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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema help for 3 year old Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear friends

Thanks to you all for your kind attention.
I sometimes feel just the way user Periopatient has mentioned that "there is no need to subject a 3 year old to all this" ; but the problem here is that we as parents have only two options

2.Allopathy (Steroids with harmful side effects)

We are patiently trying our luck with Homeopathy.
Our son's under the treatment of a Homeopath back in India.
He has seen our son couple of times and knows his condition. I even send him the latest picture of his flared up skins.
Over the period of last 2 years our son has taken the following medicines.

Petroleum 1M (every 10 days)
Calcarea Flour 1M (Morning & Night)
NItricum Acidum 1M (11 AM & 3 PM)

Chrysarobinum 30c
Graphites 30c

It hurts to see the kid scratch and cry in pain, certain days he is fine.
Vinfern last decade
Dear friends,

In the last couple of days he gets up from sleep scratching badly around his wrist,elbow,ankle,knees and back of his knee and also around his neck.
We are helpless and have to give him antihistamines(Benadryl or Zertek).
So far for the last 1 month we have managed NOT to use any steroid creams.

He is sill on
Nitric Acidum and
Calca Flour
Dr. Venugopal we have placed the order for Sulphur and Sarsaparillum

Please help.
Vinfern last decade
Dear Murthy and Dr.Venugopal,

We as parents look up to you guys for your advice since you all have experience in successfully handling this condition of Eczema.
What are we supposed to do, should we try one medicine at a time.
I am not trying to question any one person's view but just trying to help our little boy who is in pain.
Please advice.
Vinfern last decade
Dear Vinfern,

If there is anything I got from all my health problems and my son's eczema, it is this:

You should find one doctor who you trust and follow him/her. God helps you thru this doctor. Devine intervention is needed in our life every minute. We just do not have the power to see the whole picture.
periopatient last decade
Dear Periopatient,

Thank you very much, you are right faith in God is very important too.
The last few months have been so crazy that God has taken back seat, unfortunately.
Yes its important to have faith in the doctor too but we are so desperate with our son's condition.

I have read in some other posting in the ABC forum that when the conidition GETS WORSE thats an idication of the medicine Working, is that true?.

Dear periopateint I hope your son's Eczema is completely cured. Wishing you all the best.
Please do participate in the discussions with more valuable tips in the future.
Vinfern last decade
If you are self-treating It is far easier to gauge improvement if one remedy is taken at a time.
There is no problem with more than one remedy as long as you are under the care of the homeopath who suggested the multiple remedies so that they can do the work and work out which one is helping and which one is not.
erika last decade
An aggravation, if it is beneficial , will show, a better mental disposition, and the ability to bear out the problem more calmly. The aggravation should not last more than a week or two, and there must be perceptible amelioration therafter.

It is stresssed very often that, you must stop giving the the medicine, if the aggravation occurs.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I completely understand your desparation. I had been there and I truly believe my perio condition is the result of all that stress that I went thru.

It is in those times we need GOD. Please have faith that HE will help you thru' this. Keep your son happy every moment. That helps a lot. I really mean it.
periopatient last decade
Dear periopatient,

Thanks again.
You are right and we try our level best to keep him happy.

The moment he is upset about something or cries for something then his default reaction is to sit down and start scratching his knees and ankle. Sometimes he would do this till he starts bleeding.
We are at a loss to understand the emotional connection with the skin condition(Eczema).
There are times when we wonder whether will he have a normal childhood.

Vinfern last decade
Dear Murthy,

His first year of treatment involved Graphites,Nitric Acidum and Chrysarobinum.

Even at that time his
condition would get worse as if the body was trying to expel or throw these impurities out of the body.

Now with the new medication of Petroleum,Nitirum acidum and Calca Flour he is showing a slightly different reaction and i.e. not bad flareups but severe dry skin and the urge to scratch and thus causing the area to bleed.
We are not experts but with our limited knowledge and observations this is what I can write.
Skin around his ankle and feet has a dark colour as compared to the rest of the body.

Vinfern last decade
Dear Vinfern

I can empathise with you.Let us wait for Dr.Venugopal's views.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Dear Murthy,
When I wrote in my earlier posting "We are not experts..."
By We I meant me and my wife.

Hoping to hear from you friends out there.

Vinfern last decade
Dear Mr.Vinfern,
I really understand the situation you are in.
As of now according to the symptoms of the child I feel these medicines would be of help to him.
As I said at the outset, two months of treatment is a reasonable time to observe a change.
DRVenugopal last decade
Dear Vinfern,

I understand about having a regular childhood. I used to feel the same way.

I used to get up 4 in the morning to complete all my daily chores so I could spend my entire day with him. I used to be outside 4-5 hours a day(malls/parks - depending on the weather) since distraction always helped.

There is a great connection between mind and body. Any condition improves when one is happy.

I am sure this phase will pass soon.
periopatient last decade
Dear periopatient,

Thanks a lot for making us feel comfortable.

Vinfern last decade
Yes..sulphur is a great remedie to try to clear out the proving symptomes from wrong remedies and dosages..so is hepar sulph..and i would have looked more closely to hepar than to sulphur in this case, and certainly not prescribe two remedies at the same time, in a allopatic routine manner..
as that, isnt homeopathy.

But, it will not work satisfyingly in this case, as there is also a use of corticisteroids in the past..that will require phosporus in order to remove the bad effects from steroids,they create a block, then we arrive at his remedie, witch is calcium carb, at the bottom of it.

Calc c,always lack essential fatty acids, esp vit d and e in the body,due to digestive disturbace, lack of normal intestial flora(Udos super8), or disturbed enzym release by medicaments/vaxines, or procedures uset under birth/pregnancy, and /or diet..

Some cases, it is inherited miasm, but this you get to know, by properly handling the parents own cases.
This info you dont get by guesswork.

And a normal time for cure in sutch a complicated case, ,i would say two months as max, results should be visible even if ever so small, within 3 days.
allvis last decade
Dear Allvis,

Thank you for your kind attention.

Please give more detail.

Do you suggest that we should also give him Phosporus in order to remove the bad effects of Steroids?
If this is the case then we would be more than happy to clear all the Blocks caused by the steriods.

I am confused about the Calcium carb, do you suggest that we should give him Calcium carb.
Will this help him with his lack of essential fatty acids.

Please note we give our son
Omega3 fatty acids(fish and Flax seed oils). We are not sure how well these are absorbed by the body.

We also give him ProBiotic supplements to aid in his intestinal flora.

Right now our son is taking
Nitric Acidum and
Calca Flour

How different is the function of Calc Flou and Calc Carb?

Please respond.
Vinfern last decade
Calc fl, is t he old mans remedy , for the most..
And no remedies, given like this, in a mix,m will do anything else but complicate matters, by supression, and when repeating it, as this is done, it provokes proovings, false symptomes belonging in the remedie pictures.

Thats why you where prescribed sulphur, its to take the worst effects from that mix.
Sarsaparilla into this, well, i do find that odd.
It can not work .
Its mixing that too.
Forbidden afte homeopathys basic laws.
Re calc cs possibility to help, well, its underlying the symptomes, thats showing in your description of the case,it shows as the start picture, and cc, will get the enzyme and digestive juices back in order, but cant help a long standing lack of fatty acids and vitamins, thats occured due to the malfunctioning.
Only supplements of those a long time, say for 4 monhts or more will help.
(do not overdose certain vitamins, its dangerous).

And, if quite possible, that after sulphur, the picture migth change, and if it do, it will probably be to lycopodium.

Sulphur has to be used, or hepar sulph, one dose once, then wait and obsever the symptomes that present themselves, and what symptomes has gone, then its time to decide what remedie to use,, it may even be more block, as i told, from corticosteroids, then you need to use phosporus, to remove that, if not, the chosen remede, whatever it is, will not work.

Sulphur will work regardless.
The case progress has to be monitored, and remedies chosen after the picture thats presented.
Its all i can say.
I speak of experience, and wanted just to let you know, but i cant say in advance what will happen, and when exactly to use this or that remedy.
It depends on the reactions.
allvis last decade
Hello Vinfern

As you requested, I went through this thread. I think you are getting good advice here and hopefully your son may recover soon.

I spent few days with a remarkable Homeopathy doctor in Uttarkashi which is deep in the Himalayas. Uttarkashi is a valley where temperature difference in day and night is significant so the doctor has good experience handling patients with repeated colds.

I noticed, he was using Psorinum 1M very often on the patients who are prone to catch colds, and results were just marvelous. He said Psorinum can be taken immediately even if there is no symptom of any illness, just the person is prone to get colds.

In the past I rarely used Psorinum or any nosode, but recently I am using it on all patients deserving it and results are amazing.

kuldeep last decade
Dear friends,
Help requested.
Our Son has been itching even more than before in the last two days.
His arms and legs look like hes been scratched or attacked by a cat.
There has been no change in his food habits.
We have no clue why his condition has become bad in the last couple of days.
Right now he is taking
Petroleum 1M (every 10 days)
Calcarea Flour 1M (Morning & Night)
NItricum Acidum 1M (11 AM & 3 PM)

We will be getting a new set of medicines (Sulphur and Sarsaparilla). At this point we are planning to stop the old prescription and start with these.
Many a times I have read that if the itching gets bad then that's an indication of the medicine is working ????
Please help
Vinfern last decade
Itching gets worse in most cases and actually this could be the indication that a medicine is hitting the root.
kuldeep last decade
Vinfern, I am sorry for the late reply (initially you addressed it to me), somehow I missed to read this thread. I will read it carefully to suggest you something.
kuldeep last decade
hello everybody,
i have a specific question regarding my son's skin condition. in this connection i have gone through the posts of dr.Venugopal Gouri from 2005-06-09 to 2005-06-16 re: Eczema help for 3 yrs old. as a doctor i have some specific questions to clarify.
it started when my son came to UK when he was 9 months old.now he is 2yrs 8 months old. it gets aggrevated during winter, more when he goes out in cold weather. it was first started on his legs now it is more on his upper limbs especially on elbows and wrists particularly on right side. his right ear also is affected - oozing lesion. when he is undressed he scratches more.his skin tends to be dry.he does not have any allery or respiratory symptoms.but he has the habit of nose picking.his faeces are foul smelling.there is a family history of asthma(his father and grandfather).
he had dermatological referral in UK and the dermatologist have diagnosed it as eczema, prescribed oil base cream which has to be applied twice daily, a bath substitute and mild steroids (emovate ointment) if the rash gets aggrevated. with these medications he is o.k. but if the oil base cream is not applied even for one day or if he suffers from any upper respiratory tract infection like cold, the rash is aggrevated.when the rash was severe he was advised wet suits for a week.
i would be grateful if you can advise me in this regard as i believe in homeo medicine. i am a postgraduate in obstetrics & Gynecology.we stay in Ipswich, UK.my postal address is:
37, pearson Road,
IP3 8NL.

i will wait for your reply,
yours sincerely,

Geetha Mahindrakar
sanker last decade

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