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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sub: shifting back pain

Hi alls,

From last one week I have SHIFTING pain on my back. Sometimes I feel pain right lower part of my back, some times on left lower part of my back, some times in middle part of back, some times on upper right part of back and sometimes left upper part of back.

It shifts continuously.
Some times I feel pain while I am lying on bed. Sometimes I feel pain while moving.

I am really confused, does that pain is due to weather change, or any muscle is pulled or may be due to

stones in gall bladder, or it is due to stones in kidney etc.,

I am really confused. I will be grateful if u please give me your kind advise that what would be the reason of this back pain and what kind of remedy should I take.

Once again thanks very much for your great help.

GOD bless you.

  jahanzeib on 2012-07-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
Kali Carb-200 (200c) 6 pills once in a day for one week and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade

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