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Boiron Gasalia ®:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

gas problem

Hi iam 38 years old i have gas problem for the past six months if medicine taken it wil cure then it comes back. my stomach is feels as fulliness, acidity upwards, bulkiness, low digestion, sour taste in mouth please give any treatment for me

  royaleanand on 2012-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear anandhan,

What is your life style? if you are just engaged in table work all the time & no exercise,junk food, less water intake, late night watching, worries etc. then all these contribute to what you are suffering of.

However,for to over come the discomfort, till you examine & change your life style as you deam fit you can take CHINA 30c & CARBO VEG 30c alternately two times each with a gap of about 4 hours for a week & see the change.

This will certainly give you rlief but may require change in the lifestyle as well.
daktersaab last decade
thanks sir
royaleanand last decade
sir, now problem is ok now i continue this medicine or what i do now
royaleanand last decade
Dear Royaleanand,

Thanks for the feedback & happy to know you are feeling good.
Now I suggest you to reduce the dosage. That is once Carbo veg 30 in morning & once China 30 in the evening. ( a gap ) of 12 hours for one week & then you can keep it as & when required using your common sense.
Thanks once again for feed back.
daktersaab last decade
royaleanand last decade

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