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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Flu like symptoms during period


I have had fibroids since I was 19, I am now 37. During the last 3 years I have been experiencing flu like symptoms during my period every month. I bleed really heavily, by day two of my period I have a sore throat, then I start feeling as if I am going to get flu, I feel dizzy and I get very bad nausea. I no longer used tampons because if I try to surpress my periods the symptoms get ten times worse. No one I have spoken to has heard of this, I have tried some homeopathic remedies without success. My symptoms get worse each month, sometimes my throat is so sore I actually feel lumps on my glands around the throat. Can anybody help please?
  earhbaby on 2005-04-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Enough of the condition, tell us more about yourself as a person. Any children? Married. Job? Talents? Likes/dislikes in everything.

Indented writing please. ONe big paragraph is difficult to read.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hello Sabra, the condition is what I need help with. Does anyone have any remedies which they can suggest?
earhbaby last decade
We can't begin to look for a remedy if we don't know what you are like for the rest of the month, and what you are like as a person - a homeopathic remedy cannot be chosen without some more information about you pls...
erika last decade
Hello Thanks for making that clearer. Ok, the rest of the month I am ok, I am generally a happy person, I live in the UK, and then sometimes I go to sunnier climbs to escape the lack of sun in England. I find the lack of sun does affect me.

I just got married this year, I live a fairly stress free life, my work helps people and I enjoy it very much. I am self employed so I feel that my life has direction which I can chose.

I dont have any children, I am not sure if I actually can have a child! I have had quite a few operations for my fibroids to reduce pain and bleeding. I get relief for a few months then they start to grow back. I have a lot of them, 16 last count, 3 are about grapefruit size. I am tall and slim, you cant see them unless I lie flat.

My life is not lived around the fibroids, I think I am happy until just before the period arrives. Then I get pmt, my moods swing quite easily and I am aware that I have to control myself.

The flu type illness has only been the last few years, I feel that I have been managing the pain/bleeding quite well but I cant manage this.

Oh I am vegetarian, I have been so since I was age 11, not meat, fish, eggs, animal fat. I do drink milk. I have been working on my diet in the last 8 weeks with a naturopath, to see if things improve no luck yet.

Is this enough info? Thanks I would be grateful for any replies.
earhbaby last decade
Sorry I was not more clear. Homeopathy treats the whole person, not like allopathic meds that the dr wants only to know the problem. We want to know you.

You did a good job, I am looking...

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi,I'd like to know what biochemics would be good for glandular cysts?
askomacic last decade
askomacic, Please make your own posting. This belongs to earthbaby.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi earthbaby, Found LYCOPODIUM 30C fits your needs at this time.

2 times daily for 3 days before period each month until it corrects itself.

Let us know please.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Sabra....Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to look for a remedy, I will let you know how I get on. I think it will be a slow process, but I will come back to you. Thanks again.
earhbaby last decade
Hi there

Apologies for piggybacking this post but I've just read this thread with interest. I have also experienced flu like symptoms two days before and the first day of my period for about four years. This happens monthly with swollen glands in my throat, dizziness and a general feeling of flu-ey malaise... I also have mild PCOS but I only get the symptoms (bit of extra hair, some spots, oily skin, etc) not the irregular periods.

Sabra - would your recommended homepathic treatment work for me as well or does it depend on personality?

I am a naturally happy person, fairly active (but don't do enough exercise). I LOVE dancing.

I enjoy my work which is hard and challenging but does take up a lot of my time. I am a bit of perfectionist and have high expectations of myself which I occasionally can't meet...

I have moments of worry/ anxiety but as I've got older (and through much introspection and regular therapy to make sense of things), I have a pretty rational and healthy outlook on life. I have a loving relationship and great support network. I smile a LOT :)

I am 35, tall-ish (5ft 9) and marginally over weight for my height.

Thanks and hope you don't mind me sharing your thread...
LittleJ last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.