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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Wisdom Tooth Pain

i have pain in my right side of jaw, just because of wisdom tooth , i had done with X ray which shows it coming out in another way (means something bend)
Doc told me for its removal, but i'm scared by surgery i don't want it as i does not rely on them.

Is this problem can be solved by homeopathy treatment.
because i'm enable to chew and its also swelled.

please suggest.
  ashish8419 on 2012-09-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take bio-chemic combination BC 23 3 pellets thrice a day until there is relief. If there is no relief within 3-4 days write back.
kadwa last decade

Will Do It

and inform you, about the relief

ashish8419 last decade

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