The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Classic Homeopaths! Please help with Extremely Painful and Ugly ACNE and severe hair loss:((
I`m so desperate, please help!I`m a female, 28 y.o., fair skin, light brown hair, gave birth to 1 child at 22 (if it`s of any importance)
My main problem and what exactly happens is this: As of now I have very bad acne all over my face, more on the right side than left, it is extremely painful cysts, that a very tender to touch, sometimes they itch, (like flaking skin itch, even though the skin doesn`t really flake). If it starts itching I know a new cyst will shortly appear on the surface of my skin. It will become painfull and inflamed within 1-2 days. If I pop it (which sometmes I am able to and sometimes not because it`s too big and too deep) it will explode with a lot of puss and then bleed heavily and create a blue bruise around the site of the pimple. It will later crust and will seem to start healing the next day, only to get worse a couple days later. It`s a horrible and hopeless experience. My face seems to start healing for a moment and then 1-2 days later it`s back with another outbreak, and that has been happening non-stop for nearly 5-6 months now. I cannot leave my face alone and constantly pick it, self-excoriate. It makes me feel ugly and dirty. It also hurts. I`ve already created a few minor scars and afraid I will destroy my face soon. I feel very frustrated.
The size and amount of cysts tends to get proportionally bigger approaching menstruation as part of PMS which starts up to 2 weeks prior to the actual cycle. I would say that pms is definitely what makes the breakouts even worse. So it`s really never ending:( I used to have perfect skin and did not have any pimples until 18-19 years of age.
Temporary relief for me is tea tree oil (with olive oil), or Manuka oil. It seems to help a little bit, but as soon as i stop using it the breakouts come right back. Plus these oils smell horribly and give me a headache.
I am not sure what triggers the problem in this case, it could be hormonal misbalance or it could be intestinal imbalance.
They face seems to look best in the morning when I just wake up and look in the mirror, not sure what it has to do with, may be the body and skin is more rested. The worst is usually evenings when I`ve touched my face all day and dirt build up had occurred.
I am not a hundred percent sure, but I think the problem started or had something to do with something that had happened about 2 years ago. I had an abortion and 4 weeks later was put on hormonal birth control, where i started experiencing mood swings, food cravings, weight gain and fatigue. About 5 months later I stopped taking birth control and most of those problems soon dissipated except for fatigue, and a new symptom came out, which was the skin breakouts. It wasn`t awful at first, usually 1 or 2, but then it turned into 4-5 cysts at a time and about 5-6 months ago it turned into full-blown breakouts with very many pimples, blackheads, and cycts at once. Also at around the same time my PMS-es got more severe and prolonged. I would start feeling the sysmptoms 10 -14 days prior to the actual menstruation. (Sore breasts, fatigue, feeling emotional, both sad and happy, food cravings such as chocolate, cookies, baked goods, pastries and anything sugary, and coffee; and of course the unbearable skin breakouts). It has also been a couple of quite stressful years for me with a short relief here and there.
Other problems that I think could be related to this is that I have very low energy levels, and usually feel like I could use a nap by 3-5 pm, even if I had a decent restful sleep the night before, I sometimes even feel like I could fall asleep whiIe driving, I often use coffee to keep me going for the rest of the day, which I know is not the best solution. Coffee also provides some sort of comfort for me, it helps me relax even if its just for a moment. My other cravings are bananas ( i could eat them in unlimited amounts), chocolate, mainly milk chocolate and sometimes baked goods, cookies, pastries, pancakes etc. I hate any foods that are extremely spicy, I am very sensitive to hot peppers and spicy foods. they make me suffocate.
I also noticed that I`ve been rapidly aging in the past year or so, meaning, my skin is dull, I notice new wrinkles on my face, dark circles under eyes, tired red eyes, stooping posture (Im a former dancer and always had good posture until giving birth), pretty severe hair loss in small patches on the front line around face, very weak and fragile hair, bad breaking and peeling nails. I also bruise very easily, any minor hit or bump into something and I get a bruise, If i lift something slightly heavy with one finger it will cause pain and immediate popping of the capillaries on my finger. YOu can also see veins through my skin on the sides of my scull next to temples, on top surface of ankles and outer palms of hands. These things don`t get worse or better at any time of day or night or any other outside influence. They are just being experienced on a regular basis.
I also often feel bloated and gassy, even though I am a vegetarian and cook fresh meals every day consisting of whole grains, vegetables and eat lots of fruit most days. I still do consume dairy and rarely eggs, and once in a blue moon I would have fish. I cannot tell what exactly makes me feel bloated, but lately, it seems like doesn`t matter what I eat it`s still the same sensation. Even though I absolutely do not have constipation problems, and have very fast metabolism. May be I have malabsorption of nutrients problem? No idea.. All these things make me feel older than I am, make me feel unattractive at times, and I feel as if others might perceive me as a person who doesn`t take good care of herself as a woman.
I am usually an optimistic person who always encourages others and believes in the best outcome of things. I believe in miracles and think that quite a few of them occurred to me in life. The way I manage stress of problems in life is try and find a way out the best possible way I can and if I seem to be unable to, I hope that someone will save me or the answer will come to me. I hate anything unfinished, and don`t like to start any projects, unless I know I will be able to finish them within a reasonable time frame. I do not like long-term projects of any sort for that matter. Impatience could be the reason even though I have quite enough patience for raising children and short-term projects. Even If i`m running out of patience, I still push myself through most times. I like things to be in order and tend to be controlling with how things are done, it`s quite challenging for me to delegate or entrust someone with chores, projects, children. I do not like people touching my things especially without asking. I don`t like crowds, the make me feel claustrophobic, but I do like good company and small social or family gatherings. I normally do well in a social setting. I have a phobia of heights and closed unaired, spaces. Event the thought of these things can give me a sensation of feeling it. However it never cause me a real problem in life, I never had panic attacks or major breakdowns. I prefer warm rather than cold and night rather than day. I have more energy at night than during the day. Prefer humid, rather than dry.
I do not remember having any serious deceases, rather than frequent ear infections during childhood years. I always had and still have wonderful relationship with my family, parents, grandparents etc. I tend to forgive people relatively easily, and don`t like to hold a grudge, I know negative energy destroys one`s body and poisons one`s soul, so I try not to hold on to fears, emotional pain, arguments, etc. Lately though, it`s been hard for me to relax, mainly for the lack of time, while raising 3 children (one-mine and 2-my domestic partner`s), and even when I get a moment alone, I`d rather just sit on the couch and think or get things done, than meditate or at least sleep. I love water, and being close to the ocean, or even lake. I feel peaceful when I`m there. I sleep wuite well, when I finally get to sleep, I love sleeping, could sleep for 15-20 hours straight if I had an opportunity. Often times I see such intense dreams that I sweat. I like to sleep with cold air but under a think blanket. Don`t like stuffy air at night. Sorry if this is too much information, don`t know if it`s all relative, but I`m just writing down anything that I thought could be helpful.
Thanks in advance, Would appreciate any classic homeopathy advice!
[message edited by beyondmoon on Tue, 17 Jul 2012 19:49:17 BST]
[message edited by beyondmoon on Mon, 23 Jul 2012 19:08:23 BST]
beyondmoon on 2012-07-17
better luck, click on his user name in an old post and email him to
see if he is available at all on the forum.
♡ simone717 last decade
[message edited by beyondmoon on Tue, 17 Jul 2012 20:16:54 BST]
(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)
beyondmoon last decade
beyondmoon last decade
beyondmoon last decade
of people getting healed on this forum. Whoever you get to take your case
you can send them an email of photo. Maybe the file is too large.
♡ simone717 last decade
beyondmoon last decade
is volunteering their personal time to help people who are suffering
for free. So to say they don't care about peoples health is kind of a slap
in the face to them. Online prescribing is not easy. Good luck.( I had told you in 0ther posts Sameer hardly ever
takes a new case on here. I am sure you could email
David and see how he is doing.)
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 17 Jul 2012 22:54:17 BST]
♡ simone717 last decade
beyondmoon last decade
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