The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hi,I am taking eczema treatment for my daughter by a homeopathy doctor in India. ( i live in usa)
It's been 2 1/2 weeks and suddenly she started getting small white blisters, which her doctor said prickly heat. They started one day, and by next day there are a lot. They are spreading to the other parts.
( they started hand folds,then on tummy up to the chest and now they are on shoulders also.) They are hurting a lot. and she is crying. The doctor asked to stop medicine for one day and see. They will go away and put prickly heat powder(which i couldn't find in USA). Is this normal? Should i be concerned. She never got these before in her life ( she is 11) Should i take her to her pediatrician?
So, homeopathy will increase and then decrease that's what i heard. But it's gotten worse. Before she has eczema only at folds. Now it's full hand.
[message edited by sja70 on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 23:24:37 BST]
[message edited by sja70 on Tue, 19 Apr 2011 23:38:08 BST]
sja70 on 2011-04-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please wait for few days before taking her to pediatrician. When homeo remedies are taken continuosly they may lead to proving ie fresh symptoms appear and existing symptoms become worse. So stop all her homeo remedies and wait for atleast 15 days. You can take an appropriate decision on seeing a pediatrician only after 15 days as it will be clear by that time as to whether it is a remedy proving or a disease aggravation.
♡ kadwa last decade
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