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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acid Reflux now facing Erectile Dysfunction

Hello Friends,

I am suffering from Acid Reflux along with it now I am facing ED problem also.
I am 30 years old and planning for baby, but unfortunately not have intense feeling and erection for intercourse.

We used to do intercourse at ovulation cycle only but my Erection are not so strong all the time to have proper penetration.

Which results me frustration.

Please help
  bajaj.mayank on 2012-06-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Doctors,

Plz help.
bajaj.mayank last decade
Any advice.
bajaj.mayank last decade
Dr Mahroof,

Please help.
bajaj.mayank last decade
hi you might try using edit button
and change headline to ask for

dr.akshaymohl-help with acid reflux
and conception.

Dr. Mafooz is on here but not that
often. Dr.Akshaymohl is on more
regular basis.
simone717 last decade

Plz help.
bajaj.mayank last decade
Any advice
bajaj.mayank last decade

Pls help.
bajaj.mayank last decade
Please reply anyone.

bajaj.mayank last decade
I took Lycopodium 200 1 dose, but it causes my stomach blaoted, even I didnt like to eat any food and have to bend myself to get belchings.

It increases my Erection but stomach is very bad.

What to do?

Please Suggest.
bajaj.mayank last decade
Is it aggrevation of Lycopodium, I have some feeling from one dose of Lycopodium but my stomach feels heavy also I am feeling much heat in my body.

I get some erections and have some feelings but cant sure that is this becoz of lycopodium?

what do i do next?

Please suggest..

bajaj.mayank last decade
Dear Dr mahroof.

Please suggest,
I have seen your some posts your prescription are quite well.

Request you to please help me also.

bajaj.mayank last decade

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