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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Weak Liver problem

I am suffering from weak liver problem, searched the forum but didnt got what remedies to start with. below is questionnaire answers. last month LFT test everything is normal.


Patient ID: Sajid
Sex: Male
Age: 31

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings.

1. Describe your main suffering?
Ans: Pain under right rib cage mainly and left side as well, bloating after meals, fatigue, flu with rainy nose, easy skin rashes, frequent abdominal pain and indigestion, throat stiffness

2. What other physical sufferings do you have in your body? .
Ans: Pink hand palms. Excessive sweating on forehead left side even in normal temperature. Lack of concentration in work.

3. What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
Ans: Confused, memory lose. lack of interest in work.

4. What exactly do you feel when you are at your worst?
Ans: Lost, confused like to lay down and rest.

5. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
Ans: Last Lack of exercise and spicy fast food and long sitting hours I think caused this.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
Ans: After meals.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
Ans: After exercise/running/swimming or heavy activity.

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Ans: Don’t think so

9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
Ans: Spring / winter season.

10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc.
Ans: Moody, Quiet. Changeable

- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
Ans: Normal.

- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
Ans: Yes

- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
Ans: Noise cause confusion

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
Ans: No

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Ans: Love them, want to keep them happy as far as I can.

11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
Ans: Fear of losing family, don’t remember dreams that much.

12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
Ans: All kind of food items.

13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Ans: Normal
14. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Ans: Less

15. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?
Ans: Fats, rice, meat, processed food, ice cream etc

16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Ans: Excessive on head left side.

17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
Ans: Once after awaking in morning, pasty and pale.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Ans: normal sleep. Upward or Left side these days

19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
Ans: Less interested in these days

20. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
Ans: Don’t think so

21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Ans: Used herbal meds for abdominal pain. Using multi vitamin supplements for fatigue. Home remedies for abdominal issues.

22. What major diseases are running in your family?
Ans: Mother undergone chemotherapy for Heptitus C. currently in remission status.

23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
Ans: Whitish color , 6 foot.
[message edited by sajjid on Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:44:00 BST]
[message edited by sajjid on Fri, 07 Jun 2013 18:50:22 BST]
  sajjid on 2013-06-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux Vom 200 ,15 drops in an ounce of water 1/2 hrs before dinner, 3 times in a gap of 15 mins.dont repeat.

next day onwards Pulstilla 30 and kali mur 6x three times a day . feed back every three days.
anuj srivastava last decade
Thanks Anuj.

any thing/food/drinks etc to avoid during this course ?

just asking about 'Carduus Marianus' as some doctors suggest using it in liver problems ?

i will update you when i got complete what you said
sajjid last decade
While taking medicines and other wise alsothe use common sense in diet avoid everything you know to be hurtful, or doubtful

'Carduus Marianus';Q and ChelidniumQ 5 drops of each in an ounce of water three times a day can be taken half an hr b4 meals
anuj srivastava last decade
Couple of questions before starting

1)Should I stop vitamin supplement that I am taking for fatigue?

2)Should I mix both
Carduus Marianus Q ChelidniumQ

In an once water or use them one by one separately?

3) should I start the course with nox vom 200 or carduus marianus?
sajjid last decade
Nux is only one time dont repeat after that you start the course.You can mix both.you can have the supplements.
anuj srivastava last decade
Got Nux Vom 200 and Carduss M-Q and Chelidm-Q

i used 3 times Carduss M and Chelidm before getting Nux Vom 200

should i stop them to use Nux Vom tonight before dinner will this create issues?

what should i do?
sajjid last decade
not an issue. have it today,and dont repeat.
anuj srivastava last decade
Here is the 1st report since
i took nux vomica 200

were taking Carduss M-Q and Chelidm-Q 3 times a day which caused increase pain in right rib area in backside. so stopped it last time. now pain is negligible.

following are my body conditions

little improvement as compare to before starting course. sweating on left side is still there. itching in night time.

pain on left front side.

Rainy nose with transparent liquid in day time.

itching in neck, head, arms, legs intensity is on lower side.

Stool & Urine:
stool is brown color.
urine has most of time colorless.



Change of environment (going to somewhere) causes excessive sweating and voice becomes on lower side with confusion, no concentration.

should i start taking Kali Mur 6x?
sajjid last decade
have a dose of calc carb 200 at night, dont repeat,and dont have any medicines on that day,have them next day onwards kam 6x and pulstilla 30 as directed.
anuj srivastava last decade
Thanks Anuj, for your help and guidance conditions improved alot.

taken Calc Card 200 on satureday. and now on Kali Mar 6x and Pulstilla 30 daily

below is report

thinking process improved.

itching if i didnt take vitamine supplements for whole day. otherwise its improved alot.

Pain with rarely occurrence

its improved alot no rainy nose.

before starting course it was dry, now it became more oily
if i avoid Vitamin Supplements for 24+ hours itching in neck, head, arms intensity is on low side.

stool is brown color most of the time. with pastery type.
Hemorrhoid occurrences level is getting low

urine has most of time colorless. but smell pretty bad

Normal to High


Should i continue with current meds? when should i stop ?

Thanks again.
sajjid last decade
Thanks Anuj, for your help and guidance conditions improved alot.

taken Calc Card 200 on satureday. and now on Kali Mar 6x and Pulstilla 30 daily

below is report

thinking process improved.

itching if i didnt take vitamine supplements for whole day. otherwise its improved alot.

Pain with rarely occurrence

its improved alot no rainy nose.

before starting course it was dry, now it became more oily
if i avoid Vitamin Supplements for 24+ hours itching in neck, head, arms intensity is on low side.

stool is brown color most of the time. with pastery type.
Hemorrhoid occurrences level is getting low

urine has most of time colorless. but smell pretty bad

Normal to High


voice becomes on lower side on change of environment (going to somewhere) is still there but improved from last level.

Should i continue with current meds? when should i stop ?

Thanks again.
[message edited by sajjid on Wed, 26 Jun 2013 13:36:41 BST]
sajjid last decade
have a dose of calc carb 200 at night as before,continue the rest of the medicines as directed.feed back every four days.how does your urine smell.
anuj srivastava last decade
Urine smells like sour item with stinky effect.

also couple of observations

has wet/sweaty forehead even on normal room temperature. it intensifies if i change environment (go somewhere outside home)

have movable enlarged (1/2 ince ) glands under the skin in

1) hepatic area (under ribs area on front side). 2-3 on right side on 2 on left side.

2) 1 on belly button in abdomen

3) 1 on left breast near nipple

4) 1 on left arm.

all of these are movable and no painful on touching them. noticing them since last Oct

last week went for abdominal ultra sound every thing came normal.

today i didnt took any meds so that i can use Calc Carb 200 (5 drops) at night.

Thanks again
[message edited by sajjid on Thu, 27 Jun 2013 12:46:22 BST]
sajjid last decade
please keep on noting all your symptoms, take calc carb till i review your problem after a week or so.
anuj srivastava last decade
Thanks for quick reply

should i take calc carb only once tonight and wait for next week
i should take daily ?

should i continue taking other meds?
sajjid last decade
repeat after every three days giving feed backs every fourth day.
anuj srivastava last decade

took Calc Card 200 on yesterday night. and now on Kali Mar 6x and Pulstilla 30 daily

below is report


itching intensity is on lower side. sweaty forehead.

pain is no more.

rainy nose with less transparent liquid.

oily, itching level is on lower side.
red 1 inch patches on pelvis area (2 on left side) and 1 on right side. (they are there before start of course )
tiny red dots on skin different areas (they are there before start of course )

stool is pale color with pastery type. with lower amount.
satureday i took rice after that i have yellowish stool and dark greyish parts in it due to Hemorrhoid i think.
then i used Cardus Mur-Q and Chelidm-Q couple of times ( night and morning) after 1st use next stool amount was big with pale color.
after second use pain on right hepatic area started then i stop further intake of these meds.

urine has most of time colorless. sometimes light yellowish. sometimes light redish (if i use multi vitamins).



voice becomes on lower side on change of environment (going to somewhere) is still there but improved from last level.

Quality is improved.

no change in glands size.

Energy level is improved from last week level. started morning exercise since last week.

Thanks again for your help.
sajjid last decade
stop pulstilla and kali mur .Start calc flour 6 x.5 tabs three times a day with a weekly dose of calc carb.other two mother tinctures to continue,stop them when the pain aggravates.
anuj srivastava last decade
Hi Anuj below is the update.

took Calc Card 200 on satureday night. and stopped since Kali Mar 6x and Pulstilla 30 since last friday. also stopped taking multi vetamins.

i am only on Chelidm-Q 3 times a day. when ever took Cardus Mur-Q it caused bloating and gases in abdomin so not using it.

below is report

No change on positive side.

sweaty forehead.

pain is no more.

every other day have flu like condition sneezes, rainy nose transparent liquid. itchy nostrils

oily, itching level is on lower side.
red 1 inch patches on pelvis area applied a cream they are fading away.

tiny (ball point pin size) red dots on skin different areas ( mostly abdominal area) non ichy no painfull

stool is hard and brownish with little greenish touch. with undigested parts.

urine has most of time colorless. sometimes yellowish.

Yellow coating with red tip.

Hunger/Appetite :
lower side, aversion from sweets and processed foods. like to take milk and raw juices, sweating after eating anything.

low , sweating after drinking waters etc


no change in glands size, most of them are under skin not visible to naked eye. i can feel them when i touch them.

Energy level is on lower side since last week.

Thanks again for your help
sajjid last decade
please don't apply any cream on any rashes.the good work of the drug will be diluted.

take one more dose of calc carb,report after 4 days.
anuj srivastava last decade

Ramadan is starting in this week so have to fast in day time till evening

can i change freq and quantity of meds in fasting. i mean taking 15 drops once daily etc
sajjid last decade
have 5 drops only ones.
anuj srivastava last decade
Hi Anuj below is the update.

will take Calc Card 200 tonight.

i am only on Chelidm-Q 1 time a day.

below is report. added Face and Respiration.


sweaty forehead. increases after eating or drinking something.

Still have every other day have flu like condition sneezes, rainy nose transparent liquid. itchy nostrils

if i take Chelidm-Q i have itchy cheeks.

dark grayish part muscus discharge normaly with size of 1/2 inch.

oily, no more itchy.
brown patches on pelvis area.

no change in tiny (ball point pin size) red dots on skin different areas ( mostly abdominal area) non ichy no painful

stool is brown yellow with red ish part due to piles. 1st part was hard and then paste like one. constipation like situation due to low intake i think due to whole day fasting.

urine has yellowish color.

Yellow coating with red tip.

Hunger/Appetite :
Normal aversion from sweets and processed foods. like to take milk and raw juices, sweating after eating anything.

Normal , sweating after drinking water etc


glands size is lower side. size increase when even i eat spicy,chicken like things.

Energy level is good as compared to last week.

Thanks again for your help
sajjid last decade
start nat mur 6x five tablets two times a day,from day three of taking calc carb.feed backs regularly.
anuj srivastava last decade
Hi Anuj

below is the update.

today is 3rd day since i took Calc Card 200.
in early morning took 1st dose of Nat Mur. since then feeling dull pain in liver area on right side under rib cage.

stopped taking Chelidm-Q now no more rainy nose on every 2nd day.

below is report.


sweaty forehead. improvement here low sweating after eating or drinking something. itchy in night.

no more rainy nose for last 3-4 days

itchy cheeks.

so far no dark grayish part gummy muscus discharge for last 3-4days. although have white little foamy discharge from mouth if there is sneezing

oily greasy, rarly itchy.
brown patches on pelvis area.

no change in tiny (ball point pin size) red dots on skin different areas ( mostly abdominal area) non ichy no painful

today morning after taking nat mur i have stool which have hard parts at start then dark yellow pasty one with burning sensation during and after. yesterday it was brown and pasty. once a day aleast so for for last 3-4 days.

urine has yellowish color. frequency is 3-4 / day

Yellow coating with cracks in midddle with red tip.

Hunger/Appetite :
aversion from sweets.
likes to have fresh and simple food



abdominal glands size is same as last week.

overall energy level is good and same as last week.

should i keep using Childm-q ?
sajjid last decade

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