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Kidney Stone



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Kidney Stone


Recently I had a pain in abdomen - right side, lower part.
On examination found that there are 4 small stones in both my kidneys.
Left - 5.7mm and 4 mm
Right - 2.3 mm and 4 mm

Allopathic Doctor asked me to conduct uric acid test and found that it was on higher side but below normal range. It was measured as 6.2. Normal reference range mentioned in report was 7.

I was also diagnosed with 'Fatty Liver' which doctor said that was also an issue as it could make the liver functioning slower ahead. I consulted a friend's wife who is a homeopathic practioner, and was prescribed -

1. Hydrangia Q
2. Ocimum Cannum Q
3. Sarsaparilla 200

Although pain is not there any longer, I want to get rid of these stones very quickly as I have to travel to Germany this month end, otherwise I will have to delay my travel plans.

Can some one help me determine if the tratment i am having is correct/sufficient or I need to change it.

Based on other forums - My Details are:

1) State your Age -Sex -Height-Weight-Job?
Age :24, male , 5’ 10”. Job : Working with a software firm – work 10 hours a day- sitting job, mentally tiring.

2) Explain in details the chief complaints?
Kidney stones and fatty liver

3) What is the duration of illness?
1 month

4) If you have Thyroid functioning complications, please explain?

5) If you have blood sugar, do mention the clinical details?

6) Do you have digestion problem? Explain in details.

7) Do you face any problem in bowl movement? Any constipation symptoms?
No. Sometimes pain in stomach in the centre in naval region. I go to toilet about twice a day.

8) Do you feel thirsty? How many glasses of water you drink every day?
6-8 glasses

9) Do you feel good in warm or cold or humid climate? Which climate aggravates your problem?
Feel good in warm.

10) Do you have nay stress? Explain in details.
Taking Nat Mur 30. I am shy in behaviour and get tensed for very small reasons.

11) Do you get normal sound sleep?

12) Explain in detail about your mood?
I am generally in a cheerful mood, with high energy levels.Trying to joke always and being happy.I try to maintain a good atmosphere at work as well as home.However I usually get perturbed by small disturbances in life. Eg even if someone says something bad about me. The things go into my head wuite easily. Sometimes I also feel difficulty in adjusting with people. Eg Once I changed the apartment I stay inand was quite depressed because new roommates and new environment. Quite a lot of times I prefer staying alone then to befriend new people. I am usually shy talking to other people.

13) Any problem with you periods? (For females)
- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?

14) Any past health history for which you would like to share the information?

15) List all the medicine used / using for past / present health complaints?

16) Do you exercise daily? Or any other physical activity.
I am not regular though, I go to gym sometimes may be twice a week. I also go fo r walk after dinner at night.

17) What is your Cholesterol level?

18) What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
I prefer salty ans spicy food. Prefer salty food items than sweet. Almost avoid sweet.

19) How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Medium, not excessive, but a bit more than normal

20) Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Sweating is more from Head and forehead, face. Its more than a normal person.

21) How much is your present blood pressure?
120-80 - Measured today morning.

22) Please give details about your food intake (breakfast-lunch-dinner)?
Breakfast – Poha, upma, sandwitch , wada sambhar, idly etc.
Lunch/Dinner : Dal, Sabji and chapati

A) What type stones are there in your kidney (Uric or Oxalate)?
Uric probably.
  Konark Mishra on 2012-04-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Why dont you trust somebody... at least that might had saved some time of our members on this forum.

Bless the soul,
Nikkie last decade
Nothing against you,

There is something known as 'second opinion'.

But only thing is the person who is suffering can understand this.

Of course I trust the one whose treatment I am taking, she just completed her BAMS, hence the above questions.

Secondly if you are too busy why did you even take the trouble of reading and replying to the post.

Thanks a lot
May God bless both of us.
StephanPal last decade
did you not use Nikkies treatment of
you on the other post??

Or did you use your friends?

Now you are not sure about your friend??

If so, you have taken a lot of time from
a person and wasted it bc you were not

If so this is rude behaviour and you have
used up any interest in your case.
simone717 last decade
There is no problem in having a second opinion. But in your case it looks like third opnion. There was no need to disguise yourself by creating the second id. You can use the same id for any confusion or opinions .

'15) List all the medicine used / using for past / present health complaints?
Paroxitine 40 Mg(not taking now), Flunil 40 mg, Natrum Mur'

-You provided incomplete details.
Re: Stone in Kidney and Fatty Liver From StephanPal on 2012-03-28.

'I started with Berberis Vulgaris Q today. Will be adding Lycopodium 30 to it.

My father was given Sarsaparilla 200 for same problem, however in his case stone was in Gall Bladder, do you think it is necessary for me too or no need to take it..?

Pain is in the mornings only, subsides at about 11 am everyday. Hence I will add Mag Phos 3x as well.

I am following homeopathc restrictions since I know about this already :)

Also please suggest me when to go for another scan '

Re: Stone in Kidney and Fatty Liver From StephanPal on 2012-04-04
Just for confirmation,

I have been taking -

1) Berberis Vulgaris Q.
Taking two doses of Berberis Vulgaris Q, one early mrng(about 7-8 AM) empty stomach and other in the evening, between 6-7 PM.

2)Lycopodium 30.

Taking one dose of Lycopodium 30 in the afternoon and second in the evening.

Please inform if any changes to be done.
Re: Stone in Kidney and Fatty Liver From StephanPal on 2012-04-04
Hello Dr Nikkie,

I wanted to inform you that pain has reduced by almost 80%. Either it doesnt pain or it is very mild.

You should had restricted yourself from further posts from my side if your intentions were fair enough, but instead you were just posting all false updates and confirmation from your side (as shown above).

I am keeping my self occupied with patients treatment so do other dedicated members of this forum. We thank GOD for giving us this skills to look into the patients health problem and provide sutable treatment. It is our pleasure (not trouble)to read and reply to each and every post appearing on this forum.

Finaly, i need to take this step on the forum to reply this particular post, to make other members aware of the incident and to be careful with your id. which will avoid unnecessary time waste.


[message edited by Nikkie on Wed, 11 Apr 2012 05:52:51 BST]
Nikkie last decade

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