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Posts about Diabetes

Diabetes3Weight Loss Insulin Resistant T2 diabetes5Prediabetes3Hyperthyroidism + uncontrolled diabetes7OverWeight, Hair thining post hairfall,Trapped hair under chin,Diabetes1Diabetes2Sexual weakness- diabetes1Weight gain, hair loss, gastric, PCOS, diabetes5Diabetes19Diabetes3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Wonderfull Homoeo drugs for Diabetes

Wonderfull Homoeo drugs for Diabetes
If your diabetic is hereditary and diabetes mellitus use only one dose of Carcinocin 10M and after that Saccharum album or Saccharum Officinale (sucrose) 200C daily one dose early in the morning empty stomach.. continue till get ride off
Monitor your blood sugar regularly
Pls do not stop your other diabetic medicines , if you sugar level is controlled then gradually stop other medicines but homeopathic medicines must be continued for a longer time.
Loss of memory in Diabetic –Opium

Dr. Deoshlok Sharma

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  deoshlok on 2011-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr Deoshlok sharma
it is a great finding from you
Is it applicable for type 1 i mean those who are taking insulin
pl clear it
previous post of you also recommeneded - for all diabetics

1. calc ars 6c;pancreatinum 3x;Ceanothus Americana 3x
Dose-5 drops thrice in a day
so pl once more reply us
[message edited by kamar on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:32:32 BST]
kamar last decade
Yes I am also eager to know about thia aspect as Type 1 is very difficult to cure. Kindly let us know if you have any clinical sucess in this area.Thanks! daktersaab
daktersaab last decade

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