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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

7 yr old having allergic rhinititis/ sinusitis

My 7 year old girl was dignosed with many food allergies when she was 1.5 yrs old and had many episodes of asthama attacks.She used to be on nebulizers almost all the time. Since she has been 5 years, the attacks have lowered but her allergies have triggered more. She has constantly nose blockage (almost thoughout the year) (sinusitis/ allergic rhinititis). As a side effect shes blinking one eye unconsiously, her lip gets pulled up sometimes unconsiously too. She is irritated all the time. There is hardly any mucous and she just cant breathe. I have been giving her arsenicum album 30 and nux vomica30 and R49 (10 drops at a time) 3 times a day but it is not helping. I read about allium cepa, R84 and many more and confused as to what to give her. Please help me out as my girl is struggling badly with breathing.
  MeenalDusad on 2013-11-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please describe the nature and personality of the child, her food cravings, thermal preferences, likes and dislikes, fears and dreams and any peculiar habbits etc.

Also, describe the most recent symptoms in detail and how she feels with it.

What's the colour of the phlegm?

What makes the sufferings worse and what makes it better?

Does it have any time modality?

What are the accompanying symptoms?
rishimba last decade
She is very energetic kid but recently I see it going down. She constantly asks me for food (almost every hour or two). She likes bread,cereal,apple(all fruits),pizza. But I give her vegetable soup every morning and fruits in evening and lunch and dinner - rice/lentil form, chapati/ roti and vegetable curry. Recently inspite of her not eating junk, I have seen increase in weight and her stomach has bulged out.
There is no phlegm. She just cant breathe. If I ask her to clean her nose,nothing comes out.
Nothing makes it worse or better. Her nose is blocked all the time.
Sometimes when she is sleeping, there are few times when nose opens (but very rare).
Accompanying symptoms - weight gain, stomach bulges out, she winks her one eye and lip at times, irritated, little lazy and lethargic
MeenalDusad last decade
Please try AMMONIUM CARB 30C two doses a day, each dose every 12 hours for 3 days maximum.

Please stop all other medicines or homeo remedies.

If you see any response in a week, please post them here for the future course of action.
rishimba last decade

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