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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

i need kidney stone treatment

I am suffering with Left kidney stone. The size of stone is 8mm and current position of Stone is at the Mid of Left Ureter. Sometime i feel blood in urine and the major problem is severe pain everytime in Left Kindey, Urinary Bladder, Left Testicle and waves of pain in Penis. I have to use Pain Killer injection almost daily for pain. You all are requested to please suggest some treatment for removal of stone in pieces. I have been consulted a local homeopathic doctor and he gave me medicines named as

Sarsaparilla 30
Berberis 30
Lycopodium 30

I used the above mentioned medicines for 2 months but i didnot get results.

You all are requested to suggest medicine for my problem. I will be very thankful to u.

Thanks and Regards
  iampisces9 on 2010-11-24
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Treatment of Kidney Stones


I am happy to report that I have had the same success a few weeks ago with another patient whom I had been treating for the last 3 months who was diagnosed and showed 3 Kidney Stones in his left Kidney. This is the third case that I have treated with this same protocol and I am recording it in the hope that other Homeopaths will remember this therapy which has helped 3 patients all of whom were diagnosed with Kidney Stones which were clearly visible on their X’rays.

The remedy I used was Berberis Vulgaris 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily and this appeared to have dissolved the Calculus which was Calcium Oxalate Crystals in about 3 months as there was only one in a recent Xray which was causing excruciating pain for which his doctor has prescribed 2 tablets Ponstan twice daily which was barely able to control his pain.

I gave him Colocynthis 200c in the dry Lactose Pellets and he took 3 doses each of 6 pellets sublingually in 2 days and reported that he felt excruciating pain in his abdomen which seemed to be moving downwards in the evening of the second day. He had a light dinner and shortly after brought it all up. He could not sleep but went to the toilet in the early hours of the morning where he had fainted with the pain when he was passing urine which was bloody and he had expelled the stone.

He is now fully recovered and does not experience any pain. I have however given him Ciprofloxacin 500 taken twice daily for 6 days to cover any possible infection in the Ureter and the Urethra which can occur due to the laceration in the passages.

I cannot copy the link to the original post on the Homeopathy and More Forum but anyone interested can search for this article on it.

I would like to share with members the therapy I used a few days ago to treat a Kidney Stone which can be useful to members who may be diagnosed with one or who may find that a friend suffers from a Kidney Stone. It is interesting to note that modern medicine does not seem to have any treatment for Kidney Stones other than shattering them with a Lithotrypter or by using drugs to dissolve them which usually does not seem to help the patient quickly. This patient had been under treatment by specialists of the General Hospital in Colombo for some months but with no amelioration of his condition.

He presented with acute pain in his back which had been diagnosed by specialists as Kidney Stones. An Xray did not show any shadows but his Urine report showed that he had Calcium Oxalate Crystals ++.

I gave the patient Berberis Vulgaris 6c in the Wet Dose but this did not help him for a week as this remedy works slowly to dissolve the stones. On the 8th day he reported acute pain radiating down from his right kidney and was unable to stand erect. I diagnosed that a stone had been discharged from his right kidney and that it was blocking his right Ureter. I gave him 6 pellets Colocynthis 200 in the DRY Dose which he took sublingually at around 7.00PM. He reported on the morning after that he had woken up around 2.00AM with excrutiating pain, the likes of which which he had never suffered before in his life. The pain radiated from his back down through his abdomen on the right side and down to the bladder. His urine was bloody shortly after.

He had passed the stone with just one dose of Colocynthis 200 and he is now completely free of all pain and discomfort. A urine test does not show any signs of Calcium Oxalate Crystals.

I am recording this incident in the hope that members will remember that Colocynthis 200 in the DRY dose has an almost miraculous effect in dislodging Kidney Stones. Berberis Vulgaris 6c in the Wet Dose will slowly dissolve the Calculi and it helped this patient to dislodge the stone that was in his right kidney and its passage through the Ureter caused him this unbearable pain which was so bad that he had passed out for a short while.

I have advised him to take a teaspoonful of Berberis V 6c in the Wet Dose daily to ensure that his urine does not cause another Kidney Stone to form and to also drink at least 3 liters of liquids daily.

Report your progress weekly
Joe De Livera last decade
pl use lyco 30 and ber beris vul 200 daily single dose use one week and then wait take plenty of water dr ahmed
drahmedaslam last decade

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