The ABC Homeopathy Forum
In this connection it is most important to realise that to insist on a bowel movement every day without fail is contrary to nature. Food taken in at the mouth is subjected to a lengthy process of disintegration by mechanical movement, as well as by chemical and bacterial activities. The nutritive elements are in this way made available for absorption and the residue is passed on down. This residue or bulk is essential for normal rhythmic bowel move¬ment, and is ideally provided by a diet based on whole meal bread and foodstuffs which have not been tampered with, adulterated, or devitalised.The end portion of the bowel, the so-called rectum, is normally empty, and while this is so no amount of straining can produce a bowel movement. In the normal natural course of events at some time or other during the day the contents of the large bowel will be propelled on down into the rectum with a resulting urge to stool. When this occurs—it may be once a day, more than once a day, or only once in several days—that is the time for the bowel to be emptied.
The main causes of constipation are civilisation and purgatives, or laxatives. It matters not whether the latter be herbal or synthetic, drastic or mild, they are contrary to nature and upset the balance and rhythm so essential to normal bowel action; and they often cause much griping and disturbance of digestion in other ways. The use of aluminium cooking utensils, kettles, coffee-pots and so on is thought by many to be a frequent cause of constipation and there is a good deal of evidence in confirmation of this theory.
An established condition of constipation may present a difficult and tedious problem calling for expert medical advice and guidance. The following are some of the remedies that may be indicated in this condition, (a few doses of 30, or more prolonged use of 6, unless otherwise mentioned):
ALUMINA absence of urge to stool; sits and strains till cold and trembling, and then passes a soft stool, or perhaps a lot of little balls, or very narrow stools.
BRYONIA mouth, tongue, lips all very dry; stools are dry, hard, black as if burnt; much thirst for large quantities of cold water; may be given as lx tincture, three to five drops in water each morning.
HYDRASTIS stools hard, knotty, the fragments united by shreds of mucus; may feel nauseated about 11 a.m. and complain of empty faintness in stomach region; aversion from bread and vegetables; sallow complexion; give three to five drops of lx tincture in water each morning.
Nux VOMICA much ineffectual urging to stool; even after passage of stool rectum does not feel properly emptied; too many laxatives taken in the past; tendency to bloating sensation; very chilly and maybe irritable.
OPIUM complete absence of urge to stool, perhaps for days on end; stools are composed of little hard balls; poor appetite; drowsy in daytime, sleepless at night with over-acute awareness of noises.
SILICEA constant ineffectual urge to stool; stools hard and may slip back when partially expelled; anus seems closed by spasm of i ts muscles.
SULPHUR frequent urge but inadequate evacuation; stools hard, dry, black and only expelled by great effort with pain and burning ; alternation of constipation and diarrhoea.
siloutec on 2010-11-04
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