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Kidney Stones



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

kidney stones

Hi... about a month ago my husband had an 8mm kidney stone shockwaved. since then the pain comes and goes and also urine in blood comes and goes... the dr. said this is normal and its going to take time to pass the sediment/shattered stones. he getting at wits end.. is there anything that he can take to move this along so it can end once and for all. thanks
  annal on 2011-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
His remedy is Colocynthis 200c in the standard Dry Pellets. Dose 4 pellets taken twice daily. It is possible that there are some remnants of the shattered stone trapped in the Ureter and this remedy will relax the Ureter and permit the stone to pass down into the bladder.

Please type 'Kidney Stones' into the Search box on this page to read the many cases that I have helped.

It is possible that he will start another Kidney stone in a few months and this can be prevented by taking
Berberis Vulgaris 6c in the Wet dose taken once daily.
This will not permit any stones to form and he can take a dose daily after his problems are stabilized.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Annal

Can you give me an update on your husband's Kidney stones?
Joe De Livera last decade

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