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Chronic Silent Reflux about 6 years Page 2 of 2
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To Dejan
The reason why I did not respond to your post of January 27 is because I did not get the automatic email alert. I have reported this problem to Simon but he has not been able to fix it. He informed me that he had adjusted the software a few days ago and it seems to me that this has been counterproductive.
If this occurs in the future please alert me by email to the address you will find in my profile which you can access by clicking on my name above.
I am glad that you have been able to source Homeopathic remedies which are made in Serbia. Please share the address with me to enable me to direct patients in your part of the world to them.
I note that Nat Phos is helping you and you will have to await the arrival of the Arnica to complete the therapy. I have no experience in in the use of Calc Phos for GERD and would prefer that you do not mix it with my therapy. You can however increase the Nat Phos to 3 tablets if you eat a large meal and also after dinner. You will only take Arnica 3 times daily and you will experience blessed relied hopefully in 2 days.
The reason why I did not respond to your post of January 27 is because I did not get the automatic email alert. I have reported this problem to Simon but he has not been able to fix it. He informed me that he had adjusted the software a few days ago and it seems to me that this has been counterproductive.
If this occurs in the future please alert me by email to the address you will find in my profile which you can access by clicking on my name above.
I am glad that you have been able to source Homeopathic remedies which are made in Serbia. Please share the address with me to enable me to direct patients in your part of the world to them.
I note that Nat Phos is helping you and you will have to await the arrival of the Arnica to complete the therapy. I have no experience in in the use of Calc Phos for GERD and would prefer that you do not mix it with my therapy. You can however increase the Nat Phos to 3 tablets if you eat a large meal and also after dinner. You will only take Arnica 3 times daily and you will experience blessed relied hopefully in 2 days.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Ferr Phos 6x will only increase the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood. It is unlikely that it can help with your case.
It is always best to use the therapy strictly as prescribed and use other remedies only if the former do not help.
It is always best to use the therapy strictly as prescribed and use other remedies only if the former do not help.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
As of today i will drop the Cals Phos and use only Nat Phos and Arnica wet dose.
3-4 drops in 500 ml spring water. 3 times a day one hour before meal, with good shaking prior of use.
One question about the spring water.
What kind should i go for?
The ones rich in minerals, or the ones with lower mineral content or does that not matter?
As of today i will drop the Cals Phos and use only Nat Phos and Arnica wet dose.
3-4 drops in 500 ml spring water. 3 times a day one hour before meal, with good shaking prior of use.
One question about the spring water.
What kind should i go for?
The ones rich in minerals, or the ones with lower mineral content or does that not matter?
DoubleEdge last decade
It is only necessary that you use still water as bubbling water is laced with other chemicals which will inevitably antidote the remedy.
At a pinch even tap water should do as long as you boil it to liberate the chlorine.
At a pinch even tap water should do as long as you boil it to liberate the chlorine.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
So there should be NO BUBBLING in the water when shaking it?
I bought a low mineral content bottle of spring water, 1 liter. Than i spilled about 4cm of water from the tap, and placed the drops.
Since it didn't come with a dropper, but had the one in it, instead of 3-4 drops, i think i placed 5 drops. I hope that is not to much?
When i shake it hard there are no bubbles in. I than take a cap full.
I bought a low mineral content bottle of spring water, 1 liter. Than i spilled about 4cm of water from the tap, and placed the drops.
Since it didn't come with a dropper, but had the one in it, instead of 3-4 drops, i think i placed 5 drops. I hope that is not to much?
When i shake it hard there are no bubbles in. I than take a cap full.
DoubleEdge last decade
Hi TheeyaN. I have very similar symptoms since the last 3 months. It all started with a persistent sore throat and hoarse voice that went on for almost 2 months before I went and saw and ENT who told me I may be suffering from acid reflux.
I am just wondering if the combination of nat phos 6x and arnica is helping you with your condition. I have been on acti acids for a week now and do have relief from sore throat but have lots of burping and belging. Please advice. Thanks.
I am just wondering if the combination of nat phos 6x and arnica is helping you with your condition. I have been on acti acids for a week now and do have relief from sore throat but have lots of burping and belging. Please advice. Thanks.
Shanawaz82 last decade
Hello Joe,
I have read through this thread and I believe I understand that the Nat phos should be taken immediately after 2 meals and the wet dose of Arnica 3 times a day. I assume you continue with both remedies until you observe an improvement in symptoms. However, you seem to suggest that the remedies should continue for awhile after relief to be sure you have solved the problem. Is this correct?
My symptoms are similar to what is described here - no pain, but a feeling of fullness and liquid sloshing around in my stomach for an extended period of time after eating. I also have hoarseness and a persistent cough and an examination with a laryngoscope showed damage around my vocal cords (according to the MD). He put me on Prilosec, which I tried for several months, but saw no change in any symptoms, plus I have osteoporosis, so I discontinued this.
I usually respond well to hp remedies, so I too am optimistic, but I just want to be sure I understand how long to stay with the remedy.
I have read through this thread and I believe I understand that the Nat phos should be taken immediately after 2 meals and the wet dose of Arnica 3 times a day. I assume you continue with both remedies until you observe an improvement in symptoms. However, you seem to suggest that the remedies should continue for awhile after relief to be sure you have solved the problem. Is this correct?
My symptoms are similar to what is described here - no pain, but a feeling of fullness and liquid sloshing around in my stomach for an extended period of time after eating. I also have hoarseness and a persistent cough and an examination with a laryngoscope showed damage around my vocal cords (according to the MD). He put me on Prilosec, which I tried for several months, but saw no change in any symptoms, plus I have osteoporosis, so I discontinued this.
I usually respond well to hp remedies, so I too am optimistic, but I just want to be sure I understand how long to stay with the remedy.
cindye last decade
I am getting Nat this 6x in liquid form.Can I use it to cure my post nasal drip due to silent reflux.How much time will this remedy take to cure me fully
Crairsi 7 years ago
Hello! Well, I realise that this reply comes long after your posting time, but can you please tell me whether the medicine worked for you? Are you ok now? Do you have no more phlegm? How is your throat? Thank you, I do hope you answer!
ds215030 7 years ago
Hi Dr. Joe, This is Lakshmi and my age is 34. I am having silent refluxes now and I read all your suggestions for the patients. But my problem started with h-pylori and for that my doctor suggested triple therapy of antibiotics. After taking that my body changed completely. My symptoms were all started with acid reflux(something in my throat) and constant sneezing and stuffed nose, eyes itchy and can't bend forward because of acid crawling into my throat. And severe burps. When I checked with my doctor she told me to continue PPI(Omeparazole 20mg) and I took it for 15 days and I had severe stomach pain and I stopped taking all. After that I am having Yeast infections and Vaginal infections. Later I went with GI and took Endoscopy and my report has nothing in it excepts acid reflux. There is no cuts wounds, no candida. But I still have acid refluxes a lot.
Present I am taking Apple cider vinegar before food mix with few spoons of water and probiotics to keep my good bacteria back. But I noticed when I am eating within minutes I am experiencing acid reflux a lot. Mine are silent refluxes - No heartburn and no pain but all acid crawls into my nose and I am getting stiff in my neck and getting headache. Can I start NatPhos and Arnica wet dose as you prescribed to many patients and they noticed a lot of improvement. When I was a child used to have hunger pain and its really sharp and instantly i have to eat something. After eating then I will pass gas because of the accumulation of excess gas. But now I don't have that severe but I have.
Please advice something for my vaginal health too and also for good gut.
I all the time have severe menstrual pains with heavy bleeding. I am under lot of stress handling my son he is a special needs. Some how apple cider vinegar is not working so much but Aloe vera juice is really helping me. Can I continue probiotics while taking NatPhos and Arnica?
When I am consuming yogurt I am getting lot of refluxes. Please ask me if you need more information.
Appreciate your help,
Present I am taking Apple cider vinegar before food mix with few spoons of water and probiotics to keep my good bacteria back. But I noticed when I am eating within minutes I am experiencing acid reflux a lot. Mine are silent refluxes - No heartburn and no pain but all acid crawls into my nose and I am getting stiff in my neck and getting headache. Can I start NatPhos and Arnica wet dose as you prescribed to many patients and they noticed a lot of improvement. When I was a child used to have hunger pain and its really sharp and instantly i have to eat something. After eating then I will pass gas because of the accumulation of excess gas. But now I don't have that severe but I have.
Please advice something for my vaginal health too and also for good gut.
I all the time have severe menstrual pains with heavy bleeding. I am under lot of stress handling my son he is a special needs. Some how apple cider vinegar is not working so much but Aloe vera juice is really helping me. Can I continue probiotics while taking NatPhos and Arnica?
When I am consuming yogurt I am getting lot of refluxes. Please ask me if you need more information.
Appreciate your help,
Lakshmi Devi 7 years ago
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