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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr Kadwa high blood pressure, oedema and tinnitus

Dear Dr Kadwa

I am a huge fan of yours and follow your posts diligently. I am confident that if there is anyone that can help me it is you.

I am 60 years old and am suffering from hypertension. My BP is often in the range of 170/90 and my pulse is very slow at only 48 -50 beats per minute.

I am also suffering from tinnitus due to this blood pressure. I hear a constant loud buzzing sound in my ears and i feel dizzy and have no energy at all.

if it helps you solve my case i had my ovaries removed when they developed a cyst 10 years ago. i often get water retention and oedema of my ankles and feet. i used to suffer from UTI but changed my diet entirely and started to drink lots of coriander seed juice which helps. i do yoga and have been taking ramdevs mukta vati to lower bp. whilst this does help it is not curing my problem.

I cannot eat salt - whenever i do my bp tends to shoot up. for this reason i tried nat mur 200c but this caused my bp to shoot up to 180 so i did not use it again. i have also tried belladonna and bryonia with little effect.

i also tried sulphur as my feet feel like they are burning but this did not help either. i suffered tinnitus 10 years ago for 8 months with no bp but at that time sulphur seemed to have a positive effect on me.

lately i am not using any homeopathic just mukta vati. i have some tiny soft warts on my stomach and back. i cannot take heat very well. when my bp rises my face flushes red and my eyes turn red also. i can feel blood gushing to my head . i know these match symptoms of belldaonna but i am not sure what to do. i think on days when my feet swell up and i have water retention on those days bp is worse.

i eagerly await your reply. god bless you always.
  Radhika Sharma on 2012-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take

1. Apis-200 6 pills 2 times a day
2. Cincona (also called China)-3x 1 tablet 2 times a day
3. Dried ginger podwer and gud (jagery). Mix it and take it half teaspoon 2 times

Keep 40-50 minutes gap between above medicines.

Pl give feedback after 15 days

R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 09:57:51 BST]
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 09:58:22 BST]
shouse_nsk last decade
Please take a single dose of Kali Carb 200 and see how that affects in next 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Hi - thank you both for your reply

As i am a huge fan of dr kadwa's i have tried his remedy. but dr i have not seen any improvement as of yet - my bp remains high - especially the systolic -this is always high but dystolic pressure is low. i feel really drained and light headed these days with no energy. and my tinnitus is still persistent. this gets worse as soon as my bp rises which is always around night time. - sometimes it goes as high as 180 /90

thank you
Radhika Sharma last decade
What has been your response to Lachesis?
kadwa last decade
Dr thanks for replying - really appreciate you helping me.

i tried lachesis 15 years ago during my menopause - i used to get hot flushes and lachesis helped greatly. i havent used it recently for blood pressure - should i try it ?

Radhika Sharma last decade
Please take a single dose of the remedy and see how that affects in next 15 days.
kadwa last decade
dr kadwa my mom has HIGH BP problem for a long yesterday she was sleeping and bp shoots and damages her mouth lips means her thongue and lips leaved its position and her voice changed and also damaged her left hand and leg
how to recover damaged tongue lips/mouth ?? she start using kali phos 6x and gelsemium drops told by one homeopath.
zemy2007 last decade

Please give her a single dose of Lachesis 200. Please keep her bp under control by giving allopathic medicines for the time being. Lachesis 200 should help her paralytic affections. Please start a new thread instead of writing in the thread belonging to others.
kadwa last decade
thx dr kadwa
Today my mothers MRI REPORT came, a little blood stroke in head found in MRI REPORT thats why a little paralysis occur in her left hand and left leg. there is little movement in her left leg but 1% movement in her left hand.

i want to ask that if their is any homeopathy remedy which 100% recovers her left hand movement and left leg as were original? plz help me:(
zemy2007 last decade
and also tell what is the single dose means? is lachesis 200 in drops or pills form? what will be single dose?
zemy2007 last decade
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
thx dr kadwa i wana ask one thing more IN MRI REPORT a small blood stroke found in head is lachesis 200 will dissovle that storke?? and how long my mother left arm and hand start moving?today i start lachesis 200 and keep u update week by week.
zemy2007 last decade
One my aunt problem is leg joints pain.
Her age is 35 AROUND
Her body weight 94 kg(body weight increased due to cortisone medicine)
she got no other disease.

she used alot allopati medicine like cortisone and other heavy pain killer got temporarily releif and because of cortison no other medicine works on her.
she also used homeo treatment but she got no result.
zemy2007 last decade
If she has scanty menses, graphites 200 may help her.

If she has profuse menses calc carb 200.

If her pain is worse by wet cold weather rhus tox 200.

If she has warts on her body thuja 200.

If she has constipated bowels with rumbling in her abdomen Lycopodium 200.

If she has insomnia phosphorus 200.

Again there are many remedies for each condition listed above, so it is always better to take a decision on the basis of totality of symptoms.

Sometimes just three lines of information is sufficient to make a suggestion, but this is not the case always.

Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
kadwa last decade
dr kadwa i m telling u my mother paralysis hand progress after 8 days after started lachesis 200 as u prescribed.

my mother leg is moving 40 percent better than before.

BUT paralysis hand is standing up is about 5 inches(little up) and hand movement is 5 % only u can say.
zemy2007 last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Fri, 13 Jul 2012 18:59:22 BST]
simone717 last decade
Please wait for another 2 days and if there is no further improvement by that time give her a single dose of Lachesis 200. You should wait for another 10 days after that.
kadwa last decade
i m giving her a lachesis 200 single dose as u prescribed?

what u mean i again give her single dose??
zemy2007 last decade

[message deleted by simone717 on Wed, 18 Jul 2012 21:22:39 BST]
simone717 last decade
If you have been giving the remedy daily, please stop the remedy and report back after a week.
kadwa last decade
dr kadwa my grandmother having a low bp problem mostly her bp keeps around 105/60 she got no disease.
she take alopathic tablets for high blood pressure. but in alopath there is no tablet to keep bp in normal range tablet takes bp very low instead to keep normal.
so any remedy to keep bp normal like 130/80.
zemy2007 last decade
There is no need to worry about bp readings if she doesn't have any problems like bouts of sweating, weakness etc. There are some people who don't have any problems due to their low bp.

You may give her 3 pellets of kali phos 6x in the evening for 7 days and see whether it helps.

If she has problems due to her low bp, please give more details.
kadwa last decade
she taking kali phos6x for 1 months but bp mostly low.
so due to low bp she sleeps and her eyes closes.

Any day if her bp normal then she dont sleep, her eyes opens talks easliy and says to me i m feeling well when her bp normals.

when she eats pineapple her bp become normal for a time.
zemy2007 last decade
also wana know about my tummy fat.
my problem is my tummy fat only not whole body my weight was 63 kg and now its 80 kg and my whole body is got no fat but only fat in on tummy.
i m using phytolacca berry q and baryta carb for 8 months no fat reduction in my tummy fat its still there.
i just want to remove fat completely from my tummy and want a flat tummy waist as was before.
zemy2007 last decade
You should do rigorous exercise, have fiber rich food and avoid fried food items.
kadwa last decade

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