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Arnica Montana: Hamamelis Virginica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

arnica or hamamelis

In the web, I have read many articles related to deep vein thrombosis and thromboembolism. I have read several cases where doctors used arnica 30c or hamamelis 30c to cure the DVT.
I would like to know what is the difference of actions/symptoms b/w these two remedies that can be used for DVT?
When arnica should be used and when to use hamamelis ?

Currently, my father,69 is undergoing treatment for CA lung+DVT using gefitinib and anticoagulant(acitrom) and he has severe bleeding from rectum and doctor is saying it's the side effect of gefitinib/anticoagulant.He became very weak due to low HB count and received blood transfusion for recovering strength.
If I want to give homempathic medicine for DVT which is more suitable for him( arnica or hamamelis?)
  shyamprasadcs on 2011-12-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Remedies are best prescribed on the whole case, not just on one symptom. There are many remedies known to cure that condition, not just those two.

Chronic cases like this should not be treated like first aid cases. Someone needs to work through it properly, and prescribe a medicine on the basis of the totality of the case (looking at history, other connected and apparently unconnected symptoms, mentals, emotionals, generals like sleep and appetite, as well as the various pathologies).

Because our medicines have side effects, and because using them to treat just one part of the case can actually create further problems, it is best to seek advice from someone who is trained and experienced in homoeopathy to deal with such a serious and difficult case.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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