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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cough eczema of 6 yrold -dr nawaz/dr joe pls respond

my daughter aged 6 yrs is taking pulsatilla 6 (liq) (twice daily)which was responding very well for the last 2 months for persistent cough dry at night loose in the morning.
Now however her cough has returned and pulsatilla isnt working as much. planning to start her on tuberculinum 1000 for the time being and then again revert to pulsatilla . any advice on dosage/potency/duration would be most welcome. she has hair on her back , her teeth are not formed correctly, she sweats a lot. she catches cold very frequently.She is a very sweet girl, caring and loving , often weeping for trivial issues.She used to have eczema in the folds of her knees since the age of 2. she had bronchitis at the age of 3 which cleared after 1 yr of ipecac, hepar sulph, lycopodium, Calcarea Carb only to return after exposure to mold and dust
She has also been suffering from repeated eczema bouts/rashes with itching and scratching
which has repeated in the last 20 days (2 times) on her stomach, chest, back-wonder if it is the aggravation produced by pulsatilla
[message edited by hemmy_us on Tue, 02 Aug 2011 13:25:30 BST]
  hemmy_us on 2011-08-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Hemmy

I am neither Nawaz nor Joe but may be of help in case you are fine with it.

To start with, I would like to know why you want to go for Tub and what made you go for Puls?

A detailed list of symptoms may be VERY useful.

Ayeshhaa last decade
Calc Carb 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily will help your daughter to avoid colds which are usually the reason for the cough.

Do not give her any other remedies right now.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

Report her response in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
thanks a ton for the early reply will try out calca carb as suggested and report progress
hemmy_us last decade
For Learning.
nawazkhan last decade
Have been giving my daughter Calcarea Carb 30 since 02 Aug 11 morning and evening. However there is no significant improvement. She keeps getting coughs as if to clear her throat of irritation and her skin rashes and itching persist though not severe. here are some of the details which match with a tuberculinum child:
1.She had a congenital epulis on her gums when she was born which was surgically removed as soon as she was born.
2.she also had a lot of hair on her back when she was a new born baby.
3.she keeps catching cold every other day.
4. her symptoms have been changing. initially when she was diagonised at age 2,with bronchitis(due to changing environment-hot cold hot), she used to cough which used to make her wheeze which was cured with ipecac, heparsulph, calc carb and lycopodium. therafetr again she had coughing episode where had frothy expectoration.Now she has dry cough inthe evening and night and productive(yellow expectoration) in the morn.Feels better in cold open air. she has always had rashes and itching. she was given pulsatilla 6 in may-jun 11 which responded miracululously but no longer responds.
5.She is a picky eater and takes hours to eat or complete her jobs.
6. she is very talkative.
6. Now her teeth are breaking and fresh teeth are coming probably because of which the problems have aggravated
7. her tongue is coated white and teeth are not formed correctly due to the surgical removal of epulis.
8. she doesnt like to be covered throws all covers away at night.
9.she sweats a lot at night.
10. earlier she used to get cough by exertion and exposure to any kind of smoke or scents.
11. her extermities are generally cold.
12. when upset she cries while talking.
13. she is sweet caring and dependent.
14. her eyes are bright white.
15.her skin is rough and she has a dark wheatish complexion.
16. she is neither fat nor thin but has a slight pot belly. she vomits very easily on being over fed.
17. she tries to memorise rather than apply her mind and reason by logic however when explained properly tries to reason with logic.
18. she drools in her sleep.
19.she used to have constipation. however of late since puls has been passing motions every other day/every day.however no 2 stools are alike.
20.doesnt like to tax her mind too much.
21. she gets emotionally hurt very easily.
22. she loves things cold like cold water, ice
23. likes boiled eggs.
24. once she starts sleeping doesnt get easily disturbed.
25. very rarely she is a little selfish
26. loves salt, mixture,hates spicey food however likes pickle, tomato sauce, cucumber,ladys finger curry, bland food with salt doesnt like very sweet dishes likes moderately sweet food.
27.loves swimming

why i thought tuberculinum would suit her is because of what i saw in a site for child hood illnesses as under (also because pulsatilla which worked for her seems to work very well no longer works even though it worked miraculuously for about 2 months) I have copied the extract of the site :

here have been many preparations from different manifestations of tubercule, and they all act. It is a 'nosode' which in one form oranother, one would be sorry to be without. In potency, killed and sterile and triturated and, in the 30th potency, merely one part in a decillion, in alcoholic tincture; and of that, only sufficient used to medicate a few tinest pellets of milk sugar. By the methods of Hahnemann, the most terrible poisons and disease products can be so tamed and roped-in as to affect curatively the strong man, who needs them and is therefore hypersensitive to their action, and yet perfectly innocuous to a healthy infant a day old. Neither is the delicate preparation per se a power, nor is the sick man sensitive all round; but it is only 'like to like' that makes contact, and then things happen.

'And as to any objections to its use, founded on its unpleasant origin, Burnett says, 'If phthisis [tuberculosis] can be cured by bread and butter or attar of roses, well and good; but if not, then let us have something that will cure it'' (Tyler).

Physical Characteristics (Herscu):

(a) Head:
The head provides a number of clues to this prescription. The first clue is that these children are often born with a large amount of long hair on the scalp and on the back. Most parents remember this hair, as it is not very common for babies to be so hirsute, especially down the centre of the back.

These children develop ringworm of the scalp very easily. The eruption causes circular patches of hair to fall out.

The third clue is that these children often strike their heads. Some strike their heads against a wall or the floor when they are mad. Others do it during a headache. The most common time, however, is during attempts to sleep, when they burrow their heads into the pillow or hit their heads against the pillow or mattress as a way to relax.

(b) Headaches:
Headaches can be caused by studying or by reading or watching television for too long. The headache may begin with visual disturbances like those found in Natrum muriaticum, Sulphur, and Phosphorus: flickering, zigzags, and lights. Occasionally, the child notices that everything he looks at just before a headache strikes has a blue tinge to it. This is very confirmatory of Tuberculinum. Also, as in Phosphorus and Lycopodium, the headache may be preceded by a feeling of severe emptiness of the stomach and an intense hunger.

The headaches are severe, with so much pain that it typically leaves the little patient ravaged for days afterward.

An interesting, though rare, observation is that these children sometimes sweat profusely, especially from the scalp and forehead, during a headache. This is only peculiar to a few remedy types and so may be used to confirm the remedy.

(c) Eyes:
Just as these children are often born with long hair on the head, they are also born with long, full, beautiful eyelashes. The child has a twinkle or brightness in the eyes like that found in Phosphorus.

The sclera [the white of the eye] may have a blue hue. These children are often born with strabismus, astigmatism, or weak eye muscles that give rise to weakness of accommodation such as myopia, all of which cause the child to develop headaches from reading.

Eczema may occur on the eyelids. The children who develop upper respiratory infections also develop blue allergic 'shiners' around the eyes.

(d) Ears:
The adenoids enlarge easily, causing Tuberculinum children to develop chronic fluid in the ears. These children develop recurrent ear infections in which the ear becomes red and painful, making the victims cry before the eardrum finally and inevitably ruptures. The ear then discharges thick, yellow pus. Sometimes this discharge develops into a chronic condition with a thin, white discharge that lasts for months.

(e) Nose:
The nose is affected in two ways. Nosebleeds occur from overheating, exertion, fevers, sleep, or from the slightest blow to the nose. The other problem is the ease with which Tuberculinum children contract colds. These frequent colds begin when cold, wet weather passes through the area. Others develop chronic corysas after they drink milk products.

The child who has allergies wakes up with a stuffy nose that stays stuffy until he goes outside to play. Then the nose begins to run with a clear mucus, just as it does in Calcarea carbonica. Authentic corysas begin with the production of thick, yellow mucus that extends to the ears, sinuses, and lungs.

(f) Face:
The face is often pale, or pale with patches of ruddiness, especially on the cheeks.

The face may have terrible acne in the teenager, almost to the point of boils. The central line of the face (the nose, chin, and central forehead) is most affected.

Finally, Tuberculinum perspires quite easily on the face, noted most during exertion or sleep.

(g) Mouth;
The child may be born with anomalies, such as cleft palate or a small dental arch. The teeth are greatly affected. First is the curious fact that the child may be born with too many sets of teeth. In most, the teeth are too crowded and will not align properly along the dental line, so that some of the teeth will lay in front of or behind the others. Commonly seen are teeth that are severely serrated.

These children grind their teeth in their sleep; if a child is old enough to have worked at it for awhile, the teeth may be ground down and perfectly flat!

(h) Throat and Neck:
The throat may show large tonsils from repeated or chronic tonsillitis. With tonsillitis or any respiratory infection (even if the child does not currently have an infection but tends to contract them), one will be able to palpate all the cervical lymph nodes, as they will be large and indurated. The nodes of the neck will feel like a chain of marbles.

(i) Chest:
The chest is greatly affected in these children, just as might be expected from the remedy's namesake. Afflictions vary from physical deformities to acute or chronic infections. The chest may be narrow and long or take the form of a pigeon chest or a funnel chest. The shape of the chest and rapid growth during adolescence often lead to chest pains, felt as stitches whenever there is exertion.

(j) Weak Lungs:
Lung problems may begin from the first day of life. Some of these children are born with fluid in the lungs. Most catch colds frequently that drop into the lungs and settle into a persistent cough. The health history commonly reveals repeated and frequent bouts of bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, pleurisy, or bronchopneumonia. A child seems to recover from one attack, retaining perhaps only a lingering cough, only to suddenly develop a new infection.

There are a few symptoms common to all these respiratory infections. The child has a high fever in the evening that is accompanied by a red face, profuse perspiration, and very swollen, hard cervical glands.

Tuberculinum children develop chronic coughs due to a little tickle in the back of the throat. Weakness of the lungs precludes the ability to recuperate completely, and so the children maintain this cough. Parents might add that it is always there but that sometimes it gets worse. Such a cough becomes more noticeable after playing outside in cold air. Once an acute cough is fully developed, however, it is aggravated in a warm room and eased somewhat in the fresh, open air.

(k) Pneumonia:
Tuberculinum is one of the best remedies to give during pneumonia with chills, nausea, vomiting, and high fevers that recur in the afternoon, and where there is a distinctly red face. The coughing fits that accompany the pneumonia typically begin in the afternoon and consist of dry, painful coughs that make the child cry. Headaches also prevail at these times.

The lungs of the pneumonia patient are full of mucus that makes breathing difficult, causing shortness of breath and wheezing. This is especially the case when lying down at night. While much mucus can be heard in the rattling breathing, the child may not be able to bring it up. Sufferers cough and cough, moaning with the pain of each spasm.

They perspire profusely all over with this illness, most especially on the face. They constantly grind their teeth. They desire cold water during coughing fits. Diarrhea develops, as well as bone aches throughout the body.

The remedy Tuberculinum is also helpful for children who have had pneumonia that never fully resolved and left them with the type of ongoing cough described here and a tendency for recurring bouts of bronchitis.

(l) Asthma:
These children may also develop asthma quite easily. It may be the allergic variety, set off by animal fur or by pollen and grasses. It may follow an acute infection such as pneumonia or come on during a simple cold.

(m) Food Cravings and Aversions:
They strongly crave cold milk and spicy meats such as ham, bacon, sausages, and salami, especially if these are smoked. Many have a strong desire for sweets, salt, spices, eggs, butter, peanut butter, yogurt, and macaroni and cheese.

About a third to a half of Tuberculinum children are averse to eating meat as well as vegetables.

In Tuberculinum cases the main clue is the strong desire for cold milk, some children drinking gallons a day. They also have a high thirst for cold water, even if they themselves are chilly.

(n) Stomach:
Children tend toward poor nutrient absorption or a fast metabolic rate. This can be recognized by the fact that they can eat as much as an adult but not gain any weight.

Like Phosphorus and Lycopodium children, Tuberculinum youngsters may have an increased appetite before or during a headache, feeling an emptiness in the stomach that must be filled with food.

(o) Rectum:
If present, constipation is usually quite severe, with the stools becoming very hard and consisting of little balls. It is accompanied by colic.

The more common complaint, though, is diarrhea. The thin Tuberculinum child may suffer from lactase deficiency, causing profuse diarrhea every time milk is taken. In other children, there may appear to be no reason for the diarrhea. The common history elicited from the parents is that the child has recurrent bouts of diarrhea that last for one, two, or even three months; for some children this type of stool gets to be the norm. Diarrhea may accompany any illness, but especially respiratory disease and fevers. The loose stools often persist long after the illness has ended.

The specific symptoms of the diarrhea may remind one of Sulphur. It occurs mainly in the morning when the child wakes up, forcing the child to run to the bathroom. The stool is painlessly and explosively expelled without effort. This is common with Sulphur and may lead the doctor to mistakenly prescribe it. After the remedy does not work and the case is reanalyzed, it will be realized that the stools do not have the characteristically strong Sulphur odor, nor do they excoriate the anus as one would expect to find with that remedy.

(p) Urogenital System:
Enuresis: The remedy Turberculinum is the best friend that the parents of a bed wetter can have. This remedy has cured more children of the embarrassing, socially-stigmatizing disorder than any other remedy in the materia medica. The problem may be lifelong or have only begun after an acute illness.

For most children the cause of the problem is that they cannot rouse themselves from a deep sleep to get up and go to the bathroom. It is commonly found that after the remedy has acted the sleep is not as profound and the child will awaken if needed.

Boys tend to masturbate from the early age of four or five years. Embarrassed parents mention that the child either masturbates or is always touching his genitals and can maintain an erection.

Girls: Even from menarche the girls develop dysmenorrhea before the period, complaining of severe cramps, backaches, and swelling of the breasts. It is interesting to note that the pains increase with the flow. This is unusual as most women experience relief as the flow becomes heavier.

Some thin, emaciated-looking girls do not begin to menstruate at the normal age. They can get to be fourteen or fifteen years and still not show any sign of approaching menarche. These girls begin to lose weight in their teens, have slow comprehension, and develop one respiratory disease after another. The problem is not so much the menstrual cycle or the lack of it, but rather a deep constitutional disorder that may first make itself known at the expected time of menarche.

(q) Back;
Along with pigeon or funnel chest, there may also be scoliosis. Teenagers may complain that their backs hurt whenever they stand for too long and feel better if they walk about or play.

(r) Extremities;
One may observe out of the corner of an eye that the feet and legs are restless during the interview. The child kicks the legs vigorously from the knees down.

The child may have deformities of the limbs. The children may be bowlegged or have weak ankles that frequently turn. Looking at the fingers and toes, one may notice that they are deformed and crooked, turned medially or laterally. It is incredible to watch these crippled digits straighten out over a period of months with the prescription of Tuberculinum.

There may be abnormally slow bone growth. There may be no apparent problem during the first few years. However, as the child continues to grow older, X-ray examination will reveal that the child is falling behind in bone development.

Alternately, the child may undergo rapid bone growth accompanied by many problems in overall health. With every growth spurt, the tall, thin person grows weaker and more lethargic, with problems such as a runny nose, swollen glands, tonsillitis, and aching joints. The child just lies around watching television until the growth reaches a plateau.

Fingernails and toenails may split or peel easily, be plagued by hangnails, or become ingrown.

The child perspires from the feet, especially at night.

(s) Arthritis:
Tuberculinum is one of the common remedies for juvenile arthritis. The pains and stiffness are aggravated by damp weather, a change of weather, sitting or standing for too long, rest, and first motion after rest. They are ameliorated by continued motion and heat. Children with arthritis wake up stiff and feeling crippled until they move about.

The pains wander and are accompanied by swelling, heat and redness. After the inflammation stops, the joint remains large and becomes externally pale looking. This apparent cessation of the arthritic process only seems to prompt another joint to go through the same sequence of events.

(t) Skin:
As mentioned before, the health history may contain the fact that the child was born hirsute. This is a big keynote for the remedy.

Looking at the child's skin, one finds it is pale, thin, delicate, and has a translucent quality.

This type of skin is very susceptible to ringworm, making Tuberculinum the main remedy for this condition.

The overall allergic predisposition of the child may show itself on the skin as well as in the respiratory system. The child may develop hives.

Eczema also readily develops. Some Turberculinum children have eczema from birth. The eczema and hives have common modalities: the itching is intense at night, as it is in cold air or during cold, wet weather, and is especially intense when the child is undressing for the night. The most beneficial palliative is dry heat.

In general, the Tuberculinum child perspires easily.

(u) Fevers:
These children develop fevers very easily. Tuberculinum is the main remedy to consider for a fever of unknown origin. The fevers usually begin to rise at three or four o'clock in the afternoon and continue into the night, dropping in the morning and rising once again in the afternoon. Perspiration is evident all over the body, but especially on the head. The face becomes very red. A great thirst for cold water is not uncommon.

Sleep (Herscu):
Even though the child is tired he may find it hard to fall asleep both from physical restlessness and an inability to calm the mind. He may need to rock to sleep or bang his head rhythmically on the pillow until he fades away.

Once Tuberculinum children do fall asleep, they usually sleep quite deeply -- so deeply, in fact, that they often lose the inhibition against wetting the bed and urinate. This is a common symptom for Tuberculinum. The sleep may be so deep that the child does not wake up when a parent carries him to the bathroom or even while urinating there.

Almost all of these youngsters grind their teeth during sleep. Many also experience severe night sweats.

Tuberculinum children often wake up slowly and unrefreshed, but eventually they feel okay. However, of one wakes them up or if they are pushed in the slightest in the morning, one will find their tempers very difficult to handle. If the child is allowed to approach the parent, then everything is fine.

Important General Characteristics (Herscu):
(a) Tuberculinum may be called for in the case of a child exhibiting only a few keynote symptoms of the remedy, plus a family history of tuberculosis. This remedy may also be considered for cases in which a disease recurs over and over again. There is a weakness that not only prevents acute conditions from ending quickly but also brings out constitutional symptoms with every acute attack. It is this underlying weakness that forms the basis for understanding this remedy type, similar to that discussed in the chapter on Medorrhinum.

(b) The child is negatively affected by changes in weather such as those coming before a storm, at the onset of cold, wet weather, and in fog and drafts. Ironically, the child tends to be chilly yet prefers the cool, fresh air even though it may aggravate the physical complaints. Their ideal, preferred environment is cool, dry, mountain air.

(c) Complaints often change location from one body system to another, and are never completely eradicated from the body.

(d) Tuberculinum should also come to mind for the congenital anomalies and illnesses that seem to be plaguing humanity ever more frequently.

(e) One commonly finds retarded Tuberculinum children with large heads, swollen glands, and bone anomalies who have constant upper respiratory problems. After taking the remedy, they seem to brighten up and become healthier.

An Illustrative Case (Eugene Nash, Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics):

While on a visit to my daughter in Athens, Pa., I called upon one of the homeopathic physicians of the place, whom I had never met before. He had read 'Leaders,' and after we had talked books for a while he asked me if I would not like to see a curious case, and there was no money in it, but it had come into his hands from the allopaths who had given it up to die. Of course, there being no money in it, I readily consented to go. Found a child of seven months, with 'head on him' larger than a man's head, with eyes pushed out and turned upwards, only movable a little from side to side. It looked idiotic. The fontanelles could not be felt, because of the hydrocephali condition which filled the whole scalp, distending it as above described.

I could not see that the child recognized anything, except that its whining and moaning (almost constant) seemed to increase if it was spoken to or moved.

Inquiring into its family history discovered that several of the mother's sisters had died with tuberculosis. She was the only one left of the family, I think. I gave, with the doctor's consent, a powder of Tuberculinum 1M and advised to let it act. This was on the Monday following Easter Sunday.

May 24th, 1900, I received the following letter:
'Dr. E. B. Nash,
Cortland, N.Y.

'Dear Doctor: -- You will doubtless remember the case of hydrocephalus you saw with me while in Athens, and for which you prescribed Tuberculinum. Well, from that day, the head ceased to increase in size and (though it has taken no medicine at all, since taking that) has begun to gradually decrease. They measure it in the same place every Sunday, and last Sunday it was half an inch smaller than a week before. Will you kindly send me a graft at once of Tuberculinum high, that I may continue the remedy at intervals, etc., etc.'

I received one letter since, reporting further improvement. I can hardly expect a cure in such a case, but the effects of the remedy, so far, seem to be quite remarkable.

Mental/Emotional Characteristics (Herscu):

Mental and emotional states are often the leading qualities that lead to a prescription of the remedy Tuberculinum. As with all remedy types, the state of the mental faculties will often be the first clue that the child needs this particular remedy, although this may not be the reason that the parents bring the child in for a consultation.

A proportion of these children may be born with mental handicaps ranging from mild learning difficulties to severe mental retardation. Mental or emotional retardation is often accompanied by many other disorders or physical deformities.

Within the wide range of mental difficulties, on the less affected side of the spectrum we find children who merely find it exhausting to apply themselves to a lesson or project. Though the mental aptitude to work at a certain level may be there, the child has a weak ability to concentrate on the task at hand. The strain of focusing on the task, of sitting and doing the work, is too great.

Some develop headaches from studying or concentrating for too long. Because study can easily lead to physical aggravation, the child becomes averse to taking on mental activities. Homework is an agonizing topic for many Tuberculinum children. The parents may state that the child absolutely cannot, or will not, sit still long enough to do an assignment.

Another common scenario of of the Tuberculinum child who excels in school until befallen with a severe illness. Then the spark with which she studied and concentrated flickers out. The parental description is that 'ever since she had pneumonia, she just cannot study, concentrate or comprehend the way she used to.'

The memory becomes affected, forcing them to read a chapter or learn numbers or letters over and over again. After taking the proper remedy, the child will be able to concentrate and learn much more easily. The degree and depth of amelioration varies greatly, so parental optimism needs to be tempered with actual class reports from teachers who, unaware of the homeopathic treatment, have noticed significant academic improvements.

Restlessness is an important feature of the Tuberculinum child's behaviour. There is an odd dissatisfaction with whatever he is currently doing, which manifests in a desire to move, to change positions, to ramble from room to room and from toy to toy. In church, the parents must struggle to keep the child well behaved.

These hyperactive children are noisy, screaming when upset or when they want someone's immediate attention. They are also loud in general, repeating things over and over.

Tuberculinum constitutes the main group of hyperactive children that responds to changes in the diet. Like Lycopodium and Sulphur types, they react intensely to sugar. But for Tuberculinum children, it is especially dairy products that trigger impulsive, restless, and malicious behaviour. After eating cheese or drinking milk they often end up breaking things and hitting others.

Many parents can tell the moment their Tuberculinum offspring is at all under the weather because the amount and intensity of basic energy expended is greatly reduced. During a respiratory illness she will become lethargic and weak. She will need to sleep long hours or lie in bed all day -- almost the opposite energy expression of her usual self.

These restless juveniles, like Tuberculinum adults, may love to travel. The parents of such a child state that he likes to go to new places all the time. The most common way to elicit this is by asking about car rides. A usually nasty, irritable Tuberculinum child may become quite agreeable, attentive, and playful during a ride in the car. The ride fulfills an inner desire for change.

Many Tuberculinum babies seem to be born irritable and angry, crying and being very fussy, especially on first awakening. The children exhibit irritability, contrariness, or destructive tendencies early and to an extreme degree. These strong negative tendencies may remain hidden until the child has an acute illness. The child with a high fever may become totally uncontrollable in the office: kicking, screaming, hitting, and pushing the mother or father away. 'This is unusual,' apologizes the parent for a usually well-behaved child.

They have fits of irritability that lead to temper tantrums. During these tantrums it is common for the child to pound his fists and feet on the floor or strike his head on the floor or wall. This 'head thumping' is very characteristic of this remedy, as is the strong aversion the child has to being touched when having one of these attacks.

Contrariness is also noted with great regularity; the child is negative. 'Let's have supper.' 'No!' 'Let's go shopping.' 'No!'

There is an intolerance to contradiction that makes the child violently angry. The contrariness and quarrelsome nature, for which this remedy is well known, leads to the aggressive fighting behaviour often seen in these children. When corrected, the Tuberculinum child may tighten his lips, clench his fists, and then explode. This type of child opposes another's every decision. This is the child who disobeys for no apparent reason, deliberately doing what is not allowed.

Parents may complain that it is a constant power struggle over every issue at home. 'It does no good to punish him. If is spank him, he slaps me back.' Or, 'If I punish him, he seems to be unaware of it and continues to act the same way. He is so obstinate.'

Mood and behaviour can change quickly. A parent often describes the child as unpredictable, expressing a wide range of responses, even is very similar situations. One time the child will comply with a request. The same request on another day may trigger a temper tantrum. This unpredictability can drive parents to distraction. The child suffers internally, not really knowing what she wants. Yet she knows that she needs something, something other than what she has.

Distructiveness and violence should always make one think of Tuberculinum. One finds both self-distructive behaviour and disructiveness toward others.

This violence may begin after a bout with an acute illness. 'Now,' one mother reported, 'my son Nate is whiny and nothing seems to please him. He has become strong willed, wanting everyting his way. If he does not get it, he quickly becomes angry, making fists and hitting people for little reason.' Such dramatic changes in the ability to deal with authority, especially after an illness, should always make one consider the remedy Tuberculinum.

Lodged deeply within the psyche of these children is an eye for an eye mentality. If they are hit, they hit back as a matter of course. If thwarted, they lash out at the offending person directly or indirectly. For example, the child may wait on purpose, dillydally, and waste time dressing just to perturb the parents by ruining their plans. Another method of irritating offending persons is by intentionally ruining their belongings. They destroy books, presents, favorite plants -- in short, anything that is cherished by the other.

These children break things easily, repeatedly, and with enjoyment. Breaking things is one way to release tension. Younger children love to sit and destroy a magazine or newspaper in the middle of the floor of the waiting room. If a sibling builds a model, the Tuberculinum child will break it. It is as if they are relieved of some mental anguish when they demolish something.

The family pet commonly takes the brunt of a Tuberculinum child's temperament. It is very common to hear that the child enjoys choking the animal, pulling the tail, pulling the hair a little too roughly while petting, dragging the pet on the ground, etc. There is a malicious character to this remedy type. The parents often fear for their child's future. 'What will he be like when he is sixteen?' is a frequent anxious comment.

The children may also enjoy teasing others in a mischievous way. Their pranks can be playful or have an edge of destructiveness. For example, the child may hide toys of books that a sibling wants. He then watches with pleasure as the sibling frantically searches for the object.

Tuberculinum children who are not aggressive or mentally slow, tend to be leaders. This type of child is extroverted and easily communicative. She looks all around the office, like Sulphur. The child is an 'up' person -- active, wriggling about in her chair, asking, 'What's an MD? What's an ND? What's this thing for?' She shares with others and has many friends. With her individualistic manner she usually gets what she wants. She tends to be quite competitive, never giving up or quitting when she plays.

The strongest fear of Tuberculinum is a fear of animals, especially cats and dogs and all their wild derivatives such as lions, tigers, wolves, and bears. Unlike other remedy types who have a fear of animals, the Tuberculinum child may try to bluff by ascribing negative attributes to these animals. They state that they are gross, ugly, and disgusting. I recall the case of John, a child who had always loved animals. During an acute episode of pneumonia, he developed a strong fear that his own pet dog would bite him.

Fear of being alone is often found in developmentally delayed Tuberculinum children. They feel that something bad will happen to them if a parent is not around, similar to that of Lycopodium.

Notes on Tuberculinum (Coulter):

Children who have been repeatedly given antibiotics for respiratory tract infections, who can't get rid of one cold before another comes, will benefit especially from a dose of this medicine in high potency at the beginning of the school year. If fact, its value as a preventive as well as its efficacy in chronic ear infections, enlarged glands, tonsils, and adenoids, epistaxis [nose bleeds], enuresis [bed wetting], eczemas, ringworm and other skin conditions, its service in young persons who grow too tall too fast without corresponding muscular development, cause Tuberculinum to be prescribed for children and adolescents more frequently than any other nosode.

The mental instability of Tuberculinum is not the suddenly contradictory mood of some other remedy types, but a chronic, inherent tendency: accommodating behaviour alternates with disruptiveness, tenderness with violence, restlessness with passivity, anger with indifference, reliability with capriciousnes, cheerfulness with negativity, febrile activity with lethargy, need for security and support with the desire for independence, a desire for seclusion with eagerness for intense experience -- making the individual a constant fountain of emotional upheavals.

The alternating moods can be observed from an early age. The normally attractive and affectionate child periodically becomes ornery and disobedient, exhibiting violent fits of temper that upset the whole family dynamic. He constantly wants attention but at the same time desires to be let alone. He is quick to strike out at others, will bite at a restraining hand, or hurls objects with a desire to break things and to injure. The child hurls not only objects but also words, the most offensive, preferably scatological, ones he can muster, and certainly the frequent tantrums of the 'terrible twos' -- the violent outbursts of peevishness and fury from little apparent cause -- yield to Tuberculinum as to no other remedy.

Misbehaviour may take other forms than destructive behaviour: this remedy ranks high for excessive stubbornness and wilfulness in a child. The principal distinction is that many other remedy types are content when the object has been gained, while Tuberculinum soon desires something else.

This type can also be mischievous. In fact, a mischievous streak in children often signifies an underlying Tuberculinum susceptibility. One three-year-old with chronically runny ears was not disagreeable. He was, however, unmanageable in an impish way. For instance, discovering the potential of a really sharp pair of scissors, he began to cut tiny, almost unnoticeable, holes in the backs of upholstered living-room furniture. Confronted with these misdeeds and reprimanded, he stoutly denied his guilt and blamed the family dog, Patches. He realized that no one believed him but was sufficiently shrewd to sense that, unless caught in the act, he could not be proven guilty. No threats or punishment could induce him to change his story. And, to make it more credible, in the presence of other family members he solemnly delivered upbraiding homilies to poor dumb Patches.

A pleasing attribute of this type is a lively sense of humor. A ten-year-old girl cured of enuresis by periodic doses of Tuberculinum 1M used to warn her father that smoking, coffee, and alcohol would hasten his aging. One day he parried, 'I'm not aging any faster than you, young lady. You are growing older every day yourself!' 'Not so,' was the ready reply. 'Once you're over the hill you start picking up speed!'

Incidently, this child who so fearlessly confronted adults -- parents, teachers, and anyone else with whom she could match wits -- was extremely fearful of dogs and when younger became quite hysterical if approached by one. This fear is a key to the remedy. When the drowning physician finds himself in a sea of non-specific symptoms, it may prove a sturdy plank.

The Tuberculinum dilemma consists in the need to fulfill both the civilized and primitive sides of one's nature. The conflict occurs largely at the subconscious level and, when thwarted, is expressed in tantrums on the slightest provocation, melancholy, restlessness, and alternating moods and modes of conduct.

But the homeopathic remedies are directed precisely at the unconscious level. And the potentized tuberculin virus, like the other deep-acting nosodes, achieves its profound cures by addressing our archetypal conflicts and helping to resolve them.
[message edited by hemmy_us on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 18:13:57 BST]
[message edited by hemmy_us on Tue, 09 Aug 2011 03:16:31 BST]
hemmy_us last decade
Please explain the rashes and itching in more details...what aggravates it, which part of the day it is particularly bad, etc?

Did Puls 6 help the skin troubles as well?
Ayeshhaa last decade
the rashes are elevated spots of skin color, occur on chest,stomach, buttocks, thighs.
they itch a lot, with no oozing. however on too much scratching it bleeds and therafter a darkish scar appears at the spot of the rash which disappeared gradually.When pulsatilla was given initially there was an aggravation of the rashes which for the first time appeared on the chest, stomach etc.(earlier it used to be only at the fold of the back of knee) the cough disappeared completely in 1-2 days having recurrences of mild nature subsequently till it was no more as also the rashes . then withmore teeth falling (due to dentition)in jul-aug pulsatilla stopped responding gradually.

there is something else which makes me believe that tuberculinum will work for her which i have seen in simmillima.com extract of which is hereunder:

6. The sixth way for using a nosode is WHEN A MIASMIC LAYER OBSTRUCTS THE PROGRESS OF A CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY that was improving the patient. This use of a nosode is called a miasmic intercurrent. Suppose one has a patient whose symptoms point to an inherited pseudopsoric miasm and the case works out to fit Pulsatilla perfectly. This is all coherent because Pulsatilla is a strongly anti-tuberculin medicine as well as the individual's constitutional remedy. After several months of solid improvement the patient begins to relapse with the same symptoms, and to one's great surprise, the Pulsatilla no longer works. Although there is no change of symptoms calling for a new remedy, the old remedy has become completely ineffective. If the underlying symptomatology shows the tubercular miasm, the homoeopath can try to unlock the blocked case with a tubercular nosode, such as Tuberculinum. In the above example the tubercular nosode sets the stage for the reintroduction of the Pulsatilla by re-sensitizing the vital force.

Two things may happen after the introduction of the miasmic intercurrent. The nosode may move the case forward by removing the active symptoms. When this happens it is best to stay with the nosode as long as the improvement lasts. If this improvement ceases the remaining symptoms may be treated with the former chronic remedy. If the patient does not show any improvement on the nosode after a sufficient amount of time, the former chronic remedy should be re-introduced. Under these conditions the previous remedy often acts just as dramatically as it did the first time it was given. This effect has been witnessed by many experienced homoeopaths over and over again. Although the miasmic intercurrent may not radically improve the case by itself, it can cause the patient to become re-sensitized to their original constitutional remedy. There are times when this technique is extremely useful.

however i dont want to give tuberculinum to her for fear of any adverse reaction- i really wish somebody would advise me since there is no abating in her cough, cold.
also she has slightitching and rashes alll the time nowadays.

one thing which i forgot to mention was before pulsatilla 6 was started for her with the coughing episodes she used also have breathing trouble after sometime so much so she had to beoften nebulised

now again she has her repeated bouts of cold leading to cough almost every day with some rashes and itching.
[message edited by hemmy_us on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 17:47:20 BST]
hemmy_us last decade
dr nawaz/dr joe pls respond-im eagerly waiting for ur reply
hemmy_us last decade
I don't know if you would like me to prescribe or not. Still, based on the symptoms, I would prescribe the following:

Day 1 : Lycopodium 200c - Singe dose in water

Days 4-6 : Sulphur 6c - Single wet dose in wqater every morning.

In case you decide to follow the above schedule, report back with the improvement on the seventh day.

Ayeshhaa last decade
Thanks Ayeshhaa!
nawazkhan last decade
thanx. will let you know after a week....
hemmy_us last decade
I regret that I cannot spare the time to read your very long report.

If you can give it to me in an abbreviated version, I shall try to help your 6 year old.
Joe De Livera last decade
continues in brief in a new thread dtd 14/08/11
hemmy_us last decade
Any update?
Ayeshhaa last decade

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