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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Migraine--Prolonged untreatable migraine relieved by this free technique

Hi, I met a woman recently who told me she had not been without some level of migraine for 30 years due to a congenital malformation of her brain and that nothing had ever worked and I suggested she try a type of white noise (not the kind you may have already tried which is not the same thing) which I will describe below which one can do just by staring at the pure static or so called snow on a tv set when its not on a broadcasting channel which I had tried for other medical problems and she reported it relieved her migraine (she may have said in 15 minutes or 30 of staring at the screen, I cant remember exactly on the time it took.

You may have heard of the healing effect of so called white noise. And I heard Art Bell the radio host say that the random pattern of snow or static on a tv screen is an example of that type of white noise randomness. So I started unhooking the cable or turning the TV to another channel other than the one that allowed my cable (channel 4) to get an example of that pure snow or static to see what it did to me when I stared at it. The static sound was irritating so I turned the sound off while I stared at the screen on static. I made sure the channel I had it on produced pure static (the black dots jumping around on a white screen) without any bleed through of any broadcast and I held my stare on the screen and this is what I experienced:

An immediate profound antianxiety effect, a calmness, a relaxation ,a sleepiness that if I wasnt alert could put me to sleep and a feeling of well being, of pleasure all immediate although the sleepiness progressed with time sometimes and none of these responses stopped no matter how long I stared or how many days in a row I did it.

So I looked up the effect of white noise on the internet and it said that it created the theta brainwave state which was the brainwave state of the fetus and which was thought to be a healing brainwave state. It said it was the brainwave state that we had as we dropped off to sleep. It further said that melatonin was created in greater amounts in that brainwave state and that melatonin had its own sleep inducing and health effect too. It also stated that it created endorphins, which are an anti pain chemical in us and also make us feel good.

THis is a different type of so called white noise than one gets from a fan or other constant sound, it is all frequencies at once Ive been told. Of course I stare at its visual representation on the screen NOT listen to it like is commonly done and which makes me feel like my nerves are being sandpapered (listening to it -thus I TURN THE SOUND OFF.---and failing to do so detracts from the effect.

Another woman posted recently elsewhere that she had read about this technique in a magazine in a Doctors office.

May not work as well if you smoke or for some hours afterwards

Steve Lord
  stevelord on 2005-08-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your post is interesting.

I have used the same technique using a radio tuned off a channel which creates a continuous 'shush' type of white noise, to help insomniacs.

When coupled with Arnica 6c (Split Dose) the combination invariably helps one to sleep soundly.
Joe De Livera last decade
Homeopathy prescribed conveniently - THIS FOR THAT

MIGRAINE = ACONITE, Belladonna, GLONOINE, Lachesis, Melilotus, Gelsemium

Also read : http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/35254
Nisha-India last decade
Very interesting - shall crtainly recommend a trial whenever I can.
Now what's your bone with this, Nisha?
Minsa last decade
Wow - remarkable! Thank you for sharing - I will be trying this on myself!
waterfall last decade
Hi Several of you expressed in this stare at tv static or snow with the sound off method for relieving migraine. Did anyone try it?-Thanks Steve Lord
stevelord last decade
A neighbor friend of mine tried this method recently on a migraine and then another time on a regular headache and in both cases she reported cure rapidly..

It may be essential,( I know it is essential for the profound healing effect of this, although Im not sure in regards to headache(), that one turn off the electronics around him, the radiation if too close intereferes with the body's ability to be stimulated beneficially, like cell and mobile phone, they whould be some distance away and computer , monitor and modem would have to be shut off, and flat screened tv's too, but the only tv that gets static or snow are non flat screened models and they are ok at norml distances, like five feet distance from any part of you.

Note it may not work for smokers and possibly if you are on a synthetic opiate painkiller like oxycontin. Note too the snow should be undisorted, no lines or bleedthru, just pure random static.

Steve Lord
stevelord last decade
Are we talking about cure or are we talking about palliation?

Even from a palliative point of view it could be considered useful if it does not suppress or disturb the effects of a homoeopathic medicine.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Brisbae posts 'Are we talking about cure or are we talking about palliation'

Hi Brisbane, in the instances mentioned in my post before yours and the original woman,
this method totally eliminated their headache or migraine. Im sure the 30 year migraine woman's migraine returned at a later time because it was being generated by some bad wiring in the back of her brain she said. Im sure the second woman will experience migraine and headache again too of course in the future.

Steve Lord
stevelord last decade
Waterfall posted above:'Wow - remarkable! Thank you for sharing - I will be trying this on myself!'

Hi Waterfa;;, you replied to this thread. below, five years ago
did you or anyone you know try it and if so , what were the results? Did you avoid the thins I listed that might block its full effect ? A neighbor eliminated her migraine and on another day her headache, repidly, using this method the other day so Im trying to see if people ever tried it, thinking it may be the cure for these awful problems.


Steve Lord
stevelord last decade
A few months ago my neighbor Mary triied the above described staring at tv snow which is 'white noise' with the sound off for her migaine and also for he odinary headache, and both were rapidly eliminated.

And today I googled white noise migraine and here was one listening, a website called chacha which answerrs peoples questions

Over 1 Billion
Questions Answered

Can 'white noise' give you a headache? In: Health › Medicine & Treatment

There is no evidence that white noise can cause headaches, but some studies have shown that it can help RELIEVE symptoms of tension headaches and migraines! Chacha on! Answered - 109 days ago at 12:12am on Apr 05 2011

Steve Lord
stevelord last decade

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