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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


hello sir,
i am suffering from constipation last couple of month.
my stomach not clear at morning.
i discharge a very small amount of stool in morning.
please suggest me a good medicine to clear my stomach in morning.

name- ribhu panwar
height- 5.7
weight 81kg
  ribhupanwar on 2014-01-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi, please fill this form http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/188925 and someone will help you soon
bonton last decade
1) constipation-small amount of stool discharge in morning
2) no other physical suffering
3)no other mental suffering
4)in worst situation stool doesn't discharge for day or 2 days
5)i am suffering from this 1 or 2 year but situation is bad from last c2 months
6)worst in morning time
7)i didnot fount anything which help me.
8)it is not related to external stimuli
9) i feel same in every whether

10)i am very emotional person
11)no failure except to archive my goals

12)i like sweets etc
13) thirst is normal
14) hunger is normal
15) oily food not suits me
16) yes my sweat is normal.
17) i feel bowel but i
discharge stool some time hard and some time normal but but in SMALL AMOUNT.
18) i sleep approx 8 hr and
no fix posture of sleeping.
19)i think i am able to satisfy my sexual desires in general
20) i think i am same like others

21) i have taken only ayurvedic trifla churna
22) no major disease in my family
23) already descibe
ribhupanwar last decade
Is the stool in tiny pellets?
Is it little but long narrow?

Describe it.

Have you had any antibiotics in the last couple years?
or any other allopathic medicine ?
Describe what your tongue looks like?

Do you walk or exercise at all for a half hour a day?


simone717 last decade
hello Simone717,
sometime it is tiny pellets but most of the time it is normal.
and it is small and discharge within 20 or 30 second.

i didn't take any antibiotic in last couple of year and go regularly gym for workout.

my tongue colour is white in every morning before cleaning it
ribhupanwar last decade
someone please help
ribhupanwar last decade
waiting for suggestion
shikha jain last decade
Please take Nux-Vomica-30 five drops three times a day and report after 3 days.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
thanks doctor i will report after 3 days
ribhupanwar last decade
hello dr.mahfooz your medicine give me relief , should i continue this
ribhupanwar last decade

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