The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Husband Needs Help with Constitutional Remedy
My 32 year old husband needs help with a constitutional remedy. I personally see a professional homeopath in my area however he wants me to help aid in finding the remedy as he is very private and does not want to share personal information with someone and refuses to go. I have tried Rock Water Flower Essences, Coffea Cruda 30c for sleep, did not work. Nux Vomica 30C, nothing and then 200c and he instantly experience severe stomach pain, nausea as if he was proving the remedy. Waited 2 weeks have noticed no improvements. I do not know where to go from here. I will list his constitutional miasms below.Features: 6 Feet tall, long legs, thin frame, brown hair and eyes, full head of hair, small eyes as appears at times to be squinting, olive skin tone, large ears and nose.
Mental: Very driven, intellectual, quick thinker, methodical, addictive personality (foods, drugs, alcohol) private does not like others to know personal information or like to get close to. Sense of urgency, cannot stop. Feels irritated when others get in his way, does not like interactions, prefers to be alone but is able to fake enjoying social situations. Rebellious and always testing, No limits. Work all the time 15 hours daily. Always alert. No inhibitions. Fearless. Quiet with others (private), Logical wants to build things or problem solve. Running, sex and being around animals help stop the mind and brings peace. Is able to see-thru people. Skeptical, does not trust others. Can get angry very quickly. Rage. Throwing things or punching walls. Frustrated. Does not like to repeat himself. Manipulative. High Standards. Sensitive to injustice to animals or people who can fight for themselves. Emotional but will not show it. Profession is a writer.
Fears: Not finishing what he feels like is important before dying, scared of heart stopping, people breaking into house
Dreams: Very vivid, nightmares nightly, multiple dreams, being chased, urge to urinate
Sleep: Goes to bed around 9-10pm. Falls asleep very quickly, wakes up between 2-4am. Cannot go back to sleep after that. Gets up to go the bathroom twice a night. Mind wont turn off, worries, thoughts and fears. Will sometimes talk in sleep and have a conversation. Sleeps Max 4-5 hours. Sometimes night sweats, sleeps with only boxers on.
Symptoms: Loves hair being pulled (sends mental shocks throughout the nerves) does not pull hair all the way out but pulling soothes him. Physical fatigue, tension all throughout body, tightness of chest, heightened sense of smell and sound. Music is distracting for his mind. Can smell perfume if they are closed in a bottle. Sensitive to light, will wear sunglasses inside. Pain in between eyes (third eye area) feels better with applied pressure. Migraines-head, throbbing, eyes hurt. Injury to right hip and knee, chronic nerve pain (dull, achey, pulsating), allergic to nuts (lips and tongue swell), Joints all over are cracky Slight swelling in left testicle with noticeable painful veins( has not changed in 10 years and doctors have seen it). Small hemorrhoid.
Likes: Alcohol (drinks a lot feels like it calms him down), Salty Foods, Vinegar, Hot and Spicy, Open Windows, Windy, Fresh Air, Work, Running, Athletics, Boxing, Loves Animals, Solitude, To be organized. Feels better after shower or washing.
Dislikes: Heat when irritable, dampness, people, intruders always listens if people are near (even in the house), music, calendars, time, anyone telling him what to do, control, hypocrisy (he holds HIS values close to his heart), Organized Religion
Stool: 1-2 bowel movements, normal, brown and long.
Urinating: Constantly 10 or more times.
Thirst: Very high thirst, drinks over a gallon of water a day. Dry mouth.
Many thanks for anyone that can help!!
CTorre on 2012-10-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I wanted to add that I am in need of finding something somewhat urgently as he experiences panic attacks really bad and I am concerned about his mental/emotional health.
Thank you!
Thank you!
CTorre last decade
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