The ABC Homeopathy Forum
fear of ghosts and aliens
My son is 13 yrs and he is not able to sleep alone or stay alone even in day time due to the fear of ghosts and aliens. This has become worse in last 1 year. I have been counselling him many a times. but, no effect. Pl suggest me a homeocure for this problem.bhavamalinijps on 2012-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Awesome prscription. I learned this magic remedy for fear after decades of hard work in the clinical side. I give Phos 200 and it does the magic. I am so glad to see another opinion in this forum to confirm my finding. Yes, it cures.
Even when all indicated and many remedies bring results only temporirily, Phos cures. Thanks for bringing clinical experience to this forum.
Reva V
Awesome prscription. I learned this magic remedy for fear after decades of hard work in the clinical side. I give Phos 200 and it does the magic. I am so glad to see another opinion in this forum to confirm my finding. Yes, it cures.
Even when all indicated and many remedies bring results only temporirily, Phos cures. Thanks for bringing clinical experience to this forum.
Reva V
♡ Reva V last decade
bhavamalinijps last decade
Drosera is also used for fear of ghost. Other symptoms are Mental dejection, Anxiety, esp. (in the evening) in solitude, with fear of ghosts. -Great mistrust. -Restlessness etc.
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[message edited by Aromatic on Tue, 23 Feb 2016 04:25:13 UTC]
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[message edited by Aromatic on Tue, 23 Feb 2016 04:25:13 UTC]
Aromatic 9 years ago
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