The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hello, I wanted to know how long would homoepathy take to cure constipation that started in 1999. I know it's allergy/bacteria/parasite/pathogen based because NAET (allergy elimination technique), helped it in a short amount of time. I stopped the treatments and 13 months later, the constipation came back. I still wasn't able to eat eggs, meat or nuts without getting backed up.My constipation started 6 months AFTER taking thyroid hormone. Not sure if it would have happened anyway. I keep thinking that my body wasnt' ready for thyroid hormone because my adrenals were very depressed. Taking the hormone caused me to develop many food allergies. I also suffer from insomnia, was sleeping 4-8 hours, sometimes less. Not sure if depression has anything to do with my constipation.
I figure something chronic like this can take a very long time. NOt sure if I'll have the patience. I'll try homeopathy thinking that it would help my depression and sleep, then go to naet again, then back to homeopathy to finally get cured.
any thoughts would be appreciated.
My constipation isnt the normal kind. There is absolutely no peristalsis, as if it's colonic inertia, but I know it's allergy based. I rely on 2 or three colonics a day to empty out. Enemas aren't even strong enough.
stickysnap on 2003-04-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
(This message is posted here by way of an exchange of views and does not constitute a medical prescription)
The following homeopathic medicines are likely to help you:
3. OPIUM 200C
(2 & 3 will also eliminate the adverse effects of over drugging by allopathic medicines).
Take medicine at bed time.
Good luck!
PANKAJ VARMA 21 July, 2003
The following homeopathic medicines are likely to help you:
3. OPIUM 200C
(2 & 3 will also eliminate the adverse effects of over drugging by allopathic medicines).
Take medicine at bed time.
Good luck!
PANKAJ VARMA 21 July, 2003
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
You can also try Plumbum Met 200.
APS Chandi 2 decades ago
nux- vomica 1m
carbo-veg 200
Dr.Anil Rai,
Doctors Center,
3rd floor,Hill-N-Dale Bldg, Next to Bandra police Stn, Hill Road,
Bandra(W), Mumbai 400050
+91 022 2640 0241
Time: 3 to 5 pm
carbo-veg 200
Dr.Anil Rai,
Doctors Center,
3rd floor,Hill-N-Dale Bldg, Next to Bandra police Stn, Hill Road,
Bandra(W), Mumbai 400050
+91 022 2640 0241
Time: 3 to 5 pm
arai 2 decades ago
I have been in good health except for being severely constipated for most of my adult life. I usually could only have a bowel movement every two to three days. I always had that uncomfortable full feeling with some bloating after eating. Friends were raving about the benefits of BR+ made by Yampa Valley Botanical because of its value as a preventative Herbal Complex for hardening of the arteries, and other effects of aging. I decided to try BR+ with only the idea of using it as a preventative health measure. I was amazed to find that after only a few days of use that my bowels became regular and daily for the first time in my adult life. The results have been so consistent and lasting that I wanted to let people know of this additional benefit, and ask that any other people who have tried BR+ have found similar results. I would ask that if any who read this blog have had a similar experience that they please post their experience on this site.
wassail last decade
the Biochemic salt Nat Phos 6x is your remedy. Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after lunch and dinner.
You will find that it helps the food to go down quickly and in your case your stools will be softened and you will soon have normal daily motions.
A bonus in using this remedy is that it is also used widely, after I discovered that it reduces weight. This reduction of weight will only occur if you do not take coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats containing saltpeter like sausages, bacon etc.
Please stop all other drugs and remedies if you use this remedy.
You will find that it helps the food to go down quickly and in your case your stools will be softened and you will soon have normal daily motions.
A bonus in using this remedy is that it is also used widely, after I discovered that it reduces weight. This reduction of weight will only occur if you do not take coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats containing saltpeter like sausages, bacon etc.
Please stop all other drugs and remedies if you use this remedy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe
Can Natrum Phosphoricum 6x be taken with Arnica (Wet dose) and Calcarea Fluorica 6x?
Can Natrum Phosphoricum 6x be taken with Arnica (Wet dose) and Calcarea Fluorica 6x?
sthillaiyah last decade
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe,
I am taking Cal Fluor 3x for my HBP for one month now. You may see my post under 'High Flood Pressure' on July 27, 2005. I am on allopathic medications for over a decade. My BP was high normal, 135/85 range. Since I started with Arnica Montana 6c (Wet dose) with Cal Fluorata 3x, my BP has droped down to 120/82, still not steady, up and down, some times it goes down to 112/74 and up 128/82, am on both, allopathy and Homeo. I take 'Novsac' 10mg 1 tab daily. I am watching my HP, I may reduce from 10mg to 5mg if the BP settle down at 120/80 range and continue with Arnica and Cla Flur. I must get off completely from Allopathy, am waiting for the right time.
By the way, Nat Phos must take daily or take whenever needed?
I am taking Cal Fluor 3x for my HBP for one month now. You may see my post under 'High Flood Pressure' on July 27, 2005. I am on allopathic medications for over a decade. My BP was high normal, 135/85 range. Since I started with Arnica Montana 6c (Wet dose) with Cal Fluorata 3x, my BP has droped down to 120/82, still not steady, up and down, some times it goes down to 112/74 and up 128/82, am on both, allopathy and Homeo. I take 'Novsac' 10mg 1 tab daily. I am watching my HP, I may reduce from 10mg to 5mg if the BP settle down at 120/80 range and continue with Arnica and Cla Flur. I must get off completely from Allopathy, am waiting for the right time.
By the way, Nat Phos must take daily or take whenever needed?
sthillaiyah last decade
I do not think that with the BP readings that you have recorded, you need any medication whatever except for the Arnica and perhaps the CALC FLUOR. You have not indicated your age but for the record my BP which I often check with a wrist type gauge is 125/79. BP is a very variable factor if you check it often, and it is only when the Diastolic goes above 90 that one has to take notice. BP is best taken lying flat in bed as the pressure readings vary depending on your posture.
Nat Phos may be taken twice daily as I indicated above as it will definitely help with your constipation. It is very safe in daily use.
Nat Phos may be taken twice daily as I indicated above as it will definitely help with your constipation. It is very safe in daily use.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe
I am happly to stop my allopathic medication rightaway. As you know, morethan a decade am on it. A sudden stop may cause problem, As a precautionary meassure I have decided a gradual withdrawal. You may agree on that.
I am 60 years old never been in a hospital. My doctor take my BP while I sit down on a bed, I do the same at home. Taking BP readings while lying down could be the best.
The BP Monitor I use is from Life Source, product No. UA 767. For more about this you may check www,
My constipation is not bothersome. I manage this with a high fiber drink, 1 or 2 banana and vegetable daily. I thought of trying Nat Phos.
I am on Arnica (wet dose) and Cal Fluor. I noticed, you
advised (August 18/05 above)to stop all other drugs and remedies if use Nat Phos. Is that advice was to stop only other similar medications?
I am happly to stop my allopathic medication rightaway. As you know, morethan a decade am on it. A sudden stop may cause problem, As a precautionary meassure I have decided a gradual withdrawal. You may agree on that.
I am 60 years old never been in a hospital. My doctor take my BP while I sit down on a bed, I do the same at home. Taking BP readings while lying down could be the best.
The BP Monitor I use is from Life Source, product No. UA 767. For more about this you may check www,
My constipation is not bothersome. I manage this with a high fiber drink, 1 or 2 banana and vegetable daily. I thought of trying Nat Phos.
I am on Arnica (wet dose) and Cal Fluor. I noticed, you
advised (August 18/05 above)to stop all other drugs and remedies if use Nat Phos. Is that advice was to stop only other similar medications?
sthillaiyah last decade
Glad to note that you have the correct approach to good health. Your eating bananas daily with a lot of veg is by far the best treatment.
Drink plenty of liquid and not from cans. Water will do. Exercise regularly.
Start on the Arnica 6c wet dose daily at night and you will note the change in your sleep pattern followed by a more alert, energetic outlook during the day. You will also observe that your BP will be lowered by this remedy if taken daily. Since you are sensitive about BP you can take a teaspoonful twice daily.
Nat Phos 6x after meals will help with your constipation and you have nothing to fear about stopping all other drugs you may be using. I am amazed at the number of tablets that people take on a daily basis because some doctor prescribed them when they were not required at all. Your BP tablet is a case in point.
I have not taken any drugs whatever since 2002 when I was in surgery and for about 25 years pre surgery. I am completely on Homeopathy which I promote to all who will listen and of course I use and recommend Arnica nightly.
You may use a Fish liver oil capsule daily. This helps.
A tip about BP gauges. Make sure that the batteries are at 1.5V. If they run down which they will do after about 50 readings, replace them. The little motor that pumps up the cuff drains them rapidly and low voltage gives a high reading as I discovered.
Glad to note that you have the correct approach to good health. Your eating bananas daily with a lot of veg is by far the best treatment.
Drink plenty of liquid and not from cans. Water will do. Exercise regularly.
Start on the Arnica 6c wet dose daily at night and you will note the change in your sleep pattern followed by a more alert, energetic outlook during the day. You will also observe that your BP will be lowered by this remedy if taken daily. Since you are sensitive about BP you can take a teaspoonful twice daily.
Nat Phos 6x after meals will help with your constipation and you have nothing to fear about stopping all other drugs you may be using. I am amazed at the number of tablets that people take on a daily basis because some doctor prescribed them when they were not required at all. Your BP tablet is a case in point.
I have not taken any drugs whatever since 2002 when I was in surgery and for about 25 years pre surgery. I am completely on Homeopathy which I promote to all who will listen and of course I use and recommend Arnica nightly.
You may use a Fish liver oil capsule daily. This helps.
A tip about BP gauges. Make sure that the batteries are at 1.5V. If they run down which they will do after about 50 readings, replace them. The little motor that pumps up the cuff drains them rapidly and low voltage gives a high reading as I discovered.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you Joe
Your advices are valuable. I like to add a little of my side.
Started yoga at my 16. Learned 3 years under supervision of a yogi, practised for over 20 years. Noisy and congested places were not suitable also long hours of works and responsibilities din't give me that much of freedom to do my yoga. And my motor vehicle accident early this year gave me a hard time, but continuing with streaching and ball exercises morning and evening every day.
Cut sugar, salt and faty food at age 40. No smoke or alchohol of any kind but red wine 1-2 glasses once or twice a year. Never drank water direct from a tab. Boiled and filtered or bottled water only. Never picked up coffee or other meals from a restorant (I know people from developed countries laugh at me, but this is very true)
I work 6 days a week never get tired (my work is not involve physical activities) On sundays, I spend my times 7 - 8 months a year at my own vegetable garden. During these periods I eat my own vegetables direct from my garden. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits daily and drink a couple of bottle of water.
Joe, I use re-chargable batteries, re-charge them every 10 days. It is true low battry will give wrong readings.
I am on Arnica wet dose, twice daily and Cal Fluor 3 times daily since 1st August. I will continue with both for another two months and keep with Arnica as long as I can. Next week, I am going to cut my allopathic medication by half and one month after the other half.
I feel am losing my memory, mostly names and spellings. And short time memory, like casual in nature not a daily rutine. Example; (1) To pick up some thing is not my daily routine, I will forget it. (2) Drive to some place before or after I go to my usual place. I will forget and drive direct to my usual place.
Do you or any body else have any idea?
Please advise.
Your advices are valuable. I like to add a little of my side.
Started yoga at my 16. Learned 3 years under supervision of a yogi, practised for over 20 years. Noisy and congested places were not suitable also long hours of works and responsibilities din't give me that much of freedom to do my yoga. And my motor vehicle accident early this year gave me a hard time, but continuing with streaching and ball exercises morning and evening every day.
Cut sugar, salt and faty food at age 40. No smoke or alchohol of any kind but red wine 1-2 glasses once or twice a year. Never drank water direct from a tab. Boiled and filtered or bottled water only. Never picked up coffee or other meals from a restorant (I know people from developed countries laugh at me, but this is very true)
I work 6 days a week never get tired (my work is not involve physical activities) On sundays, I spend my times 7 - 8 months a year at my own vegetable garden. During these periods I eat my own vegetables direct from my garden. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits daily and drink a couple of bottle of water.
Joe, I use re-chargable batteries, re-charge them every 10 days. It is true low battry will give wrong readings.
I am on Arnica wet dose, twice daily and Cal Fluor 3 times daily since 1st August. I will continue with both for another two months and keep with Arnica as long as I can. Next week, I am going to cut my allopathic medication by half and one month after the other half.
I feel am losing my memory, mostly names and spellings. And short time memory, like casual in nature not a daily rutine. Example; (1) To pick up some thing is not my daily routine, I will forget it. (2) Drive to some place before or after I go to my usual place. I will forget and drive direct to my usual place.
Do you or any body else have any idea?
Please advise.
sthillaiyah last decade
I believe that I have discovered the cause of your Hypertention.
You informed me that you use Rechargeable batteries, presumably NiCad or Ni M Hydride batteries in your BP monitor.
I wonder if you are aware that all rechargeable batteries are fully charged at 1.25 V while standard alkaline batteries are at 1.55 V unused.
Your digital BP gauge is caliberated to be used with standard non rechargeable batteries which are always at least at 1.5 V and this is, I believe the reason why you have got false BP readings and are taking all the drugs that you listed above for the last 10 years.
I shall be interested to learn what your BP readings are when you hopefully change to standard Alkaline batteries which in my experience last about 50 readings before they drop in voltage.
You mentioned in your last post that you tend to be forgetful and that your short time memory is affected. I believe that this is due to the drugs for your hypertension that you are taking and you will notice that when you stop taking all drugs, your memory will return to normal.
As I have informed you I am 76 years old and I do not notice any problems with my memory which I believe one has to use by training the mind not to let go by imagining that one is getting old and above the biblical span allocated in life to 3 score years and 10.
You informed me that you use Rechargeable batteries, presumably NiCad or Ni M Hydride batteries in your BP monitor.
I wonder if you are aware that all rechargeable batteries are fully charged at 1.25 V while standard alkaline batteries are at 1.55 V unused.
Your digital BP gauge is caliberated to be used with standard non rechargeable batteries which are always at least at 1.5 V and this is, I believe the reason why you have got false BP readings and are taking all the drugs that you listed above for the last 10 years.
I shall be interested to learn what your BP readings are when you hopefully change to standard Alkaline batteries which in my experience last about 50 readings before they drop in voltage.
You mentioned in your last post that you tend to be forgetful and that your short time memory is affected. I believe that this is due to the drugs for your hypertension that you are taking and you will notice that when you stop taking all drugs, your memory will return to normal.
As I have informed you I am 76 years old and I do not notice any problems with my memory which I believe one has to use by training the mind not to let go by imagining that one is getting old and above the biblical span allocated in life to 3 score years and 10.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I received the email alert to Minsa's reply and discovered that I had misspelt the word Hypertension in the first line of my post.
This should of course read as HYPERTENSION.
This should of course read as HYPERTENSION.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Stck.
I get read all the replies in your answer.
I get medicine for you here...hops that will come more & more cureabel like to your bowls actavity.
Kali Mur=6x
Calcaria phos=3x
the two above mentioned bio chamic pills are much favourabel in chronic constipation like what your bearing.
take five pills from each bottel before & after every meal with warm water & continue it for seven days & than post the result you get meet with
Thanks & have best
I get read all the replies in your answer.
I get medicine for you here...hops that will come more & more cureabel like to your bowls actavity.
Kali Mur=6x
Calcaria phos=3x
the two above mentioned bio chamic pills are much favourabel in chronic constipation like what your bearing.
take five pills from each bottel before & after every meal with warm water & continue it for seven days & than post the result you get meet with
Thanks & have best
doctorishtiaq last decade
Dear Joe,
It is very interesting, you went too far and too detail. Where do you find that much of time and patience? You have alerted very one using BP Monitors. The battery type shoud be alkaline, and the number of readings that stand 180, as per the specification.
I am using Ni M type rechargable batteries. I go and check them all once again and change the battery type to standard and see the response of monitor.
Thank you
It is very interesting, you went too far and too detail. Where do you find that much of time and patience? You have alerted very one using BP Monitors. The battery type shoud be alkaline, and the number of readings that stand 180, as per the specification.
I am using Ni M type rechargable batteries. I go and check them all once again and change the battery type to standard and see the response of monitor.
Thank you
sthillaiyah last decade
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