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Erectile DysfunctionPremature Ejaculation



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Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Best Medicine for Premature Ejaculation5Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4Premature Ejaculation5erectile dysfunction8regarding nightfall and premature ejaculation24Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10Hypersensitivity of penis skin & premature ejaculation9Premature Ejaculation5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction, great sex desire , premature ejaculation Page 8 of 10

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Hi dr. Kadwa,

Please can you advise on the above so that i can start the medication accordungly.

venus0743 last decade
Dear Kadwa ,

Please advise on the above so that i can go ahead with the medications.

venus0743 last decade
Cydonia Vul should be taken once in a day ?

kadwa last decade
Ok thanks , will revert once i complete the dosage
venus0743 last decade
Dear Kadwa,

I tried cydonia Vul 30 as advised above and yesterday night when i tried to have sex with my partner , the penis did not have enough erection to penetrate. So we had a bit of foreplay and what i noticed that ejaculation time had increased a bit than the previous time. The erections are happening sometimes at night in sleep only and it fails at the time of intercourse.

Please advise how should i go about it now ?

venus0743 last decade
Also , i got my testesterone levels checked and it came out be 6.06 ng/ml whereas the normal reference range mentioned on the report is between 3 to 10.60. Are my testesterone levels normal ? I got my entire health check up done which consisted of 55 tests and except blood sugar 130 / 200 fasting and post prand respectively ,ESR 17 all the reports were normal.

I really dont understand what is going wrong and why ED /PE is hampering my sex life.

I also wanted to insist that i was having really troubled marriage since more than a year and it was then wheni started masturbating but now it has been almost a year that i have left it. Due to this erection problem i didnt havr sex since may 2013. My marriage is still not very great but it has started improving a bit. However , erection problem is really bothering and i feel scared to have sex with anyone now due to the failure in erections.

Pls advise.
venus0743 last decade
i think that excitement agg your anxiety and you suffer from loss of erections. Have you taken Kali-Iod, Natrum Mur, Phos or Platina before?

Mind; anxiety; excitement, emotional, agg.: ACON(3) ASAF(3) AUR-M(3) bell COCC(3) corv-c irid kali-i mang melal-a NAT-M(3) PHOS(3) PLAT(3)
kadwa last decade
Dear kadwa,

Below are the medicines that i have taken earlier prescribed by you.


Currently, i am taking cydonia vulg 30 once in a day along with tribulus terres Q 2 times un a day. I have almost finished the 100 ml bottle of tribulus terr.

Just wanted to also tell you that i walk daily for minimum 30 mnts.

Yesterday , i took cyd vulg twice in a day and today , around 15 minutes ago , i felt a bit of erection though it didnt erect tobits full size but yes , there was some movement.

Pls advise.
venus0743 last decade
To add to the list , i have taken nat mur also long back

venus0743 last decade
Hi kadwa ,

Pls can you advise

venus0743 last decade
Please take Phosphorus 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 10 days.
kadwa last decade
I will do that and report after 10 days. What about tribulus terr Q , shoukd i continue that as well or no ?

Pls advise.
venus0743 last decade
Don't take it for the time being as you have been taking it for quite a long time now.
kadwa last decade
Dear kadwa , i completed 3 days of doses of phos 30 yesterday and i am noticing some improvements in erections. The erections are happening once around 12 and then out of 3 days it happend twice in the morning time around 5. The erections are not coming in daytime and also i did not have sex .

Should i wait for one more week as advised by you

venus0743 last decade
Yes, you should wait.
kadwa last decade
Ok , will wait
venus0743 last decade
Dear Kadwa,

It has been 10 days since i started with Phos 30 as advised by you. I can see some change , for example, now there is some sensation in the penis in the daytime as well when i think about something related to sex etc. Although the erections are not there in the daytime. At night, the erections happen sometime.

Pls suggest

venus0743 last decade
Hi kadwa ,

Please can you advise further.

venus0743 last decade
Please repeat three doses and wait for 10 days.
kadwa last decade
OK, will do that
venus0743 last decade
Dear kadwa ,
I also have developed lumps in my left arm since quite some time now . The lumps are small in size around half an inch diameter except one which is near the wrist and big in size. It is quite visible and one can see some kind of unevenness around the wrist area. The rest of the lumps can only be felt while touching the arm. Right arm is fine and doesn't have any lumps. My left arm generally doesn't pain but sometimes when I am in stress it pains. I am already a diabetic , type 2 and also having PE and ED problem since 2 yes. I am 43. , married , have tough relations with spouse and occasional fights are common.

I am sensitive , emotional and get stressed and lose patience off lately.

Please can you assist urgently and advise.

Rgds ,

venus0743 last decade
Please take Baryta Carb 30 once a day for 30 days and see how that affects.
kadwa last decade
What about phos 30 ?
venus0743 last decade
Dear kadwa ,

You had also suggested phos 30 for pe and Ed for which I have completed the doses.

Should I discontinue with phos 30 and have baryta carb 30 as suggested or do I need to repeat any doses for phos 30 as well.

Is baryta carb for pe and Ed or the lumps I have on my left arm.

Pls suggest.
venus0743 last decade
As doses of phos are completed, now start with bc 30. It may affect at many levels.
kadwa last decade
Ok fine.

venus0743 last decade

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