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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Boiron Gasalia ®:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

persistent belching out of gas or wind

In 1999, after a month of sever flu and feverish condition, under the advice of a MD I took antibiotic 500 mg. Two weeks later I developed a severe short of breath. I noticed that this sort of breath was due to trapped gas or wind in my stomach or abdomen. So, I had to press hard hard over the stomach area in order to push the gas out. I also notice that this belching out of gas would greatly reduced my sortness of breath. I could complete the breathing in and out like normal person. Whenever I took in citrus fruits, fermented fruits and foodstuffs, or drank iced cubes, iced-cold drinks and sodas, within minutes my sortness of breath recurred. Winter weather did not help me at all. After 6 months of homeopathic treatment my sortness of breath, tonsilitis and itchy throat were all gone.

Eventhough for the past four years I lead quite normal life, still, occasionally especially whenever I take some of these fruits and foods my sortness of breath occurs. Lately, I drink once a day Chamomile teain order to relieve bloating and belching out gas.

For the last 3 weeks bloating, belching out gas and sortness in breath recur continously. Now, this bloating and sortness in breathing recur within less than ten minutes after eating or having meals. especially dinner time around 6 pm. This time it is quite difficult to belching out gas. I have to put considerable pressure over the stomach area to push gas out of my mouth. Around this time with or without having meal or dinner, by around 6 pm I notice the recurrance of sortness of breath and in order to relive this I have to press harder over the stomach area.
  topol123 on 2005-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nat Phos 6x (Biochemic) is your remedy.

Dose 2 tablets taken after lunch and dinner or whenever you feel unfomfortable with the build up of gas.

You must obviously avoid all acidic foods and beverages which you know will affect you adversely.
Joe De Livera last decade
Another instance of the harm caused by the use of antibiotics.

When will people realise that antibiotics do more harm than good -- they can also cause osteoporosis!
walkin last decade
i think "lycopodium" will be the best remedy for you, because this remedy has the key symptom " reliefon passing the gass"
take lycopodicum 200, only 1 dose and after 2 days ,take sulpher 200 1 dose before breakfast, and do not repeat these medicine again, then tell me about the progress.
dr sajid.
drsajid last decade

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