The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Treating eczema with diet
Hi, my name is Abdul and I am 29 years of age. For the past 2 years I have been trying to treat my eczema with an alkali diet and whole food supplements. I began by switching to a diet of fresh fruits and steamed vegetables. No meat, no dairy or sweets. Within 3 weeks of commencing this diet my eczema flared up. My face and my entire body went red. I have taken homoeopathic remedies for my eczema in the past and I could see the similarities in the healing crisis. Over the course of the 2 years my eczema went from red hot itchy and inflamed to extremely dry flaky elephant skin. I use to suffer from eczema herpeticum breakouts a lot but in the 2 years they have come and slowly subsided. Before I would get a cluster of about 25 blisters around my eye brows, now I get about 2 just under my bottom lip. I feel that has improved. My scalp would weep quite a lot and now that is slowly disappearing, though sometimes it is wet or damp to the touch. The wrinkly elephant skin was really bad with deep wrinkles but that is also slowly subsiding.Just recently I had a couple of severe asthma attacks which resulted in hospitalisation. I never really had a problem with asthma before but I believe this is just the healing crisis taking it's course in similar fashion to homoeopathic remedies but instead food is my remedy.
The reason I am posting this post is because I have doubts now. Yesterday I had a sudden outbreak of puss filled blisters all over my arms and legs followed with a fever. I believe this is called Pustular Psoriasis. I have never had this before.
Is this still the healing crisis taking it's course? I am reluctant to try homoeopathic treatment because it always causes really bad weeping and infection. But after 2 years the healing is really slow I mean it is evident that I am healing but it's so slow that it's unbearable. Can homoeopathic remedies speed things up?
slick_horsie on 2011-10-23
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