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Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Arnica Montana got me feelin' like I need some healin'!

For real guys,

I took some Arnica Montana a few days ago and now I can't sing, I have a horrible pressure on my chest,my vision is blurry and it's a strain just to keep them in focus, it seems as if it requires less effort to just keep them out of focus. My pectoralis muscles, especially the joints of my shoulders, are way sore, especially when I open my chest (Pull my arms to the sides and behind me and push my chest forward) It feels like the are way TIGHT! I over all just don't feel good and that my spirits are way low. I used to love and enjoy music like none other and get down on it so hard that the whole apartment would shake, but now it's just not the same... I feel not so good, and my energy left me :(. Can anyone give me some advice so I can move past this and rejoice in the sweet tones of God's sweet music like I used to!!!

  BlueOcean on 2011-08-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It appears you still haven't learned your lesson from the Arg-nit incident.

Why are you taking Arnica now?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Haha! Brisbane! Thanks much for getting back to me and also, thanks much for remembering my past experiences in regards to my homeopathic adventures! I took the Arnica because I busted my heel on a rock a few weeks ago and it got all swollen up and I couldn't step on it at all. I took the Arnica and a few days later the pain was gone and so was the swelling. The swelling was the one to go first, then the bone pain. But eitherway, I am just impacient at times and over do things, like the remedies. But in all seriousness, I have to back myself off of the homeopathics for now to give my body and lifeforce a chance to correct itself because with all the inexperienced experimentation I have done lately, I'm sure I've created more problems than I've solved.
BlueOcean last decade

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