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just some updates:
last night i was on the phone with my wife wanted to check the effects of pulsatilla.
as i get aroused when i talk sexually and think about it even on the phone, text etc. as usual sticky, colorless discharge was on my underpants and then i went to wash it in the washroom. this time sticky discharge in urine was very less and it stopped after few drops of urination as compared to the past when i had a long thread of sticky liquid discharged in urine. and also i had to stress/strain a bit for stool, after little bit stool i felt air came out and felt like watery bubbles came out of my rectum but nothing fall down in the toilet commode. when i touched my rectum, it was blood.
today in the evening my stool was normal but felt no bubbly sensation. just to confirm i again checked it was blood.
please note. last year i had the same blood problem before i started my homeopathy treatment. and last year i had blood after when i had redish marks on my bladder skin. this year again my bladder seems bit reddish as it looks its not in its healthy state.
so i think it could be because of bladder and not because of pulsatilla!
please help
[message edited by earth on Thu, 26 Dec 2013 23:27:07 GMT]
earth last decade
i have been drinking lots of water since yesterday. i didn't get any blood in stool anymore. may be it was a spot inside of recturm( may be its called haemorroid?) because of dehydration.
i have started my doses from yesterday i will update u when i will finish.
earth last decade
today fifth day of psorinum.
changes felt could be from nux vomica or psorinum i don't know
but here is the summary.

changes felt:
1. left eye getting watery consistantly again.

2. running nose( it could've been because of weather also but i feel its because of mucus membrane and also linked with water in the eye).

3.again feeling softness in the body muscles.

4.flatulance is still there.

5.belly size is still big and full of gas.

5.red marks on bladder are still there.

6.my wisdom teeth have started to come out. it happend also when i used acid phos, max sol etc but it stopped coming out when i stopped the remedies.

7.MAIN PROBLEM PROSTATORHEA IS STILL THERE. liquid discharge is not better than when i used pulsatilla. but my urine is clearer from start to end.

doctor have you read all my symptoms in the link what i mentioned at the start of my thread?
please also note i feel sick/headache/drowsey in warm heating environment specially in moving vehicle bus/car etc. can't sit in opposite direction in car/bus as i get headache and sick eventually. i feel good in cold weather. can't cover my head even in cold weather as my body gets too hot and get headache.

i have had 3 doses 6 pills/dose already for nux vomica and 1 more week to go.
earth last decade
i didn't get any reply from you. are you still leading my treatment?

last time i mentioned u blood after stool.
today it has started again. when i strain mucus comes out after stool and blood with it. few drops fall in the water so i could see.
it happened to me at the same time last year as well.
earth last decade
Take 'arsenic alb 30c' 8 drops in 30ml luke warm water 3 times in a day. (only 3 doses) wait for 24 hrs then take 1 dose only.

Total 4 doses. Do not take further dose and wait for 5 days.

Report after 5 days.

Dr. Rahat
Dr. Rahat last decade
Thanks for replying.
I ve researched my symptoms and they refer them to haemorrhoid. I think I've had em for long time but in past they were temporarily suppressed by remedies and last year when I was treated with with acid phos but for prostatorrhea. When I touch area between rectum and scrotum, I feel many small veins together inside the skin but it wasn't like this months ago.
Doctor do u think my inflated belly is a sign of liver, spleen or gall bladder disorder?? In my family 80% have had gall bladder stones and surgically removed. What do u think in my case? Please reply to this.
I still got my last dose of Nux tonight. Shall I take it or leave it?
earth last decade
I didn't use arsenic as I got very ill 10 days ago. I have bloody haemorrhoids and also mucus after stool if I strain on the toilet. I had to strain as I have regular constipation. These days I m on laxatives. N taking fibre in my foods.
Since this mucus and haemorrhoid problem I m feeling something strange. When my penis is erect, I could feel vein big and hard starting from back of penis head through scrotum and all the way to rectum. It wasn't like this before.
earth last decade
fyi-the post on jan 8th from Dr. Rahat
was his last post on here.He has not responded to other threads and he does
not list his email, so no one knows what happened to him.

If you want please start a new thread and someone will retake your case.
simone717 last decade
thanks simone.
i started this thread and asked any doctor to take my case. as its a long thread and has got all my treatment and history. if you like you can take from here or anyone reliable doc could help me from here.
earth last decade
after using last remedies i have had severe constipation and area around rectum is feeling hard and little painful. veins are felt bit hard or inflammed too.
earth last decade

do you Dr. Rahat's contact information?
agriz last decade
no i don't have any Dr's information
earth last decade
dr rahat are you back?
sonics last decade

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