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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Postnasal Drip and Allergies


I've been suffering from postnasal drip for 15 years and it just seems to be getting worse. I'm allergic to pollen, cut grass, trees, dust. I have a very hard time sleeping because of the postnasal drip.

In the past I've taken different nasal sprays to help stop the problem but it was just a temporary fix. I would like to stop this from even happening.

Any information would be very helpful.

  maximus_six on 2005-04-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
maximus six,

do you suffer from Halitosis aswell?
man-man last decade
corallium rub and natrum carb often help.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Can I use that for my PND and Halitosis awell?
man-man last decade
you are not suffering from halitosis.only postnasal is your problem,these two medicines shall clear your problem.
sajjadakram635 last decade

Is Corallium Rubrum an ointment or pills?

Also, someone told me about Euphorbium and Kali Bichromate-30. What do you think about these?

Finnally, do you need to know any other symtoms besides the odor/halitosis coming from my nose, which is an embarrassing issue altogether.

Thanks for your time,
man-man last decade
corallium is in liquid form.u can post other associated symptoms also.for the time being use what i suggested,then we will see if to change.
sajjadakram635 last decade

I purchased the low doses of Corallium Rub and Natrum Carb upon your recommendation. I took the appropriate amount of time in trying each medicine out to see if they would help...but they did not. I considered the low dose factor and I increased the amount from 4 drops per tsp. to 8 to 12 per. I also started on allergy medicine and considered the allergy medicine was canceling out the Homeopathic medicine. But I started using the Corallium Rub and Natrum Carb a week and a half before the allergy medicine (Allegra 1870mg) prescribed by my doctor. It seems like my over all symptoms are getting worse than better. The mucus is still in my throat and I wake up extremely dry in my throat and nasal passages. Something I never had that much of a problem with until now. Again, all I want is to get rid of the ordor coming from my nose. Your two cents ! Can you suggest anything else??
man-man last decade
Hi Sjjad, I tried corallium rub 200 cc and natrum carb cc single dose of each in the morning today. I noticed slight rlief in post nasal drip. Plz advise if I need need to continue it . What ahoud be the right doses.
Dahiyaar 7 years ago

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