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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

GERD/Acid reflux in 7 weels old baby Page 2 of 2

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Thanks simone I found it in a local 'Vitamin Shopee' store ,It says 10 on the front .
[message edited by whoami on Thu, 30 Jan 2014 02:39:01 GMT]
whoami last decade
Yes I gave her nat phos for a week or two she actually was spitting up much less but as I read about nat phos to lose weight I was concerned and stopped with it, I want to give it to her again but just need to know if it wouldn't make her lose weight, she is on pregestimil to gain weight but as she spits up so much it is not helping.
fafagriswold last decade
imo, Nat-P is promoted by Joe but its not the remedy of choice for all cases of GERD.

Homeopathy is specific to each person and so each baby's remedy for GERD should be accordingly selected.

Having said that, you are free to choose and do as you decide.
fitness last decade
Hi, my 6 week old baby has been showing signs of such discomfort. He is a very hungry baby and is a very healthy size however, after every feed we try to burp him for over an hour with little success and the whole time he will be arching his back and squirming around all stiff in discomfort. He vomits very little, but has recently started bubbling/foaming at the mouth. He also sticks out his tongue constantly and pulls a face as though he has a sour taste in his mouth. I am solely breastfeeding, my milk seems to come out very fast and it sounds like he takes in a lot of air whilst he's eating. He also gets a very stuffy congested nose throughout the day in and off. I would really really appreciate any advice/guidance with this as I really don't know what to do.
Rachaelnoa 9 years ago
You should post your child's case separately rather than attaching it here. Very few people will look at this post if it is not tagged as a case they are interested in or are managing.
Evocationer 9 years ago

to post your own treatment thread just
go to the front forum page. Look above
the first post- where it has a button-
Post new Topic.
simone717 9 years ago

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