The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Atopic Eczema
History :I am 45 years and have been suffering from 'Atopic Eczema' since January 2012. I am suffering skin problem from my child hold as small cracks on hand and foot fingers. My doctor called it 'Chambal' in local language. I have been using Allopathic medicines since January 2012. Mostly Allopathic doctors disappoint me about complete cure of this disease besides other give remarks that it will take long time to cure as 1 ½ or 2 years etc. I was much worried about this problem and started reading different literature on internet as reading various mails / replies on your forum about this disease and decided to have homeo treatment form you. I think homeo medicine does not suppress disease rather cure disease. I am suffering worse itching which started on back side of legs and arms which are some what redish, with some whitish / blackish patches on face also. Skin has red rashes and became rough, some time appears small boils on root hair also. Now it has been spread to all over the body including legs, hips, back and front of body. I feel trigger itching when I change clothes might sudden change of body temperature or else. My head hair and beard are also suffered with dandruff like structures causing itching. Allopathic medicines some time suppress problem with use of creams / ointments but problem persists. Bath water pinches me severely. Some time cracks appear on my upper lips area in Mustache with some secretions also. I am not suffering from any asthmatic problem with blessing of Allah.
Lab Test / Diagnosis : My Allergy test i.e. IgE is positive (Range 165) and anther Allergy test by Skin Pricking , drops of a solution 20 minutes exposure shown also positive. I have used allergy vaccination for 3 months.
Dear doctor sb. I think you are doing wonderful job by providing medical remedies to humans across the world and receving good wished of millions of worried peoples. Please help me also in this regard by advising proper treatment and precautions, and suggest some remedies that might help me eliminate this condition permanently as i am not disappointed after reading mails on this forum. Thanking you in anticipation please.
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kbashir on 2013-03-02
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kbashir last decade
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kbashir last decade
1. Rhus Tox-200 6 pills morning every day
2. Sulphur-200 6 pills at bed time every day.
3. Psorinum-1m 6 pills at bed time once in a week. That day do not take Sulphur-200
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Its indeed pleasure for me to have your kind and prompt reply for treatment. Thanks so much.
kbashir last decade
I have used all advised medicines regularly and stopped all allopetic medicines.
Before giving feedback, I want to clear that my feedback is not based on any disappointment from homeo medicne, my case may be of chronic nature.
After two weeks treatment, my problem persist. I am not in feeling any relief. My itching problem became much worse and facing serious disturbance during sleep due to itching.
May I take any anti allergic tablet during night to get some relief in itching?
looking for some kind advise
kbashir last decade
kbashir last decade
I have pioneered in the use of Arnica to treat chronic cases of Eczema and if you are interested in using my therapy I shall prescribe for you.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
1. Urtica Urenxe-Q 5 drops twice a day in 2 teaspoon water
2. Petroleum-200 6 pills twice a day
Please keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
3. Psorinum-1m 6 pills once in a week at bed time (may be on every Sunday)
Pl take this revised treatment for 15 days and then give feedback
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
May God Bless you for treating me.
It is indeed pleasure to inform you sir that I am feeling well about 30-40% with blessing of God and your treatment and all patches are now going to clear. Now these became very small scales after becoming very small / tiny boils. One thing that persist is itching on body, face, sheave area of neck etc. My petroleum 200 has been finished since 2/3 days but i am using other two medicines. One thing i would like to add that i am using two allophetic creams for local applications too for itching.
Still sometime during night i feel severe itching. Please guide me further treatment and guide me that it will be better to take these medicine in empty stomach or not. What kind of prevention should be adopted.
warmest regard
kbashir last decade
kbashir last decade
sometimes the email alerts don't work
right on here. Click RP's poster name-
shouse and send him an email.
♡ simone717 last decade
♡ simone717 last decade
I have given you a mail on your mail address on 20-5-2013
The message is like this
Dear K Bashir
1. The Homeopathy medicines are generally taken when stomach is empty. They should not be taken immedaitely before or after meal. There should a at least gap ogf one hour after or before any intake.
2. Pl stop all Allopathy creams of external applications. They will become a hurdle in progress.
3. Pl take now revised treatment as follows
1. Urtica Urenxe-Q 5 drops twice a day in 2 teaspoon water
2. Rhus Tox-200 6 pills twice a day (In place of Petrolium-200)
Please keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
3. Mezereum-200 6 pills at bed time
4. Psorinum-1m 6 pills once in a week at bed time (may be on every Sunday. That day no Mezereum)
PL take this revised treatment for 15 days and then give feedback.
By the way, where do you stay and what do you do..?
R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
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