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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Baby Reflux and Eczema

Hi all,

I am in need of some real help. My beautiful 5 month old daughter is really struggling with reflux. I am unsure of what kind it is (defo not silent) but she is really struggling and is often in alot of pain. She hardly sleeps throughout the day and her longest nap is about 25 mins and that's only twice a day. At night she is up between 6-10 times and often wakes up absolutely hysterical. Both myself and my wife are sure it's the reflux thats causing the disturbance with her sleep at night as we can often hear her swallowing in her sleep. We have been to the doctors who prescribed baby gaviscon (this makes her constipated) and also some renetadine niether of which are making a significant difference. She throws up after nearly every single feed and the vomiting is often projectile. Being first time parents it is difficult, although my wife is doing a great job and I must admit is stronger than me. I can't bare to see my little baby in pain. On top of that she suffers from baby eczema and has had a recent flare up. I am a psoriasis sufferer and my wife suffered from mild eczema so I guess the poor thing was doomed from the offset. I would welcome any advice for both issues.

Thanks for you time in advance.
  NewDadYusuf on 2013-10-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Yusuf,

I can help you with this. The reflux is an acute condition and no
one really knows the cause of it. It usually passes on its own in
a matter of weeks.The main remedy for colic when there is
vomiting of milk is Called Aethusa. You can order it off this site
if you are in Usa-I don't know how hard it is for you to get
remedies?? Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy ships worldwide- let me
know if you need help here.

You need to order it in 30c and then dissolve 3 pellets in a couple
tablespoons of water.Give this every 4 hours unless you see
improvement. If you see improvement, stop and let the remedy
work and do not give more unless symptoms come back. You can
try this out 3 times, and if there is no effect, it is the wrong
remedy and another one needs to be tried out.

For vomiting and milk intolerance the main remedies are Aethusa first,
then Mag Phos, Cal Carb or Lycopodium. So if there is a problem
ordering and getting remedies I wanted you to know that in case
you have to wait for days to get them.

After this is handled, we can move on to the eczema.

Just fyi, anyone can post on a thread here, and you can only follow
one prescription/person at a time, It gets confusing for a patient if
other people start posting things and people do not collaborate on
here or work together. If you want to email me about any of this
you can click my name and see my profile and email address.


[message edited by simone717 on Thu, 31 Oct 2013 23:48:59 GMT]
simone717 last decade
I'd not prescribe unless I know the answers to some questions. Once we know that, we can reach the remedy required.

If you are interested so that I can prescribe, here are the questions:

Is she breastfed

Do you make her birp after every feed before laying her down

What is weight of the baby and her appearance (chubby, thin etc.)

How does she behave most of the time (irritable etc)

How does she behave when having reflux

How do you calm her

Does she cry a lot most of the time or is fine

Is she colicky
fitness last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade

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