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Posts about Diabetes

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

can homoeopathy manage diabetes

Diabetes is not a disease, but it is a response made by human body to maintain the homoeostasis(equillibrium). so if one treats to low the blood sugar it will dimnish but it wont get cured as the tendency of human body remains so. if you want the complete cure from the disease the normalcy of human body has to be made both structurally and functionally. so treatment must start from the correction of the structure of human body in normal anatomical position so that the organs can lie freely in their position so that it can employ its function normally. so treatment must be aimed to correct both functional and structural derangements. giving medicines along with structural correction gives a complete relief from the disease. Pancreas 3X if given gives favourable response in diseases.
[message edited by drpnidheesh on Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:01:36 BST]
  drpnidheesh on 2011-10-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Diabetes is a disease, as is defined by homoeopathy. Any disease in the body is ultimately just a distortion or perversion of normal functioning.

The philosophy of homoeopathy teaches us that treatment of disease must start with the correction of the vital force, not the body which is only a result of the true disease. The true disease (source of disease) is the derangement of the vital energy. No cure can come about if this is not first corrected, or at least addressed at the same time as any other treatment plans used.

Homoeopathy also teaches us that we do not treat disease names with specific medicines, that all patient's situations must individualised in order to find the simillimum.

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
'so treatment must be aimed to correct both functional and structural derangements. giving medicines along with structural correction gives a complete relief from the disease. Pancreas 3X if given gives favourable response in diseases.'

Instead i will call it

'Forcing a disease deep into system causing more severe damage than a CURE to diabetes'

That kinda treatment won't bring CURE instead something else.
comsite last decade
Dear doctors,
As dr.samuel hahnemann classifies disease into three. treatment plan for each disease changes with the clss of disease which it belongs.so cause finding is essential(aph.5), if it is a structural cause we cant treat it dynamically we can administer dynamic medicines for the correction of vital force along with the structural correction, because a damaged physic cant make a perect harmonius vital function. as in kents 6th observation if the disease is progressed to great limit where we cant adminster similimum, we have to go for organ remedies as i have mentioned pancreas 3x, as pancreas 3x may stimulate the function (as patient can be of long term treatment in insulin or allopathic medication). but if we tell only correction of vital force cure disease it is agains homoeopathic principle. before correcting vital force we have to look where it is growing. treat the patient not disease,correction of body means individualised correction based on the laws of nature.
drpnidheesh last decade

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