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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acid reflux possiable GERD

My son is 3 months old. He has always spit up after been feed. Right now he is give breastmilk from a bottle due to him not latching on. not every day but lately he will be very hungry but will not take the bottle. He arches his back, cries and will turn his head back and forth try to get away from the bottle. He will eventually fall asleep and I will be able to feed him. But even his naps he has been fighting too. He sleep pretty good at night wake 2-3 times to eat.

I do not eat any dairy, I do drink coffee and have try to cut down to eventually cut it out of my diet all together.

My son does poop every day. it is yellow seedy with a little bit of mucus. when he does spit up it is also mucusy. it looks like he might also have a little bit of eczema.

Any help is appreciated. TIA!
  YvonneGut on 2013-09-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

[message deleted by simone717 on Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:45:49 BST]
simone717 last decade
Hello YvonneGut.

I would like to help you with your son.
May I ask where you are from?

Some questions:
1 Does he like to be carried around?
2 When you mention this with eczema, where is this located?
3 Are there any peculiar odor of feces?
4 Disposion to cry and rage?

Other things you want to mention?

R. Flemming
Parakletos last decade
Sorry I am in the USA I live in south carolina.

I called up the whole food market here and they said they did not sell the hylands nat phos 6x. I'm guessing I will have to order it online. Was hoping to get it today and start the treatment. I saw a post last night that made me come here. I really don't want to put my son on medicine (my daughter also had Reflux and was on prevacid, she had to be on it for a whole year)
YvonneGut last decade
He loves to be carried around, he is over 15lbs already so it is sometimes hard on my body to do so. I also have two other children. I do have a ergo.

eczema on his face and the his elbows

odor on feces nope.

over all he is a very happy baby so it is hard to see him cry when I know he is hungry. he really only cries when it is time to eat again.

Most of the time I do have to wait for him to fall asleep to feed him.
YvonneGut last decade
Hello again.
I have several patients in the U.S., but not in South Carolina. :-)

Ok Then it is not nat phos that your son needs, but Chamomilla

R. Flemming
[message edited by Parakletos on Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:16:36 BST]
Parakletos last decade
You can give him a dose of Chamomilla 30C. Preferably half an hour before food.

Take 3 pills in a small glass of water, let them be until they are dissolved. Stir with a clean teaspoon, and give him a teaspoonful of this mixture. Wait about 3 hours and see what happens. No improvement, give a teaspoon of the same mixture. Remember clean teaspoon each time. same procedure.
If you experience an improvement, wait, do not give more. Is it worse again you can give a second dose. A maximum of 10 doses.

Parakletos last decade
for the chamomilla how much should I give him and for how long??

him being fussy is not every day. it is kinda weird he can go days being ok and then he gets so bad and doesn't want to eat and is fussy for 1-2 day and then is back to normal again.

also his eczema is not very noticeable, the only way you can tell is if you touch his face and it is not smooth like the rest.
YvonneGut last decade
As described above.

It's pretty early, but it may have something to do with teeth. Usually, no teeth before 5 months of age, however process can begin long before.
Parakletos last decade

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