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Sweating in pubic area
Hi! I am looking for help with this embarrassing problem. I have had a problem for years with excessive sweating in my pubic/vaginal area. I always associated this with situations of high stress/anxiety. Over the last year the condition is getting worse, and I notice it when I am watching tv, or out to dinner or driving my car, in other words not stressful situations. I feel excessive heat in this area and perspiration, but no vaginal discharge and I don't notice a very strong odor, just wetness. It happens within minutes of getting dressed. Even antiperspirant doesn't seem to help. I do not have this problem on other parts of my body. I do not have this problem at night.I am a 39 y.o. unmarried female, 5'4', 155 lbs. I am generally healthy. My only other health issue is anal skin tags that I have sought treatment for with some success on this board, and will seek to resume treatment in the future. The only medications I take are Lo-Ovral (birth control) and Claritin for allergies. I have been unemployed for 7 months which causes moderate stress, but not overwhelming stress.
The self-diagnosis tool on here suggested Sepia, but I was not sure on a dosage and thought I would ask. I should note that I don't have a lot of money to try a bunch of different remedies, so hopefully you can suggest something that is likely to work on the first try.
Thank you!
DanielaE on 2013-07-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nat mur 30 one dose daily evening time for 5 days and report after 7 days
♡ akshaymohl last decade
It means Natrum mur 30c 4 pills or 5 drops in two table spoon water.
libra981 last decade
I took 4 pills daily for 5 days. I think there has been some improvement, particularly at times of rest. However, today just mowing the lawn for 20 mins, I found my shorts were wet in the front, while I was not perspiring as much anywhere else. It still seems to be an excessive problem in this area.
DanielaE last decade
Please don't use anti-perspirant. If you curb sweating in that area, you are going to get a much severe problem. This problem requires a prescription based on proper case taking.
♡ Zady101 last decade
I appreciate the feedback, but as I stated I am unemployed, so a doctor visit and prescription are not feasible right now. There must be something else I can try for relief now.
DanielaE last decade
I should add, I don't use anti-perspirant often in this area. I only use it when I am out at a public event and need to minimize embarrassing sweat spots.
DanielaE last decade
You can continue nat mur for 7 days ..nat mur removes tendeny to accumulate water at a particular place .
♡ akshaymohl last decade
I have seen some improvement after the additional 7 days. While this area still perspires more than other areas, it is not as much as before (in other words not a sweat quickly soaking through clothing). Should I continue taking it?
DanielaE last decade
After 7 more doses, I find that my original problem is pretty much resolved. Now I'm finding that the sweating has migrated further south and is concentrated in the vaginal area. Instead of the front of my pants getting soaked with perspiration, now the crotch is. Any suggestions for dealing with this? Thanks for your help.
DanielaE last decade
Yes Simone You are right because med now shod be given time as well as further dose to complete cure
♡ akshaymohl last decade
I took the last dose about two weeks ago. I thought the problem was completely resolved, but now I think there is still more perspiration in this region. It is 10 times better than it was when I started though.
Will this be something I will have to periodically take to keep the problem from getting worse?
Will this be something I will have to periodically take to keep the problem from getting worse?
DanielaE last decade
Nat mur 200 one dose weekly for one month evening time .pl donot take extra salt
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hello, sorry I haven't followed up. I recently started a new job and haven't found time to be online much. I took the dose for a month, and stopped about 3 weeks ago. I still notice excess sweating in this region doing simple household tasks like ironing clothes that should not be that strenuous. It is still greatly improved from what it was when I first started, but it is still a problem.
DanielaE last decade
Nat mur 200.evening tome for three days only.
♡ akshaymohl last decade
I finally ordered some more, and took three doses about a week ago. I don't see any improvement. In fact, it seems worse, which may be because it is cold & the heat at work is turned up, but I am only sweating in my crotch region. It is embarrassing.
DanielaE last decade
I drink about 24-32 oz of water daily. I don't add salt to my food, and generally prefer sugary foods to salty ones, and not a lot of fast food or processed food. I wouldn't say my salt intake is any different.
The only changes I can see in my routine are increased stress due to my dog being sick, which has led to less exercise & an increased consumption of red wine, maybe 3x a week.
The only changes I can see in my routine are increased stress due to my dog being sick, which has led to less exercise & an increased consumption of red wine, maybe 3x a week.
DanielaE last decade
Nat mur 6x thrice daily along wth whitechestnut bach flower thrice daily.The gap between the two should be one hour .pl donot wear very tight clothes.
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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