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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cat with conjunctivitis and anemia

My cat developed conjunctivitis-type symptoms overnight with swollen eyes .The thing is, there was anemia too. He's otherwise fine. good appetite, etc. I used antibiotic drops and the conjunctivitis healed after about three days and the anemia went away by giving him raw red meat. Then a day later, its' all back. This time the red meat isn't doing the trick. What the relation between conjunctivitis and anemia?
  ajtriva on 2005-07-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
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Namaste27 last decade
Just curious - are you saying your cat's anaemia 'disapperaed' and reappeared in a matter of days? On what did you base this conclusion?
Please avoid using antibiotics. You could try Euphrasia or Cineraria for the eye symptoms. I'm not convinced re. the anaemia, but Ferrum Met or Ferrum Phos fine. Ferrum Phos 6x, since the animal seems healthy - least inteference needed.
Minsa last decade
I really support everything Minsa said.
Astra2012 last decade
Pale gums, almost blue. When I gave raw red meat the gums turned pink. It took about 4 hours. The conjuntivitis-type symptoms went away. It took about three days. Then Swollen membranes around the eyes again .Third eyelid almost completely covering the eyeball and swollen.Then the tongue turns pale, almost blue which to me means some kind of anemia. I tried the red meat approach again but this time it's more difficult and the gums aren't turning pink again. Ferrum. that's iron isn't it? Is a lack of iron also causing the conjunctivitis or are they totally separate. What could possibly be causing anemia to come and go in an otherwise healthy cat. It goes when I give what I can to make it go, and now that's more difficult to do, and it returns when I stop. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try the ferrum and please let me know of there is anything else you could suggest.
ajtriva last decade
Yes-ferrum means iron.
Although in allopathy these are two separate diseases (anemia and eye inflammation) in homeopathy this is all just one disease (showing symptoms where his "weak spots" are: eyes and gums.
ferrum-ph should deal with both symptoms (you use one remedy at a time in homeopathy-except in real emergency-which covers all symptoms)- however if ferrum shows no effect he may require a single dose of mercurius vivus 30c as interrcurrent to deal with his predom. miasm (give ferr.6x for at least week first).
Astra2012 last decade

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