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Hyper Acidity and Chest Pain

i am suffering from hyperacidity since last 4-5 years, once i had amibiosis (colytis) and since then it started, and i got oesophagel ulceration and then get too much depressed, now i quite come out from all these but still acidic problem remains and some time it get worse, having extreme chest pain at middle.
  ravica on 2005-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Your remedy is Nat Sulph 6x (Biochemic).

2 tablets taken after lunch and dinner but in your case you may also take 2 after breakfast since you have been suffering from GERD for the last 5 years.

Eat small meals only as your stomach will have to get used to the new therapy and I believe that in 3 months you can do without the medication.

Stop all other drugs etc that you are now taking.
Joe De Livera last decade
Please read the first line in my last post as

Your remedy is NAT PHOS 6x (Biochemic).
Joe De Livera last decade
thanks a lot for your reply, i will try and come back to you.
ravica last decade
i had tried Nat Phos 6X last two days and really finding a bit relief now, but pls tell me is this medicine cause excess sleepiness, as i am feeling the same in the moring and feel fags in awakening.
ravica last decade
I have had some reports that the Nat Phos promotes deeper sleep than usual.

I believe that this is due to the acceleration of the digestive process which reduces the acidity levels in the stomach and gut which in turn promotes deep sleep.

Please note that this is only my theory but I feel that I am correct as this acceleration also results in the loss of weight by about 1 pound per week without causing any distress whatever.

If however your extra sleepiness is causing you any distress you have the answer in your hand which is to stop the remedy and suffer the discomfort from your hyperacidity.
Joe De Livera last decade
i will stop taking the medicine, and tell me whether i can take the medicine SOS, means whenever i feel much required and do not fear to distress of sleep.
also i am already weak by weight and body, so if weight being lose that also need to be taken care of, pls advice if another remedy for weight gain together.
ravica last decade
Yours is an unusual case with Hyperacidity which you confirmed was controlled by Nat Phos 6x but which you cannot use due to it promoting deep sleep.

You can use just 1 tablet instead of 2 and see how it helps with your ailment. Or use it SOS when you feel acidic in your stomach. Eat small meals but more often as this too will help you.

You are also advised to take Arnica 6c in the water dose where you dissolve 3 globules of Arnica in 500ml water and after succussion sip 1 teaspoonful twice daily. This will help your body to recover and hopefully also cure your gastric problem.
Joe De Livera last decade
ravica last decade
o.k i will try it. and one thing to tell you i feel much acidity in oesophagel than in stomach. and chest pain,
ravica last decade
You have every reason to use Nat Phos 6x as this is salvation for your condition. Your sleep problem pales into insignificance and you will have to get used to controlling it.

I hope that you realize that this constant erosion of the sphincter valve in the lower esophagus will eventually lead to surgery which is not the answer for your problem and cannot cure you.

Only Nat Phos 6x will.
Joe De Livera last decade
thanks a lot i gets benefited with natrum phos 6 x (time to time)
but really feels weak.
pls help me more
ravica last decade
i m havin chest pain due to acidity
kapil01agrawal last decade

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