your post which referred to your heart it struck me that it stood for Coronary Heart Disease.
I hope that the classical homeopaths who often question my affinity to Arnica will read and hopefully digest the valuable information that I have shared on how Arnica works in the human body in my article above. As many who may read this thread will know, I have been using Arnica nightly or more often depending on need, and I have proved during these 16 years that it is responsible for maintaining me in a state of health that I can only attribute to its amazing beneficial action on my body which many who meet me cannot believe that I am 83 years of age and still alive and kicking! I may mention here that I am the CEO of a very old family owned business organization in Colombo and I do still drive myself daily to work as I have done for the last 65 years.
I have tried in many ways to share the amazing beneficial effects that Arnica can bestow on the body but sadly the fact remains that the classically trained homeopaths just refuse to accept the proof that I project from my own self that Arnica taken in the Wet dose which I have promoted is the greatest boost that can be given to the human body which cannot possibly be equated by any other drug or tonic including vitamins, minerals etc which are marketed at high cost by Big Pharma to keep the medical profession content in milking the unsuspecting public to take increasing quantities of drugs in the mistaken hope that it is through the daily consumption of drugs that they can survive.
I have dealt with this matter in a few articles which I addressed to the local press a few weeks ago and my article the 'Pill Popping Culture' was carried in the Daily Mirror, Sri Lanka and later commented on in an Editorial which anyone reading this post can access on:
It is my hope that members who read it will stop to consider the great damage that they are doing themselves in not following my example of not popping pills as a way of life as is done in daily life by the majority of the population.
I would now like to answer your question about Arnica:
'I wish to know if taking Arnica 30C will be beneficial to me ?'
I hope that you will realize even at this late stage that you would never have had to suffer the ignominy of having a stent inserted into an artery if you had taken Arnica as soon as you had any cardiac distress in place of the multitude of pills that you would have been prescribed, a few months before surgery. If you have already read the article that Udaya Kumar who is a qualified scientist has contributed to my article which was carried in other media in the past, you will realize how Arnica works to filter the blood thereby ridding it of the debris that is present in the arterial system in the body.
It is not too late to salvage your health by taking Arnica 30c in the Wet dose on a daily basis for the rest of your life and prove to yourself the benefits that will accrue in a simple blood test for your Lipid Profile in about 4 months which you can compare with your latest blood test that would have been done prior to your Angioplasty.
You will be surprised to discover how within this period, your blood would have been filtered and the debris chiefly comprising Cholesterol and Triglycerides and other fats, eliminated. These fats and other debris are the causative agents that contributed to your CAD and it is my hope that members who are above 40 years of age and read this post, will take my advice and emulate my example to take Arnica 30 in the Wet dose on a nightly basis for life.
I shall copy my protocol to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution, in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
I would appreciate if you will please report your response with reference to your Lipid Profile levels in 4 months when you will not require the various drugs that you have been prescribed by your erstwhile doctors with whom you are invited to share my article 'The Pill Popping Culture' which may hopefully open their eyes to the damage that results from the multitude of Pills that they prescribe to the unsuspecting patient who is invariably brainwashed into the belief that these pills are their path to salvation.
You are advised to take the pills for a few weeks with the Arnica which you can take thrice daily for a month and later twice daily thereafter at which point you can stop all drugs and take only the Arnica which is best taken first thing in the morning and the last thing at night just before bed. You will find that the Creteagus will not be necessary at that stage.
Your own experience in the recent past when you suffered from Angina and other serious heart ailments have effectively proved that all the pills prescribed for your condition were not of any avail and eventually resulted in your Angioplasty which would never have been necessary if only you had taken Arnica as advised by me in the past.
Thank you for resurrecting a thread which I made on November 1 2010, a little over a year ago. I must admit that it took me a while to figure out what CAD stood for and when I read your post which referred to your heart it struck me that it stood for Coronary Heart Disease.
I hope that the classical homeopaths who often question my affinity to Arnica will read and hopefully digest the valuable information that I have shared on how Arnica works in the human body in my article above. As many who may read this thread will know, I have been using Arnica nightly or more often depending on need, and I have proved during these 16 years that it is responsible for maintaining me in a state of health that I can only attribute to its amazing beneficial action on my body which many who meet me cannot believe that I am 83 years of age and still alive and kicking! I may mention here that I am the CEO of a very old family owned business organization in Colombo and I do still drive myself daily to work as I have done for the last 65 years.
I have tried in many ways to share the amazing beneficial effects that Arnica can bestow on the body but sadly the fact remains that the classically trained homeopaths just refuse to accept the proof that I project from my own self that Arnica taken in the Wet dose which I have promoted is the greatest boost that can be given to the human body which cannot possibly be equated by any other drug or tonic including vitamins, minerals etc which are marketed at high cost by Big Pharma to keep the medical profession content in milking the unsuspecting public to take increasing quantities of drugs in the mistaken hope that it is through the daily consumption of drugs that they can survive.
I have dealt with this matter in a few articles which I addressed to the local press a few weeks ago and my article the 'Pill Popping Culture' was carried in the Daily Mirror, Sri Lanka and later commented on in an Editorial which anyone reading this post can access on:
It is my hope that members who read it will stop to consider the great damage that they are doing themselves in not following my example of not popping pills as a way of life as is done in daily life by the majority of the population.
I would now like to answer your question about Arnica:
'I wish to know if taking Arnica 30C will be beneficial to me ?'
I hope that you will realize even at this late stage that you would never have had to suffer the ignominy of having a stent inserted into an artery if you had taken Arnica as soon as you had any cardiac distress in place of the multitude of pills that you would have been prescribed, a few months before surgery. If you have already read the article that Udaya Kumar who is a qualified scientist has contributed to my article which was carried in other media in the past, you will realize how Arnica works to filter the blood thereby ridding it of the debris that is present in the arterial system in the body.
It is not too late to salvage your health by taking Arnica 30c in the Wet dose on a daily basis for the rest of your life and prove to yourself the benefits that will accrue in a simple blood test for your Lipid Profile in about 4 months which you can compare with your latest blood test that would have been done prior to your Angioplasty.
You will be surprised to discover how within this period, your blood would have been filtered and the debris chiefly comprising Cholesterol and Triglycerides and other fats, eliminated. These fats and other debris are the causative agents that contributed to your CAD and it is my hope that members who are above 40 years of age and read this post, will take my advice and emulate my example to take Arnica 30 in the Wet dose on a nightly basis for life.
I shall copy my protocol to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy:
Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution, in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.
I would appreciate if you will please report your response with reference to your Lipid Profile levels in 4 months when you will not require the various drugs that you have been prescribed by your erstwhile doctors with whom you are invited to share my article 'The Pill Popping Culture' which may hopefully open their eyes to the damage that results from the multitude of Pills that they prescribe to the unsuspecting patient who is invariably brainwashed into the belief that these pills are their path to salvation.
You are advised to take the pills for a few weeks with the Arnica which you can take thrice daily for a month and later twice daily thereafter at which point you can stop all drugs and take only the Arnica which is best taken first thing in the morning and the last thing at night just before bed. You will find that the Creteagus will not be necessary at that stage.
Your own experience in the recent past when you suffered from Angina and other serious heart ailments have effectively proved that all the pills prescribed for your condition were not of any avail and eventually resulted in your Angioplasty which would never have been necessary if only you had taken Arnica as advised by me in the past.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I failed to include the case of Robert Ray who was felled by 3 strokes in 2002. He first posted his pathetic predicament on the ABC in 2010 when I took his case and prescribed Arnica 30c in the Wet dose.
Robert has shared his journey back to normal life in his post on the ABC last week, the link to which I have copied below:
It is my hope that members will read and accept the great gift to health that Arnica will confer on those who use it.
Robert has shared his journey back to normal life in his post on the ABC last week, the link to which I have copied below:
It is my hope that members will read and accept the great gift to health that Arnica will confer on those who use it.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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