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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

7 weeks baby with gerd

My almost 8 weeks old baby girl suffers from GERD, she spits up sometimes after eating sometimes an hour or two after she is fed.I was given Axid which I gave her few times and stopped it knowing the harm it create in the long run.She is gaining weight, she does drink her three oz almost every three hours, except that sometimes she sleeps for four or 5 hours exclusively on her tumy and on her mother chest.She is fussy and cries when she wakes up and after she is fed.Every two to three days she gets strong acid attacks and would cry for an hour or two til exausted, mostly after 9 pm.Now she has gotten used to her mother and would cry if I pick her up, the problem is her mother works and I dont, I'm afraid of how to deal with her once my wife goes back to work on the 21 of february.
I read about Nat Phos, should I try it?
I'm very depressed, i welcome any help, thank you all
  josephb on 2011-02-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Natrum Phos 6x is a good one. However, I would first suggest you to give Calc Carb 6, twice a day for 3 days and report back.

If your next vaccination is scheduled too close, please postpone, till you get this cured.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
I thank you so much for answering. I have decided to postpone her vaccination indefinetely as I'm currently seeking a waiver from New York state.
My baby will be 8 weeks this thursday, she is fed Gerber good start soy based with 1 oz of vervain once daily, i thought you should know this.
Im in NY state where do I get calc Carb 6 and how to administer it to her?
Can GERD subsides for few days and come back?
josephb last decade
Whole Foods or Sprouts, both carry Calc Carb 6c (please note that I added c, next to 6). It is $8 roughtly, in blue tube. www. wholefoods. com to find your nearest store

Take 1 pellet in 1 or 2 spoon water and dissolve the pill. Give a few drops touching the toungue. You dont have to give all the water - even a drop is enough.

Since you are giving formula, it is better, if you can put 2 pellets of this medicine in the bottle, mix, two or even 3 times in a day. (It is very safe to give, even on every feed for several weeks. They agree calcium in this form very well)

Please write back in 2 days.

Some times, it is a better idea to try other formulas in the market to suit your baby (Enfamil, Similac). Costco sells it much cheaper.

If you decide to postpone vaccination, I can suggest you Homeopathic medicine that is well tried to improve the health of the infants and resist sickness.
Let us stay focussed on GERD now.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have ordered the calc carb 6c and since it is the week end i'm still waiting for it to arrive, i will adminster it as advised and report the outcome.
I have tried almost all baby formula on the market, she vomit all milk based formula and the only one she does retain although with few spits is Gerber SoyPlus, I do add half oz of vervain in her feed twice a day which seems to help her constipation. should I stop the vervain when i give her the calc carb 6c?
josephb last decade
I guess you are too far from natural food stores, like Whole Foods. As I mentioned, Calc Carb is stocked in natural grocery stores and most likely you could have found in the local stores.

If vervain helps, I would suggest not to stop, till Calc Carb takes over.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
I have given her the calc carb 6c as recommended but I guess i will have to wait little longer since this is now 2 days and I have not seen any changes, the situation is further hard to tell due to her conctipation which i have become accustom now to differenciate from her cry of acid when refluxed.I'm giving suppos. clicerine just a tiny bit once in a while to help her when she is severely conctipated.I will report further development.Thank you
josephb last decade
Please continue Calc Carb 6c for another 2 days and write back. For constipation of infants, SILICEA 30c, 2 pellets, every night is very benefical and to be given only for 3 days.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
As well as the homeopathic suggestions, I highly recommend you explore Donna Gates work, she has videos on youtube etc. I wish I would have known about this with my first child! He was so cranky and colicky etc. She talks about many things, the issues of the healthy bacteria in the stomach starting in our babies, candida that we pass on to our children, the gerd issues and how it relates to digestion and immunity, the role soy formula can play in that etc. I've just been watcing her lectures from her conferences. fascinating stuff!
wendypape last decade
great Wendypape to share this. This is the power of forums. I will certainly watch and learn from this too. Hope this benefits Joseph.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
I have adminstered the Cal Carb, crying has somwhat diminished and mysteriously either the vervain or calc carb has greatly helped with the conctipation.Now if held, she only cries if hyngry or for diapy change, but she a stromg cry and really gets annoyed when put on her back, while changing clothes even at elevated angle. Monday was my first day without her mother being there til 8pm.Gosh! it is very hard!Thank you so much for Donna Gates, yes I do benefit from people like her who are truthful and explore in depth health issues.
Is soy bad for infants? If it is, milk based formula is better?
Thank you all
my prayers with all those ill bchildren in particular
Thank you Reva V
josephb last decade
Good to know. Please continue with Calc Carb 6 for another week.

I may ask you to add Phosphorus 6c next week. If you want to order, please do. This is available in Whole Foods, FYI

Reva V
Reva V last decade
My daughter Gerd diminished by about 80%, my wife and I are very happy although a bit worried it might strike again.She only spits very little with sometimes.She is no longer constipated due the use of vervain which i have reduced it use to less than 1/2 oz every three days.
Understanding my daughter rythm helped me also in knowing hungry cry from that of acid or diaper or disconfort.I'm gratefull toall those who took the time to help.
This is for Reva V:
I'm going for a vaccines waiver, what do I give her and when to help boost her immune system and help replace vaccine, at least until she starts school in case i dont get a waiver.
josephb last decade

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