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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can homeopathic medication produce Diabetes

Two of my friends who are on homeopathic combination medicines, recently told me that they diagnosed diabetes after their blood test. I am curious about it. Does any one explain if this can be true as to my knowledge Homeopathic medicines have no side effects
  randpi on 2012-12-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is just a coincidence. There is no cause effect relationship here.
kadwa last decade
Homeopathic combination, may have a suppressive effect. As allopathic medicine. All therapies, including herbal medicines etc, can suppress symptoms, if one does not take into account the sum of all the person's symptoms. One can never provide a medicine based on 1 or 2 symptoms.Therefore, classically trained homeopaths do not use such combinations of homeopathy. But if this is the cause of diabetes, is hard to say.

Parakletos last decade

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