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Lycopodium Clavatum:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

overdosed on Lycopodium?

I am wondering if I overdosed on Lycopodium and have therefore “proved it” and rendered it useless.
I had seen a naturopathic physician about my acne (persistent for nearly 2 years after coming off birth control). She first prescribed 6c nat mur (did nothing), then 6c nux vomica (made me feel happier for 2 weeks, then stopped, but did nothing for acne), then 30c nux vomica (similar results as 6c). At this point, I had to move away from the area and started to learn about homeopathy myself. I self-prescibed 30c pulsatilla after learning that it can be helpful for hormonal acne (which I am certain is the root of my acne problem), but this did nothing. I then read the profile for Lycopodium and an article in a magazine and decided that it was a perfect fit. I am thickset and muscular, want to please people, have high ambition, and feel a need to control. The acne is worse every other week, depending on my menstrual cycle, I get headaches often, have menstrual pain, and have gas/bloating. Symptoms are always worse at night, starting around 3-4 pm. I am worse in hot/humid environment. I am better from warm food and drink (crave it), loosening clothing, cool air.
I took 2 doses (2 pellets each dose) each day of 30c Lycopodium for 1 week and my skin and bloating were noticeably better for 3 weeks until I had a little bit of coffee. I looked over coffee being inimical to this remedy. The symptoms returned. 2 weeks later, I took 1 dose (3 pellets) of 1M after reading that a homeopath had treated a similar case with this dose. This did nothing after 1 month. I then drank a cup of coffee each morning for a week hoping to undo the 1M dose. 3 weeks ago, I took another round of 30c (2 doses of 2 pellets for 1 week), but have seen no improvements at all.
  angel85 on 2013-03-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take a single dose of Sulphur 200 and see how that affects in 15 days.

Only one dose, not daily.
kadwa last decade
I doubt about Lyco overdose. But Lyco and Coffee are inimical. Both randomly might have confused vital force.

You need treatment for 'Abuse of coffee' to restore vital force.
dhundhun last decade

what would treatment be for abuse of coffee?

There is so much argument about this in
homeopathy. Some homeopaths say if the remedy
is right it is not going to be antidoted-

Others say do not take things on the days of
the remedy ( which makes sense to me)

This person was not doing frequent coffee-
just on the usa news a day or so ago-
That to avoid a stroke the recipe is one cup of
coffee and 4 cups of green tea a day.
simone717 last decade
[simone] what would treatment be for abuse of coffee?
[dhundhun] this includes Cham., Guar., Ign., Nux v. - source Boericke

[simone] There is so much argument about this in
homeopathy. Some homeopaths say if the remedy
is right it is not going to be antidoted
[dhundhun] That's right. Someone taking coffee regularly is in-general not going to antidote homeopathic remedy by following his regular intake of coffee. Some exceptions - Morphin, Opium, etc.

[simone]Others say do not take things on the days of
the remedy ( which makes sense to me)
[dhundhun] That's right. Half and hour is enough. No need for a day. To regular drinker, one-day can have adverse effect.

[simione] This person was not doing frequent coffee-
just on the usa news a day or so ago-
That to avoid a stroke the recipe is one cup of
coffee and 4 cups of green tea a day.
[dhundhun] Lyco and coffee (in potency) are inimical and coffee (in potency) antidotes part of lyco. In this case crude coffee has antidoted some symptoms of lyco (you need to trust angel about this stated fact). No antidote is perfect and 100%. Generally antidotes tend to antidote only a few symptoms. So currently angel is likely to have mixed symptoms - orignal, lyco, and probably of coffee.

Also, angel must avoid coffee, while taking lyco. This is one of the examples beyond books and a homeopath should adjust to such individual cases (although there is no need to generalize for others, unless more evidences are there).
[message edited by dhundhun on Sun, 24 Mar 2013 01:23:33 GMT]
dhundhun last decade
Thanks for clearing that up for me--

- the word 'abuse' of
coffee is what confused me here.

Appreciate the education.


simone717 last decade

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