The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Persistent Dry Cough 4 y.o. + night Fever
Hello,4 y.o. male dry cough, fever of 100-101 at night - goes away by the morning. this night seems no fever.
Running nose during the day, staffy nose- night.
Cough Worst evenings w wommiting, consistant during day, calms at night w/few attacks
Drinks a lot water/ less during cough
Sweats during night
Likes sweets(more) and salty (caviar)
Poor eating, no meat or fish, mostly grains, bread, yougurt. Skinny.
Dark circkles under the eyes.
Nature: nervous,attached to mommy, shy, needs attention, not active but smart. (treated w/ baryta carb 30c and arsen album 30c w/ great improovements)
Location: Miami, very warm, humid.
History of reacuring coughs starts out as a dry than turns into wet, mucusy cough after few weeks,lasts up to 4 weeks, eczema and eye discharge- gone.
Tried homeopathic syrups for multisymptoms with no noticeable results.
Appreciate your responses. Thank you
[message edited by zdorovje on Sun, 29 Apr 2012 06:12:38 BST]
zdorovje on 2012-04-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him Gelsemium 30 in the morning and evening for 3 days and see how that affects.
♡ kadwa last decade
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