The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Allergic cough and cold
I am having repeated attacks of Cough, Cold, Sneezing, Dust allergy, Sinus Problems, Throat Irritation,Nose Block, Breathing Problems and Whistling sounds in the chest and sometimes also feel triggered by exposure to dust, weather changes, cool items.visited many doctors, used many drugs - but not relief.
pchauhan on 2011-06-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Calc Carb 30 - 1 dose, 4 hours later take Phos 30 - 1 dose, 4 hours later take Lyco 30 - 1 dose
Repeat the same way after 4 days.
1 dose is 2 pellets
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Report back after a week.
Reva V
Repeat the same way after 4 days.
1 dose is 2 pellets
For general instructions, please see my Profile.
Report back after a week.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
Thank you so much for your reply,
I am new to this forum, please tell me do i need to repeat same medicine next day or after 4 days.
Many thanks to you.
I am new to this forum, please tell me do i need to repeat same medicine next day or after 4 days.
Many thanks to you.
pchauhan last decade
It is my mistake for not writing it clear.
No medicine for 3 days in the middle. It is so effective that you will see the result on the 1st day itself.
Reva V
No medicine for 3 days in the middle. It is so effective that you will see the result on the 1st day itself.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
Reva ,
Can the above medicine be taken from the liquid dilution form ?? 3-4 drops in 20 ml water .....
Can the above medicine be taken from the liquid dilution form ?? 3-4 drops in 20 ml water .....
♡ Nikkie last decade
Hello Dr. Reva V,
I tried your suggested medicines, but still Cough, Cold, and Sneezing are worst.
I have AEC count of 700 cells/mm3, and and IgE is 126 count.
Waiting for your reply
I tried your suggested medicines, but still Cough, Cold, and Sneezing are worst.
I have AEC count of 700 cells/mm3, and and IgE is 126 count.
Waiting for your reply
pchauhan last decade
Did you want to give your full case here for someone to prescribe a medicine?
If so, each symptom would need to be expanded on. This would mean alot of details from you and possibly more questions.
If so, each symptom would need to be expanded on. This would mean alot of details from you and possibly more questions.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am having repeated attacks of Cough, Cold, Sneezing, Dust allergy, Sinus Problems, Throat Irritation,Nose Block, Breathing Problems and Whistling sounds in the chest and sometimes also feel triggered by exposure to dust, weather changes, cool items. visited many doctors, used many drugs - but not relief.
I am also suffering from blockage of nostril (one side always) for the last five years. These symptoms remain for the whole year.Some doctors say it is allergy. I am also suffering from weakness of muscles. I feel that my bodys energy is lost. I cannot take cold drinks,yogurt, citric products like orange, lemon etc. If I take these foods, my throat get red, I feel fever, coldness, sneezing, nostril of one side closed (it changes, sometime right or left is closed). When the symptoms are severe I feel pain from throat to ears.
I am also allergic to dust, cold.
Please suggest a medicine to get relief from these symptoms.
Age : 29
Sex : Male
Married/Unmarried : Married
weight : 75 Kg.
Height : 5.9
country : india
List of your complain's :
I am having repeated attacks of Cough, Cold, Sneezing, Dust allergy, Sinus Problems, Throat Irritation,Nose Block, Breathing Problems and Whistling sounds in the chest
Since how long you are suffering for each complain : 5 years
Diabetic or non Diabetic : non Diabetic
Desire sweets/sour/salt : no sweets
Thirst : less
How does it feel like ? : Worst
What comes to your mind ? : Irritation
current medicine you are taking : Visited to many doctors
qualification of patient : Post Graduate
Nature of working : IT, Computers
desire or like and dislike of food : Non-veg and spicy
Mind-behavior: anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and
I am also suffering from blockage of nostril (one side always) for the last five years. These symptoms remain for the whole year.Some doctors say it is allergy. I am also suffering from weakness of muscles. I feel that my bodys energy is lost. I cannot take cold drinks,yogurt, citric products like orange, lemon etc. If I take these foods, my throat get red, I feel fever, coldness, sneezing, nostril of one side closed (it changes, sometime right or left is closed). When the symptoms are severe I feel pain from throat to ears.
I am also allergic to dust, cold.
Please suggest a medicine to get relief from these symptoms.
Age : 29
Sex : Male
Married/Unmarried : Married
weight : 75 Kg.
Height : 5.9
country : india
List of your complain's :
I am having repeated attacks of Cough, Cold, Sneezing, Dust allergy, Sinus Problems, Throat Irritation,Nose Block, Breathing Problems and Whistling sounds in the chest
Since how long you are suffering for each complain : 5 years
Diabetic or non Diabetic : non Diabetic
Desire sweets/sour/salt : no sweets
Thirst : less
How does it feel like ? : Worst
What comes to your mind ? : Irritation
current medicine you are taking : Visited to many doctors
qualification of patient : Post Graduate
Nature of working : IT, Computers
desire or like and dislike of food : Non-veg and spicy
Mind-behavior: anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and
pchauhan last decade
pchauhan last decade
day 1 to day 3
Please take Nux Vomica 200 in the morning and evening.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
day 4 to day 15
Please take 2 tablets of ayurvedic medicine laxmi vilas ras in the morning and evening. It is always better to crush tablets by teeth.
and also 1/2 tsp of sitopaladi choorna with honey in the morning and evening.
Please report after 15 days.
Please take Nux Vomica 200 in the morning and evening.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
day 4 to day 15
Please take 2 tablets of ayurvedic medicine laxmi vilas ras in the morning and evening. It is always better to crush tablets by teeth.
and also 1/2 tsp of sitopaladi choorna with honey in the morning and evening.
Please report after 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hello Dr. Kadwa,
I am continuing on your suggested medicine, and has a great relief but till only when i continue the Nux Vomica 200.
Still i am having problem with cough with noisy breathing uneasiness. also one nostril is still block,
pls advise.
I am continuing on your suggested medicine, and has a great relief but till only when i continue the Nux Vomica 200.
Still i am having problem with cough with noisy breathing uneasiness. also one nostril is still block,
pls advise.
pchauhan last decade
day 1 to day 3
Please take Calcarea Carb 200 in the morning and evening.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
day 4 to day 15
Please take 2 tablets of ayurvedic medicine laxmi vilas ras in the morning and evening. It is always better to crush tablets by teeth.
and also 1/2 tsp of sitopaladi choorna with honey in the morning and evening.
Please report after 15 days.
Please take Calcarea Carb 200 in the morning and evening.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
day 4 to day 15
Please take 2 tablets of ayurvedic medicine laxmi vilas ras in the morning and evening. It is always better to crush tablets by teeth.
and also 1/2 tsp of sitopaladi choorna with honey in the morning and evening.
Please report after 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thanks Dr. Kadwa,
I am having great relief in cough afert taking Calcarea Carb 200.
Also please suggest me for one nostril is always blocked and felling cold every moment.
I am having great relief in cough afert taking Calcarea Carb 200.
Also please suggest me for one nostril is always blocked and felling cold every moment.
pchauhan last decade
Please take one pellet each of the following tissue salts (at a time) thrice a day at a gap of atleast 4 hours.
natrum sulph 6x
ferrum phos 6x
kali mur 6x
after taking Calc Carb 200 for 3 days.
natrum sulph 6x
ferrum phos 6x
kali mur 6x
after taking Calc Carb 200 for 3 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear pchauhan,
Good to hear you are having relief from the Alergic cough and cold.
(Request for feedback on this link Please. )
Good to hear you are having relief from the Alergic cough and cold.
(Request for feedback on this link Please. )
♡ Nikkie last decade
Hi Doc. Reva,
My daughter is 2 1/2 years old, she has been suffering from continuous cough and cold and its been two months now that she has had no relief from allopathy medicines.
I've decided to move on to homeopathy and hence, have given her meds like bryonia 30, ipecac 30, ANTIM TART 30, phos 30, belladona 30, arseni 30, etc., she's had considerable relief with phos 30, but then the medicine was discontinued due to non-availability, and the situation has worsened. She has BAD cough, and its so bad that when she is sleeping and breathing, I can hear a rumbling noise from her throat. Please suggest a medicine to be given for immediate relief from this cough. I do not know if this makes any difference, but I am currently in Bangalore, where allergic cough and cold is very common.
My daughter is 2 1/2 years old, she has been suffering from continuous cough and cold and its been two months now that she has had no relief from allopathy medicines.
I've decided to move on to homeopathy and hence, have given her meds like bryonia 30, ipecac 30, ANTIM TART 30, phos 30, belladona 30, arseni 30, etc., she's had considerable relief with phos 30, but then the medicine was discontinued due to non-availability, and the situation has worsened. She has BAD cough, and its so bad that when she is sleeping and breathing, I can hear a rumbling noise from her throat. Please suggest a medicine to be given for immediate relief from this cough. I do not know if this makes any difference, but I am currently in Bangalore, where allergic cough and cold is very common.
AnjanaK last decade
If there are other doctors on the forum, I'd request them to reply too... any help in this regard would be appreciated.
AnjanaK last decade
Phos 30 not available in Bangalore!!!
♡ kadwa last decade
No, phos 30 was not available with me, and again homeopathy pharmacies in Bangalore are rare, and even if there are any, they are rarely open; at least that is what I have been through. But in case, you advise on this, I could get it from elsewhere.
AnjanaK last decade
If she gets relief on Phos 30, she should be given Phos 30. Other remedies will not work.
You may also see whether 1/4 tsp sitopaladi churna with honey twice a day helps her. It is a good cough remedy. This is an ayurvedic remedy.
You may also see whether 1/4 tsp sitopaladi churna with honey twice a day helps her. It is a good cough remedy. This is an ayurvedic remedy.
♡ kadwa last decade
Do you think Hepar Sulph would be a good medicine too, as I can hear the rattling of the cough when she is sleeping?
AnjanaK last decade
Calc, Puls, Lyc, Sil and many other remedies have this symptom. One should not give a remedy on the basis of only one symptom. One should consider atleast 5 symptoms and give prominence to mentals.
♡ kadwa last decade
My daughter is 8 years old. She has allergy problems. We met with a homeopathic doctor who prescribed nux vom and sneezing went away. However she has cough attacks when she wakes up. Also her nose is blocked at night. During day she might cough but not as much. Its mostly mornings when the problem occurs. The doctor has moved to another town so I am unable to contact him now. Can you recommend something. We believe these symptoms of morning cough are also due to some allergy.
navvyus last decade
Please give her Nux Vomica 200 twice a day for 3 days. It should work for her other symptoms too.
♡ kadwa last decade
I am Shubh. having the problem of allergic cough and cold. repeated attcks of cough,cold, sneezing,fever,dust allergy, problems in taking cold drinks or other cold things,Rains, problem with fan in any season.some times it starts when i am standing on the plasterd floor without shoe or chappal. I have visited in many doctors but there is no permanent treatment. now i am taking a medicine name is "Sigcet M" one for a day.If I took this tab then it prevents me from this attacks for 24 hours.
shubhen82 8 years ago
hello, i m amit. i am suffering from cough since 2004.(specially in cold weather September to march month). i consult to many alopathic doctor but not get relief. In 2011 i consult with homeopathy doctor.he gave me some medicine for esinophiliaya. i got relieved . but now since last 3 moths i get cold and in 2-3 days there is cough with pain in chest ,also blood in sputum(after getting rise in morning).consult to allopath. get relieved ,he also diagnosed asthma(11%) and dustmite allergy. suggested some medicine and pump but i didnt take as i feel no allergy with dust and no astma symtoms . now again from last 20 days same situation again. i consult with a homeopathic doctor,i take bryonia200(1dose),justin syrup,and some other medicine(h.s,china,kali...not clearly seen).got reliefed but not present i have cough with easy sputum more in the morning .post nasal drop also. please suggest me medicine.
amit16 8 years ago
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