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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Dear Doctor,
This is for my sister.She is 20 aged and 5ft 5' height and 60 kg weight.Last week(for one week) she is suffering constipation.Only having some bit of stool.So she has sometimes back pain.Now she using some batch flower remedies for emotional support,such as 'Impatians,crab apple,white chestnut'.Is they cause constipation?. so please suggest some remedies.
thanking you....
  sv3731 on 2012-02-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear sv371,
Plz answer the following:

1) Does she have any acidity problem?
2) What is the food like (breakfast-lunch-dinner)?
3) Any abdominal pain?
4) How much is the daily water intake?
6) Does she sweat a lot? Which part of the body sweats more?
7) Any skin problem (acne)?
8) What sought of emotional problem she is having (any stress, depression)
8) How often she gets angry?
9) Does she like spicy-hot-cold-junk-salty-oily etc food?
10) How is the appetite?
11) Any burning sensation while passing urine?
12) Any headache? When does it occur and how long it stays? Which side of the scalp? Does headache gets better in hot compress or taking food?
13) Any feeling of nausea and vomiting?
14) What is your location?
15) Does she worry a lot?
16) How is the vision?
17) How are the periods? How is the discharge? Does it smells?
18) Any joint pains?
19) How is the sleep?
20) Any symptoms of irritation or dry cough?
21) Any blood in stool?
22) What is the colour of the stool?
23) Does she have bad breath?
24) Any symptoms of cram in legs?
25) Any other medical history please explains?

Waiting for update.

Nikkie last decade

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