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Posts about Arthritis, Hypothyroidism

Arthritis3Neuropathy, gastritis, asthma, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic, hypothyroidism1Hypothyroidism25rheumatoid arthritis5Hypothyroidism1Hypothyroidism31Mother (66yo) suffers from painful cramps, stretched-painful nerve and osteo-arthritis22Chronic rheumatoid arthritis10Please help - need remedy recommendations for joint pain and psoriatic arthritis1Rheumatoid arthritis1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hypothyroidism/diabetese/osteo arthritis/weakness

Hello to all
I am sarting this new thread for my wife age 48, slim built, very sensitive and emotional
  sk2209 on 2011-04-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
kadwa last decade
To Dr. Kadwa
Answers to the questionaire
1.&2.body ache, high blood sugar, joint pain, weakness, sluggishness, irritation, sleep disturbances, acidity and frequent URI.
3.mood fluctuations, depression, anger, frustration
4.as if I am most unlucky person in this world.
5.Hypothyrodism started about 21 years back just after delevery of my first child. I am 48 now.
6.That varies. Generally before and after sleep.
7.aggravations - cold air, exposure to cold, mental and physical exertion, mental tension, aggressive or abusive talking
amelioration- hot drinks, light food, covering head and neck by cotton skarf, oil messaging
8. yes apperently with pre mnopause
9.Dry whether
10.moody,nervous,suspicious,easily offended,lazy
sk2209 last decade
1o. slight disturbance during thunderstorm. likes to be cosoled.vey sensitive to smell,noise,light.talks to oneself(at times aloud)
feels attached to everybody,always worried about wellbeing of family members.
11.Fears any harm or setback to family and self. No specific dream, however some dream comes daily and having ability to remember all dreams in great details.
12.craving for chaat(indian sweat and sour snacks). aversion for prickles and heavily spicy food.
13. normal thrist
14. normal hunger
15. uncofortable feeling after heavy food.
16.less sweat, from armpits
17. normal, somewhat constipated.
18.disturbed sleep, generally left side.
20.knowledge, personality, understanding capacity
21.a large varity of medicines for all the problems, generally allopathy and sometimes homeopathy and ayurvedic also. no specific side effect but having a trend for continous health decline over the years.
sk2209 last decade
22. diabetese and cardiac trouble.
23. slim,tall,fair, good looking and pleasent
24.were ok upto a couple of years back but are very very irregular for last 2 years.
pain specialy on second and third day. flow normal generally. bright red. clots abserved sometimes.

I am looking forward to your advise.
sk2209 last decade

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