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Posts about Acne, Sinusitis

Recurrent Sinusitis4chronic sinusitis617 year old son with pimples and acne6Teenage acne4Teen acne1Severe acute sinusitis2Stress, autoimmune, sinusitis3Chronic Acne3Stress and scalp acne15Nasal polyps with chronic sinusitis2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sinusitis, acne, hairfall

Hi Dr,

I am 17 years old, female, I have a problem of sinusitis. I have acne on my forehead, nose and chin. I feel dizzy some times. I am a student 0f 11th standard. I spent almost all of my time in studying. And this situation irritates me a lot. I got suffered by flu rarely. But whenever I caught by it, it never comes out (no runny nose). I have hair fall problem too. Plz suggest me any remedy.
  Sanam16261 on 2011-04-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Use the same 3 remedies that I prescribed for Sanam in a previous post for your nasal problems.

Calcarea Carb 30c
Phosphorous 30c
Lycopidium 30c

Take 4 pellets of each remedy 2-3 hours apart sublingually.

Arnica 6c in the Wet dose will help your Acne which is normal at your age. Ask Sanam how to make the Wet dose and take it twice daily orally. Apply the liquid topically on your face to accelerate the cure.

Take the Arnica for at least 6 months into the future but just once nightly.

Arnica 30c will help with your loss of hair but if it is serious you may have to use a 20% emulsion of Arnica Q with Olive oil which you will massage into your hair.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thanks for ur reply .. take care.
Sanam16261 last decade

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