The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chronic enlarged tonsils and nasal discahrge, child 13 Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Never stains. My sweat never stains. During nghtime, it s like water pouring out of my body, armpit sweats does not stain but smell s bad, like nervous sweat. I don t know how to describe smell. My cat lves it though ...
nanou last decade
Sometimes i think my pillow is yellow even though i don t sweat from head or hair, unlike husband. Atools can be very smelly...
nanou last decade
Maybe ine more detail although i feel not at night, esp. Legs and feet, i m never red. My face is always pale.
nanou last decade
Please take a dose of Phosphorus 200c. Just one single dose. Not daily.
One dose is one pill.
Report back with changes observed.
One dose is one pill.
Report back with changes observed.
fitness last decade
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